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Everything posted by FoxyRoadster

  1. Tell you piss on the wrong guys tree, and he opens fire. :lol:
  2. Now if only they could produce fuel from it, DC would give opec a run for its money.
  3. I hate buying stale ass candy from gas stations, man this sucks I wanted to enjoy my sour punch straws.

    1. Dguy210
    2. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      ass candy from gas man ?

  4. I'm just laughing cause maybe a few grand in fencing could have saved 38k. :lol:
  5. I'm glad OK has a special registration for plates over 21 years old.. You guys in cali need to push for such a thing to be done, pretty much here any old plate long as its not already registered can be registered just like a vanity plate.
  6. Hmm, N/A 4 cylinder that does 250hp with compression change.. Tempting but quad 4 lol.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. FoxyRoadster


      apparently more work then I originally thought but the only expensive parts is getting the custom pistons and rods along with machine work. Rest is using a mix of 2.3 and 2.4 quad parts.

    3. DRIVEN


      The "quad stroker"? I agree -too much work. They are tough to put in a Datsun too. TALLLL. Just finished that swap in my wagon.

    4. FoxyRoadster


      Well considering the cost compared to an SR20 and being N/A I'd say its not that much work, especially when I have an M22 4 speed laying around.

  7. You'd think they would put a fence up far enough away to prevent people from pissing in the water supply...
  8. If you havent seen this roadster then you are missing out on what I think is the second most awesome one ever. http://img848.imageshack.us/img848/473/roadster1.jpg

    1. Pumpkn210


      Didnt click on it, but commenting anyway!

    2. FoxyRoadster
    3. NOTES...
  9. I need to buy the stuff to work with fiberglass again, thinking 10" wide wheels on the roadster

  10. Heres the harness for a 70 http://www.311s.org/PDFs/1969-70%20Datsun%20SP%20L_R%20Sports%20Wiring%20Schematic%20rev9.pdf
  11. County took all my money. On the bright side though I've got plenty to do on cars to keep me busy.
  12. means you need a manslav..errr husband.
  13. Now don't get me wrong, I get plenty of good customers that they call in have the information they need, explain the problem out, do the diagnosing and then either the internet works or its dispatched to further repair. It is just so many people assume because they pay for a service they can be completely ignorant and treat anyone like trash because "I pay for this service!" or just completely ignore the tech they called for help.
  14. Well if you started your call off like this post no offense but you'd be like some of the people I've dealt with.
  15. Couldnt find them listed on their site
  16. lol well I know they come in datsun thread a shop in the UK has them, I'mma call a few rota dealers that supply datsun parts I'm sure I'll find a place to order them. Though I have a feeling most of the datto community is gonna be like *facepalm* if I go through with the flares on a roadster. but lol but Adam Carolla's BRE Roadster has me beat to the punch. As for the real wheels the hayashi yayoi, they still make them just expect around 2500-3k for a set.
  17. I've got plans for some wide flares if I can find a set. Now all I need to do is find some star shaped tail lights.
  18. Thanks but need them in the datto lug patern of 4 x 114.3
  19. I'm looking for a place that are selling these stateside, I so want a pair for the roadster.
  20. Why must I be brrrroooke, that would look classy in my roadster!
  21. Keep the ISP from being involved with a lawsuit from the company that owns it. They normally won't go after a customer if their service is canceled. I'm not from India, speak with a southern draw but get treated the same as they do really.
  22. I'm not really pointing this at anyone here but this is just a bit of a rant about people I deal with daily.. First off, being on the phone the golden rule applies remember this. Normally I do care about your problem even if I don't sound like it, otherwise I'd have just hung up on your ass. I get paid regardless of if you have service or not and threatening me with canceling the service isn't going to help you, it will just get you an "I'm sorry you feel that way, but you'll have to talk to these people to cancel." Not saying you have to treat the person on the phone like a god.. Just remember they are human too, easier you make things for you the less time you'll spend on the phone and might even get your issue resolved. Things not to say to the support rep: "It don't work!" instead explain more detail about what is going on "I'm unable to pull up websites, email, exc.." Not saying read a novel, but the more details on the problem the better. If you have power cycled the equipment (turned off and on) and they ask you to do it again just do it. Not always will a power cycle fix the issue on the first go, least give it one more for just the hell of it and allow the support rep to check what they need to as well. Don't argue with them, normally support reps have requirements they have to fill before a repair tech can be dispatched.. Even if you think its wrong don't tell them it is and try to force what you think is correct. Most support reps will note what you think might be the issue as input is normally welcome and might even help the issue get repaired. Know what speed your internet is suppose to be so when you claim its running slow you can be 100% sure its the speed and not your computer being a turd from being overloaded with shitty programs and adware. Facebook is *NOT* the internet and I do not have your password for it, go bother facebook. I will not help you clear your browsing history. If you look at your porno and need to hide it maybe you shouldnt be looking at it, eh? Defragging your computer is pointless overall for an internet issue. I don't need you to announce you are "computer illiterate", "computer stupid", or "know nothing about computers" unless you really are illiterate that shouldn't be an issue, just shut up and follow instructions and read the screen I understand you are paying for a service, I'm here to help get it fixed don't complain at me because its not working 100% and that you want a refund. I'll help you get the issue resolved, If you think you need to be compensated talk to billing as I'm not the one who handles your money. Plus read the terms of service you twit, it clearly states that we're not responsible if service is a fail. Deal with it. Don't be surprised if service is canceled because you had to download "Cum guzzler 5" and seed it for a month and wonder why I'm laughing about it over the phone. If you pirate the justin bieber movie just be happy we halted your service and I didn't come burn your house down personally. Its totally cool to me to set your passwords as vulgar jokes, I like being able to say fuck over the phone. General chit chat is cool and all but don't ask me how my day is going, if I'm talking to you its most likely shit. I could keep going but I'm sure everyone gets the idea. Calling your tech support can be short, sweet, and get your shit fixed or hell. It is just all in how you treat the service rep and explain the problem.
  23. Just let me know the paypal address and I'll shoot 12 bucks your way!
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