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Everything posted by Pumpkn210

  1. Krispy Kreme, Tac Mall! When you gonna be gettin there?
  2. Cereal though, been workin piece rate as a tech for a auto repair/mod shop that is up and coming! They are good people and needed someone that would get shit out the door. Had some ass hat workin there before, along with the owner. Now its just me and the owner wrenchin, the rest are doin office work, ass hat is gone and we all couldnt be happier :) Made $123 in two 6hr shifts and got 4.5 jobs done and out= WooT, sure beats nothing for free!
  3. Had to spend my first check on kneepads :lol:
  4. New Member Title = Ape Drape for the Win!

  5. Ape Drape = WIN

  6. Some may call it child abuse, I just call it bonding with your dad!

  7. PM me your address, phone number, time, and breakfast menu! IM COMIN DOWN FUCKERS! New job, New moneys! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9YKXHbnsShA
  8. Not lookin like Im gona make it guys, low on the moneys :( Will see what I get done(and paid for) at work tomaro and theres alwayse a chance. Will be pre-registering next year though ;)
  9. Im going out for some pizza. If you see the Noid around here, tell him that if he tries to ruin my pizzas freshness, I will snap his neck!

  10. Theres a couple Ratsun.net cars in there! Sweet Deal!
  11. Thats why I need the Quotes! Gotta give credit where credit is due!

  12. I need to keep one of your quotes about Oics being too small so I can use it for Newbs and other threads that are lacking the Oics that we crave so much! All that in one breath!

  13. Yes, but now I have pics of my Kittun in BOTH threads! ;)
  14. Be carefull, some of these are JOKES!

  15. Pumpkn210

    Pumpkn News!

    Robot Voice "I cant spot the Interceptor"
  16. I tried, even thru the gun at him after he fell. Apparently it didnt work <_<
  17. These are 9in X 9in Squares :lol: What a Fat Hog!
  18. Those are Videos = ClickeyClickey!
  19. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  20. Nope, too much fun to watch her waddle :lol: They are Videos = Clickey Clickey
  21. This is the operator with an emergency breakthru from your sister, "Sampson, this is Sheela.... Momma Fell Down!"
  22. Aw Man, your soooo close! I put em on photobucket and copy the img code from them and paste it here. Youll figure it out! ;)
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