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Everything posted by captaingamez

  1. I bought a Silla, cheap bitch works awesome. Also has lifetime warranty so IF something does happen, it doesnt matter, I already paid for it once.
  2. I would kill for a Kawasaki H2, 80hp 2 stroke tripple, on a frame with the rigidity of a moped.
  3. That would be a very dead cat if that was my house A VERY dead cat.
  4. this generation of Evo is ugly. But at least it doesnt come factory rice like the STi does.
  6. Always believe the French. Always.
  7. Someone said IDx is roman numerals for 510
  8. That is all %100 percent true, no denying here.
  9. Answer based upon calculation? 17,507 FT/LB of Torque
  10. Damn. More importantly for that though, how much Torque does it put out?
  11. Hydrogen in general and Oxygen seems like the most realistic solution to our problems of energy consumption. However the world would rather shift polution to another source instead of invest in some new fangled energy source that is not tested very well because of lack of funding as a whole. The point is we need FUELS, electric is not a FUEL, it requires FUEL to produce, that is the opposite of the direction we need to go transportation wise. When electric can do this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=64BCcNyAvxU I will be interested, But Hydrogen can do ten times this^, in a smaller package, when harnessed properly, Ever heard of Bikini Atoll? Imagine that power harnessed in a drag car.......
  12. To be clear I am not entirely opposed to electric, I just am opposed to our current power infrastructure. If we would invest in it and meke it reliable and secure, and if we can make power environmental, and not able to be taken out by any 5 guys with AK47s, then yes, electric has a future. I dont however think that the combustion engine will just die, I believe we will see the innovation within it that we SHOULD have seen 40 years ago and nobody cared. Gasoline engines at 2.0 liters should be getting 200 mpg, not 35, we have let tech pass us by and its appalling. We need to concentrate on India and China being more environmentally friendly if we EVER want to clean up this planet, because they are the number one problem and they arent even thinking about doing anything about it right now. But your point about Musk is essentially how I feel about him as well. If they can make the cars environmentally friendly to produce then that would help too, since manufacturing is the major polluter in the world, not cars. And currently it takes up to 3x the ammount of energy to build a hybrid or electric car than a regular old gas one. Fix that and they will be miles ahead too. I was substantially more interested in fuel cell/internal hydrogen/oxygen combustion, since those things are naturally occuring chemicals and can essentially run in a internal combustion engine with enough compression, they also put oput water, would not be dificult to work on or involve 10,000 volt electric shock, and all mechanics today could be easily retrained to work on hydrogen combustion motors, since they would work off the same principals, except put out water as emissions. Theres other options that dont require mass ammounts of highly polutive materials like copper, solar panels, magnets, plastic, ect, ect.
  13. These came in the mail today. Lowering springs for 280zx. I ordered KYB stock rear shocks. I am hoping I have stock struts in the front so I can throw some 40 weight in them and be good, Otherwise I will get KYBs there too.
  14. Ok the final piece of info for correctly converting the 910/Maxima from Auto to 5 speed. The clutch switch must be changed to a brake switch, the clutch switch is on when the pedal is not pushed, the brake is on when the pedal is pushed. The auto has an inhibitor relay which must be on for the car to start, but off for the cruise control to work. To make it give power to the starter, you must provide it with a closed circut from the inhibitor switch on the auto (or the clutch switch in our case) So instead of using the clutch switch, you use a brake switch in its place, they are the same size and thread. Brake on left clutch on right, $10.99 at Autozone.
  15. yours? if so, why didny u craigslist it?
  16. Hell if runs Tesla and it turns out like Paypal is (continuously raising rates and providing less service at a crappier level) that will be tons of fun...... Then theres spaceX (wheres the emoticon for jacking off in the air in mockery??)
  17. Says the guy who then posts a video of two massive gas guzzlers The "electric is clean" argument is grasping at more straws than the "lets stop driving cars that get 10mpg as daily drivers" argument Its also grasping at some serious straws that producing any electric car in the world is actually energy effecient, and that cars are the actual polution problem (they are not, facts rule) Its most severely grasping at straws to even think that any of this will effect the two leading polluters in the world, India and China, where people want ultra cheap transport, not electric crap that costs an arm and a leg and isnt long term reliable like a 1985 Mercedes diesel. Magnets, solar panels, copper, plastic, aluminium, electricity thats a list of shit that is extremely UN-entironmentally-friendly right now (also halfo of which comes from the number one polluters in the world) I take positions because they are correct, not because they grab attention. I say good luck with fucking Exxon, since they havent been in business for about 15 years now. (called Exxonmobil now, and they meke pretty good gasoline/oil products) Do I know who he is? yeah some rich dickbag with moronic lame-brained ideas, like a tunnel between LA and NY that will travel you faster than the human body can actually withstand Genius!! I nearly died of suffocating laughter after calculating the required g forces and/or energy expendature, hilarious that any person with a brain took that seriously. IMHO hes just a successful version of Paul Moller
  18. Nice, I dream of having my own some day. Shit in Phoenix you can find a nice used one thats less than 8 years old for like 1500 or less sometimes. But I would need to own a shop first.....
  19. What car has a really long power antenna?

    1. heretic


      long as in tall?

    2. jrock4224
    3. captaingamez


      Like the third fourth gen maximas?

  20. I believe it is, but 6 is synthetic, and can increase the potential for leaks.
  21. Thanks man! Today I fixed my cruise control....Yes thats right, I have cruise control that works, in a 30 year old car, lolol. Winning.....
  22. 30 year old, working cruise control.

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