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Everything posted by Pumpkn210

  1. Thanks to all that posted Oics in this thread. I got a new PC today and put all the oics on my background slideshow! :thumbup:
  2. HELLA want those rims! You got the caps?
  3. Got my own PC today! 4 Cores of processor for that ASS!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Pumpkn210


      Your gonna love my Nuts!

    3. epfrz


      Are you going to watch gladiator movies on your new PC....should have gotten a mac

    4. Pumpkn210
  4. Tired of the GooN, what to do......

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. moparvwfreak


      donate it to me for a daily :D imagine delivering pizzas in it.... that would so rock!

    3. Guest


      Throw some Dee's on that ish or put a sawzall sunroof in it. That would be hella tite!

    4. nismo dr

      nismo dr

      hamburger earmuffs

  5. Hoping to see you guys out there! Gonna be a blast!
  6. What do you gotta have for that setup then? I wanting it.... Needs to be tinkered with and RUN LIKE HELL! Hook it up mang!
  7. Pumpkn210

    sicks 80 2+2

    Those are soooooo cooool! I thought of makin some out of blue plexi....
  8. 79 210 GooN for sale, $600 Ratsun gets first Dibs

    1. elmerfudpucker


      Buy now and get graped for FREE!!

    2. Guest


      What happened to the gaimzes? I was considering just so I could play super NES with de Seeyuper Mario tweens. Sheyt! I feel graped

    3. Pumpkn210


      $1200 gets the Car, games, TV, Inverter, Batts, Charger, and Isolator!

  9. I got a hood with a hole in it already, you can have that too. I got 2 extra ones! Or be like me and say FTW and run No Hood! ;)
  10. Pumpkn210

    sicks 80 2+2

    I want the louvers from the back window, to mod up on the GooN!
  11. But you never call when your in town.........
  12. Do It! You know you want to..... EPIC Ratsun Coolness is within your grasp!

  13. Trade you my intakes and carbs for your intake and carbs....
  14. Not stupid mang, just different and wrong, just like Me! ;)
  15. I can gets a adapter and a stock mani, you can keep the extra cash mang! I want that setup, I can make it run rightand make an aluminum intoke for it! Wana finish it off good and drive the Piss outta them!
  16. I run a thermostat and a stock belt fan and havent had any prollems, though I do wanna go to a electric fan, for the Power Shavings! The thing that I see is that you increased the danger of overheating, and removed the thermostat for no good reason, with no gain :unsure: Especially cause your engine isnt running at top efficiency till you hit 190deg. The fan shouldnt run till about 200deg, for optimum efficiency.
  17. You are right it flows all the time, very unlike its suposed to! And your temp guage is not busted, its just that the cooling systems are AWSOME on these 210s! There is no reason to take it out is all. If it does decide to get hot there will be no cool coolant in the rad to reduce the temp, cause you bypassed the thermostat. Im not saying that it IS overheating, its just that when/if it does the overheating will be WAY WORSE than if you had the thermostat in! I mean they are in there for a reason, Total Cereal! Again, is there a Real reason for taking it out? Its either: If it aint broke Dont Fix it, OR if it aint broke, your not tryin?
  18. HellaFlush your Movement :lol:
  19. Im sure theres more to life than being really, really, rediculiously goodlooking.... And I intend to find out what that is!
  20. The main problem that occurs with a lack of thermostat is overheating, especially during the summer. The thermostat closes and opens to exchange hot for cold coolant between engine and radiator. If said thermostat is removed then ALL the coolant heats up(fairly) evenly, so if the engine starts to overheat theres no cool coolant to lower the temp. In other words if too hot the system may get hotter and hotter, for the lack of a thermostat to let half of the coolant spend some time in the rad cooling down! Along with the of meaningless work putting it in and taking it out twice a year for NO Reason! Is there a reason you take it out every year? Was it giving you problems?
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