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Everything posted by Pumpkn210

  1. We want things like "Tune-ups" "Free Inspections" "Fleet Service" and shit! Not sure boss said something about it and thought Id give yall the first pass.
  2. And you think youve grown out of "Indiot" :unsure: Not so much! ;) I lolz!
  3. Im canadian like a rising sun hood with a maple leaf in the center! :P
  4. But I hate real canadians(LOLZ) (Pumpkn210=#1fakecanadian)
  5. Cant wait for the Oly meet tomarro, hope to see ya there!

  6. :lol: Atleast if were not helpfull, were funny :D Dicks ;)
  7. Does streachin em on there make em go bad? Or just if they are "Hella" cambered? Cause I can think of alot cooler ways to destroy good tires :smoke: Just ask datdoug, rickrat, and company! ;)
  8. 73 Views and NO responces? C'mon guys, dont make me go to craigslist! <_<
  9. Need a driver for to take the GooN to the Oly meet tomarro! Please Help!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Pumpkn210


      At your own Risk!

    3. Guest


      WE WANT OICS!!!! or else knuckle-sammiches

    4. Pumpkn210


      MMMMMmmmmmmmm Sammiches! :Drool:

  10. Could I get your old blow thru setup? :poke: Would be Boss on one of the my 210s!
  11. You and me both mang!
  12. Shitty deal mang! Sucks 2 times meow! what you want for the 400?
  13. I got a Knife! And Im all hopped up on Super Cool! With a pocket full of ass pennies!
  14. My vote, is arm hangin out the window with the peace sign pointed towards the ground. Cause we are all two down, its easy, cool and, looks smooth! :cool:
  15. My carbs are for cars and they cant have any more than 4psi. I would suggest trying a gravity feed fuel system, to see if that is the problem. Just use a bike tank and just have someone hold it above the engine! I would also say to remove the little round vaccume timing thing. You will need Moare advance, you can also take out your dizzy springs and get lighter ones, so it will advance easier. I have heard tell of grinding out the advance plate to get even more advance at higher RPMs, but need to look into it more! Plus: Funk the gass leak, Drive it around a little!
  16. Freakin awsome mang! Hows the driveability?
  17. late night and early morning low clouds with a chance of fog chance of showers into the afternoon with variable high cloudiness and gusty winds, gusty winds at times around the corner of Sunset and Alvorado things are tough all over when the thunder storms start increasing over the southeast and south central portions of my apartment, I get upset and a line of thunderstorms was developing in the early morning ahead of a slow moving coldfront cold blooded with tornado watches issued shortly before noon Sunday, for the areas including, the western region of my mental health and the northern portions of my ability to deal rationally with my disconcerted precarious emotional situation, it's cold out there colder than a ticket taker's smile at the Ivar Theatre, on a Saturday night flash flood watches covered the southern portion of my disposition there was no severe weather well into the afternoon, except for a lone gust of wind in the bedroom in a high pressure zone, covering the eastern portion of a small suburban community with a 103 and millibar high pressure zone and a weak pressure ridge extending from my eyes down to my cheeks cause since you left me baby and put the vice grips on my mental health well the extended outlook for an indefinite period of time until you come back to me baby is high tonight low tomorrow, and precipitation is expected The piano has been drinking, my necktie is asleep And the combo went back to New York, the jukebox has to take a leak And the carpet needs a haircut, and the spotlight looks like a prison break And the telephone's out of cigarettes, and the balcony is on the make And the piano has been drinking, the piano has been drinking... And the menus are all freezing, and the light man's blind in one eye And he can't see out of the other And the piano-tuner's got a hearing aid, and he showed up with his mother And the piano has been drinking, the piano has been drinking As the bouncer is a Sumo wrestler cream-puff casper milktoast And the owner is a mental midget with the I.Q. of a fence post 'Cause the piano has been drinking, the piano has been drinking... And you can't find your waitress with a Geiger counter And she hates you and your friends and you just can't get served without her And the box-office is drooling, and the bar stools are on fire And the newspapers were fooling, and the ash-trays have retired 'Cause the piano has been drinking, the piano has been drinking The piano has been drinking, not me, not me, not me, not me, not me Love Tom Waits! Awsome Lounge Music, great fun to drink to!
  18. I wanna see the Dead truck! I like old crappy stuff! Cereal! I like your story too. I love resurecting old been sittin vehicles, both my 210s are rescue cars! Get er back on the road, or adopt er out to me, been lookin for a free 620! :D
  19. Its comin up soon and I still dont have a driver for the GooN :blink:
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