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Loren O

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Everything posted by Loren O

  1. I'm not even close to ready, because my 521 isn't ready yet. I'm Most definitely looking forward to going this year though!
  2. Had a great time meeting everyone & getting to help out some on the Canby giveaway truck. I hope I can do this again, before it's done!
  3. My AWESOME new shift knob arrived in the mail today! Thanks guys!,& thanKS Dave Patten& FUTOFAB!
  4. I am definitely looking forward to this, as always. Hopefully by the time the event startsmy 521 will be ready,& I'll be able to bring it, along with my 510 goon.
  5. I officially start work Monday at O'Reilly auto parts in Molalla, Oregon. it's going to be nice getting back to working again!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. harlow426@mail.com


      Work good! Been a while since Ive been to molalala

    3. denmarkboy


      good to here ! cant keep a good man down!

    4. Loren O

      Loren O

      Nismo Dr. That's funny. I was basically hired over the phone by the district manager on Tuesday, but I didn't fill out paperwork until yesterday(Thursday).

      I wasn't even at the new job an hour, before 2 different customers from my old job came in. They both said right in front of my new boss, that they appreciate how thorough I am,& that I go the extra mile to find them the parts they need. I had just finished taking a parts number recognition test, scored 100%. My ne...

  6. that would be outstanding, thank you! I'll pm you.
  7. Yeah, I really need to just get busy on that. I've been busy looking for a job, but I'm 99% sure I got hired yesterday, just waiting for them to call & tell me when I start work. First thing I'm going to buy is a socket set, lol!
  8. that would be outstanding! Or hopefully I'll be able to borrow a few tools from a neighbor , or something & get my car fixed. I think I already have the bearing,& seal. I foolishly let a customer at NAPA use my socket set,& he only brought about 1/3rd of the set back.
  9. My Goon is kinda down with a extremely bad front inner wheel bearing. Short, local trips only right now.
  10. well, yesterday ROCKED! I got 4 calls about job offers, 2 from store managers, & 2 from the district manager. It looks like my experience, and passion for customer service is worth something after all! I don't want to jinx it, so I'll let you know as soon as I get a start date.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Loren O

      Loren O

      Wayno, as long as I'm working in the auto parts business, preferably working the sales counter, helping customers get the parts they need, I'll be happy.

    3. Loren O

      Loren O

      I'm going in to fill out paperwork in the morning. I'll be working at O'Reilly auto parts in Molalla.

    4. wayno


      Good luck with the new job. :)

  11. I really need to figure out a way to get over there and be a part of this build, I see I'm missing all the fun!
  12. That copper looks Fantastic!
  13. that's 1 more reason added to the list of why I want to find a way to help out on this truck.
  14. I have a one piece driveline, from a 520 that I will be using with a dogleg 5 speed, in my 521. I'll post how it goes in my build thread, when I install it. I'm still waiting on the engine to be finished. Royal Sierra has done the same conversion, & said it worked great.
  15. Loren O

    Post Your 521.

    I'very been working on this truck for a couple of years, things are moving faster now than they have been. As long as it's ready in time to debut at Canby, I'll be happy !
  16. Loren O

    Post Your 521.

    Here's a recent picture of mine.
  17. Loren O

    Post Your 521.

    I get excited every time I see someone has added something to this thread! Very Nice truck, Datson4life !
  18. it's not really the Company, it's the way the industry itself seems to be going. They're a good company, all-in-all, which is one of the reasons I'm disappointed I no longer work for them. As a general rule, they take really good care of Thier people. There are ALOT of good people working for them,& at the very least, you can count on the better quality of the parts you buy there. It just came down to new school vs old school ways of service. In all fairness to them, I am a talkative person, so MAYBE, I could have saved a couple minutes here & there (I consider talking to customers part of customer relations.) Hopefully the trend will swing back the other way.
  19. Dave, that would be outstanding, thank you! That green color will look great in my 521!
  20. Yeah, Jeff is an old school parts guy too, but he has more experience. Plus, he worked at a different store,& part time. I've only been on the counter full time for 4 years, before that I worked in the warehouse side of the business part of the time. I've been in the Business about 15 -16 years.
  21. That's what I always thought Happy Customer is a returning customer. Besides I hate it when I go someplace to buy something I NEED,& the person working there only makes a half assed effort to find it,sell it to me. Now days, if it doesn't show on the computer screen in the first 3 minutes, they give up,& tell you they can't get that. Old school vs new school
  22. Wayno, it was a corporate decision. A numbers thing. They wanted a higher invoice count, I'm a customer service guy, not a hurry & get the customer out the door type. I take the time to find the customer the part they need, even if it takes longer. customer service is a dyeing philosophy. They knew I wouldn't stay long if they demoted me, so they let me go.
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