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Everything posted by 68Datsun510

  1. Thought about fixing my speedometer, then fell asleep in the datsun. Been a long day i guess...

  2. Ive been running my rear brakes like this for years with ZERO issues. Once they are bled, you basically forget they are there. E-brake setup still works great too. I live on a horrible dirt road, and have had no clearance issues of any kind. I do notice that your control arms have more clearance for the e-brake pivot than mine. Mine are 68 arms. Guess thats the difference.
  3. Felt http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/DATSUN-STANZA-A10-160J-510-4DOOR-GLASS-Channel-Felt-Run-_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQhashZitem27b38da2d4QQitemZ170516128468QQptZMotorsQ5fCarQ5fTruckQ5fPartsQ5fAccessories Door Seals: http://cgi.ebay.com/DATSUN-510-SSS-4-DOORS-WEATHER-STRIP-SEAL-RUBBER-4PCS-/160555862172?pt=Motors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&hash=item2561e0089c ANyone use em?? Results?
  4. 68Datsun510

    Datsun 521

    SICK! Z18ET!!!!
  5. Definitely subscribing to this thread
  6. Pussy MAGNET dude!!! And its a DATSUN! The wheels will NEVER FALL OFF!!!
  7. 68Datsun510

    Canby 2011

    I shoulda known There was a PedoBear amongst the Ratsuners!
  8. 68Datsun510

    Canby 2011

    Bahahah, no graping! Children will be present! :P Girlfriends sis is tagging along with us.
  9. 68Datsun510

    Canby 2011

    Oh. I assumed that after ten there was no hope of getting in, and i haz a campsite too.
  10. New cars break down too, and anything 90's is now at least ten years old. And when 'modern' vehicles break, they cost a shit ton more to fix. I say stick it out yo!! You have one slick truck, it takes time, money and effort to get your datto to daily driver status, and when its there, its sooo cool. I drive my dime daily! It took a lot of work but its so worth it. /rant =)
  11. 68Datsun510

    Canby 2011

    My convoy trip is in Limbo as of now, works tryin to reneg my Friday off i requested 6 months ago. If I lose this "battle" i will be forced to show up in town around 1am Saturday morning!!! NOT HAPPY! Hoping to hear good news in a week. Schedule day. =) Wish me luck!
  12. THis cars awesome! Kept up with everyone on I-5 to Ginos swap meet at over 90!!!! Vic knows how to drive it hard! :P
  13. Need MOAR $$$$$$ Lol.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. 68Datsun510


      WHo needs a whore when you got a DatsunGirl!

    3. philcas1987


      But what about the 4 door?

    4. 68Datsun510


      If i was single that would be a different story, same for YOU!

  14. Victory need a Pictory

  15. Great story! Makes me wanna get my 521 goin...
  16. Canby cometh quickly, Theo better be done quick so you can get him aligned!!! =D
  17. 68Datsun510

    Canby 2011

    There will be much graping ollz
  18. Indy your killin me, had i known you were gonna sell something like this i wouldnt have built my 1900! lOL!
  19. http://datsun1200.com/modules/mediawiki/index.php?title=Exhaust_Manifold#Dual_Outlet
  20. Scored some euro lenses from Troy Ermish at Gino's swap meet, installed em today. I like!
  21. 68Datsun510

    Canby 2011

    19 Days till we roll from Sacramento!!!
  22. Such small pictures, i cant even see them!
  23. Oh the question lingers!!! Rebuild my J13, get a J15, or go L... Decisions decisions!!
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