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About oldskoolvws

  • Birthday July 20

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    808 to 925
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    Too many according to many.

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  1. Rode in a Tesla Roadster...all I got to say is Wow. It may only get 200 to charge but it decimates on the kick your ass portion!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Z chopper

      Z chopper

      the Tesla Roadster is an awsome piece of engineering. too bad it not a datsun.

    3. oldskoolvws


      @fixer: you ain't lying. your literally sitting 6 inches off the ground, that's with the seat.

      @dirtboy: it was number 16 of all of them built. Not sure if it was all carbn fiber, it was painted.

    4. mellotrongirl


      WOW! Now THAT"S a story to tell the grandkids...

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