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Loren O

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Everything posted by Loren O

  1. YES !! Tale spin always reminded me of that too, but I could never remember the name of the show. Thank you!
  2. YES !! Me too! Icould never remember the name of that tv show. Thank you!
  3. I had a model of a p b y Catalina hanging in my room when I was a kid. These are my 2nd favorite planes right after the DC3, followed by the B17. Thank you for posting that video !
  4. I bought them off eBay. I will try to find out the seller's site ,& let you know mine were designed for 510's,& other Datsun cars, but they work nicely on my truck. 3m vinyl, so they should last awhile. Went on really easily too.
  5. finally got a copy of the "How to modify Datsun engines & chassis " manual the other day. how important is it to "eyebrow" the area around the cylinders on the block surface on the L20b, with peanut head that I'm building for my 521 project? the problem is that we have already installed the crankshaft. is there any way to "un -shroud" that area so the valves can breathe better at this stage?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. uberkevin
    3. Loren O

      Loren O

      In my book, it's on page 129. My book was printed in 1973, so later copies may have this on a different page. They refer to it as "notching or "eyebrowing". The purposes are to un shroud the intake & exhaust valves to increase the engines breathing ability. It also says that the edge 9 the valves are so close to the cylinder wall while at, or near maximum lit that it is "shrouded" by the cylinder wall, so it cannot breathe well. With a racing camshaft, the valves...

    4. Loren O

      Loren O

      Is any of this necessary on an l20b?

  6. Thank you! I have a patch panel lined up, but haven't been able to pick it up yet. If I end up needing any pieces, I will let you know.
  7. Loren O

    Post Your 521.

    Here's my Green '72 521 project.
  8. Ok, good to know. I was just thinking that as much time as it has taken to get this engine to this point,& the amount of money invested (it's been a lot for a salary like mine, anyway! ) I would like this engine to last as long as possible. If a spray bar is overkill, then I won't worry about it. Thanks guys!
  9. Nice 510! Where was this pic taken? I have seen that plane in the background, but I can't remember where. Aside from the DC3,which you know is my favorite, I also had a model of a B17,& a model of one of these planes, a PB (something) Catalina. Dream plane #2! I have heard stories that there is one in pieces at the Aurora Airport, but I haven't been able to confirm them.I would love to go on a flight in one someday, as well as in a B17, but especially in a DC3.
  10. Love this thread ! Here's a little "airplane porn". I always liked the gyrocopter,& the character in the movie was great too.
  11. As a former owner of 2 e21's I have to say I couldn't agree more. While the later BMW'S can be nice, I found it rude of the e30,guys to overlook the e21. My 320is, could easily keep up with them, probably out handle Thier cars too. BMW'S reputation was built on the back of the 1602,2002,320i, &323i (e21). If it weren't for the engineering, build quality, motorsports success of these earlier cars, BMW would probably still be building Isetta's.
  12. So, I'm thinking, now would be a good time to install an oil spray bar for the top end. Where would I get one of these, or is it something that needs to be fabricated? How much should I expect to spend for one?
  13. Do you mean the rubber ones, with the metal strip inside? Yes, they're installed, I just didn't take a pic of that. Good call though.
  14. Oops, sorry folks! I didn't mean to fill the sightings thread with airplanes,& in my defense, I did post a pic of a Datsun 521 in my post. As for starting an airplane thread, I don't really have that many pics of planes, but if someone else is interested in a thread like that, I will be happy to share any pics I do have, or take in the future. Ok, so now I guess back to your regularly scheduled Datsun sightings.
  15. Unfortunately, the only thing I really know about planes, is that I like them, well, old planes anyway. I sure would jump at the chance to learn though!
  16. I like all of these, but I like the green 521 the best! That's a great looking truck!
  17. I got to go over to my boss/friends' house & we worked on the L20b for this truck some more tonight. The crankshaft is in,& all bolted up, hopefully I will be able to get some more done this week. Here's some pics.
  18. The DC3 I posted is at a shop called Aerometal International. The restore old,& service old planes, etc. They take care of several that regularly fly out of the Aurora Airport. I would love to be even a small part of working on one of these DC3's. It has been a dream of mine to go for a flight in one, since I was about 8 years old. Maybe if I post Thier sign, for some free publicity, they will let me take a ride in one.
  19. I saw this Lil Beauty at the Aurora Airport, while stopped to take a picture of my dream project, a DC3!
  20. What happened to the black hood?
  21. Loren O

    Post Your 521.

    Normally I hate modern wheels on older vehicles, but in this case I have to say "Damn, that looks great! ", maybe it's the rest of the truck looking so good, that makes those wheels look good. The paint is F---in glorious!
  22. Swapped wheels with Slick McFavorite. I did the swap& change over during the Blue Lake Datsun show. Here's a pic of my goon before the swap. And here's a pic with the new wheels. I think the new wheels look alot better apready, but I will be removing the yellowish, chipping clearcoat, Painting the "cross" section gold, polishing the lips& a few other areas on the wheels, &then repainting my stripes to match.
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