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Everything posted by Pumpkn210

  1. Get it running and driving get the metal, then we can bring it to my work. Make sure you got an empty weekend to fill first! ;)
  2. ggzilla has a programable stand alone coilpack setup he retrofitted off a escort! I was going the way of the MSD box, but the setup he made for like $150 and its more adjustable for the money ;)
  3. That screams "Im off to make trouble for the establishment" Nice, needs a bed but I cant resist the KingKabbage! Whats that pegboard? thing under the dash with cloth? on it?
  4. Is that Darins Mom? Shes HELLA Hot!
  5. You guess? Or you dont believe him? :P
  6. Well, SOME of it was from my tire... :P
  7. That smoke is from my TIRE! Nice Shootin Elmer! :D
  8. ImHELLAon Mikes list! LOLZ! I personally kinda like the style, looks Way Wacked Out! I wish I could do something like that but I would break the shit out of it. Do the wheels move up an down at all? Do they have any grip? Seiously how long do tires last? Form vs. Funtion is a fine line, some cars choose form. Seems thats what they did with is hellaflush place/thing. I used to hate on the streached tires thing, and used to hate on the Vdubs with thier wack camber in the rear. Now looking at my car and some of you guys cars, I cant say that they are doin it wrong. That would be the real D-bag move! :P
  9. Yea, and that guy in the Orange is a Total Wack Job! You see his Mullett?
  10. Sold a nice B210 sedan to a lady that was real nice, gave her a deal cause she "Needed a car and was poor" Made her PINKY SWEAR that if she got rid of it, she had to give me first dibbs. Less than a year later I saw it at the Pull-A-Part in tacoma, it was too late. <_< BITCH!
  11. The Colony on Discovery is EPIC!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Pumpkn210


      Its super informational and this season is way more hardcore!

    3. sick620


      me and sickboy watch it at the tattoo shop all the time....

    4. epfrz


      I just want to tell you both good luck, were all counting on you!

  12. Great, now I gotta help my mom post old azz oics of me? :D
  13. Told a my mom story in the "Great club" thread! LOLz for all! Doorbell Knomes...

  14. Not so much, got one of my own ;) Should have saved this one for later, but it is my fondest childhood memory! When my sis and I were real little, and started to want to answer the door. The door bell would ring and we would scramble for it to find nobody there. They said it was door bell knomes, little people that lived under the porch and would climb on each other to get to the bell, ring it, and take off. It didnt take to long for me to figure it was dad but I could never catch him. Honestly I wouldnt put it past him to add a door bell in the kitchen. Well we figured if they were real, we could catch one. So we went about making a trap out of a cardboard box, a string, and a stick. We waited, and waited, and waited. With both parents accounted for, the bell rang. We pulled the string and RAN for the door. The corner of the box had landed on one of thier feet. We almost got em, but he slipped out of the boot and left it behind. The boot was green, made of felt and string. The door bell knomes are REAL!
  15. True Story, was a Blast! And My Mullett was on TV! :WOOT: So want a screen shot of that for sure!
  16. Apparently I was on Kiro TV yesterday in a panning video of the car show :lol: Just cant find it :Damn:
  17. Bent my front spoiler on the logging roads by Morton yesterday! WooT!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Guest


      It can be fixed though. Toys always get fawked op in Morton.

    3. Pumpkn210


      Was tons of fun! And I was on the news last night in a shot of the car show!

    4. metalmonkey47


      oics or it didn't happen!

  18. A panda walks into a bar, he sits down orders some food. He takes his time eating, and when he gets done eating, pulls out a gun and shoots up the place. He then proceeds to walk out, the barkeep yells "Hey whats the matter with you?" The bear says "Im a Panda, look it up" Pissed off the barkeep looks up the word panda and the definition says "Eats shoots and leafs!" Ha Ha Ha
  19. You already get that alot too? I thought I was alone :lol:
  20. Sharp stuf kinda flamey, but still ledgeable! Thats about all they gave me to work with ;)
  21. Geared up and ready, will be bringin my 2-210s with ^Tyler^ and his 77B210! Cant wait! WooT!
  22. The most cruel cut of all!
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