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Loren O

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Everything posted by Loren O

  1. You can count on me to rally as many Datsun people to attend the Blue Lake show as I can possibly find. It's a personal goal of mine to have Oregon Datslocos support Blue Lake as much as we support the Canby show. I have a few ideas brewing for some events of our own also. More on those, when I have the ideas nailed down a bit.
  2. I'll second what Denmark boy said. If you're willing to drive 2 hours to get to a meet, you definitely have my support in this club! Get a little rest first though, I wouldn't want anyone falling asleep at the wheel. See you at the meet!
  3. those look Awesome Albert! A few of my local group asked about hoodies. Are they going to be regularly available, & for how much $?
  4. I thought about those places too. I picked the Wilsonville SONIC because it seemed kinda centrally located, & easy to get to. We have people coming from Vancouver, Beaverton, Canby, Molalla, Oregon City, Estacada & Tillamook, just from the North region group alone, then add all the people that are coming from the other regions, it made sense to pick a place right on I-5, near I-205. I am thinking about Pat's acres at some point though. I have a few other locations in mind that I'd really like to see overrun with Datsuns!
  5. Justin, Danfive ten is from Vancouver ,& he's going. Come on down.
  6. Update:Friday January 2nd 7pm meet. Wilsonville SONIC. I already called them,& also messaged them on Facebook. There is plenty of parking, & if need be, we can spill over into the neighboring parking lot. I'm really looking forward to this! If you have a camera, please take & post pics! See you there!
  7. I'm going to try to find some place in either Canby,or Wilsonville this time,& see how that works out ffor everyone. I have invited a few people from beaverton, & Vancouver, as well as Oregon City, Molalla, Estacada, & I live in Canby, plus you folks from the other areas. Wilsonville is off I-5,& fairly close to I -205, so that seems kinda centrally located. I will post a location as soon as I have one locked in. It will most likely be someplace "family friendly" like a pizza place, or something. That way those of us that need to bring our kids could do so if need be.
  8. Just checred out (or tried to ) your thread. Someone hijacked most of your pictures. I will keep an eye out, hopefully they will show back up & I'll get to see your truck.
  9. I'm holding off puttingy sticker on, until I know which Datsun I will be driving around the time 9 the show. I should have gotten extra ones.
  10. I saw a post somewhere the other day about using an Alfa Romeo spider rear axle in a Datsun. I was busy at work,& couldn't save the post. I would like to read up on this, does anyone here have any info on this, or know where I can look? Google didn't seem to have anything.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. wayno


      It's not worth the effort for a driver.

    3. banzai510(hainz)


      phamtom grip make s a cheezy lunchbox locker. ck them out

    4. Loren O

      Loren O

      As long as it would work correctly, & hold up to regular driving. There was a thread on here for awhile on a Volvo wagon rear axle swap, I've heard the Mazda Rx7 one is fragile, & the Ford one has to be cut down,& is heavy. Is there any way to get a limited slip differential into a 510 wagon, & 521 pickup without swapping to IRS?

  11. I'm thinking of meeting up with the group somewhere around Salem. Hopefully in the 521, but maybe in my 510 goon. I still haven't figured out how I'm going to drive both of them to the show. Maybe I'll take one of them over, then head out to meet up with you guys.
  12. I just read through this whole thread. This is Awesome! If there is some way I can help out, maybe track down new/rebuilt parts through NAPA, or my other connections in the parts business let me know. I may have a few spare parts from my 521 project.
  13. Are you still looking for a tailgate for your 521? I can probably find one for you.
  14. I'm guessing that's I-5. I don't really know the hi ways outside of Oregon, but I'm sure that someone will have a route planned, & hopefully posted by the time of this event.
  15. Joe Yantis & Randy (Royal Sierra) stopped by & said hi at Molalla NAPA today, I got this picture of Joe's 620
  16. Thanks again for the Hot Wheels Goon, Dan! I like to take pictures of other people's Datsuns with mine, so 8 any of you are in Molalla, please stop by the NAPA where I work& say hi.
  17. This is going to be awesome! I'm interested in how this hooks up, so I'll be following this thread for sure.
  18. I'm thinking of driving down & meeting up with you guys something like halfway, just to be part of this! Let me know if there will be places where I'll be able to catch up with the group, & join in. Thanks!
  19. Well, my friend has had the parts & the engine for a year now. We try to work on it whenever we can arrange time. The other day, he told me he's probably just going to finish it,& take lots of pictures, so I can post them here. It's getting to be time to bring the truck out of storage, & swap the new engine in. I still need to find a decent carburetor.
  20. I Live in Canby,so I really can't get in on this run, but I will be looking forward to seeing you all roll into town! I'm looking forward to meeting you Datsun people from California.
  21. I called our supplier & described the damaged crankshaft. They are goino to exchange it & the bearings. I should have a different one next week.
  22. I have learned to sore of not trust anything that could be considered computerized on a vehicle, due to problems with these systems. I guess that means I dislike almost everything made since the early 80's to some extent.
  23. I'm wondering if , when our delivery driver picked up these parts at our machine shop, if he picked up the core , instead of the new, re-ground crankshaft. Now we need to take it apart again, bring the crankshaft back to our machine shop,& get a different crankshaft. Bummer !
  24. My friend had a few minutes, so began installing the rods,& pistons. He found these 3 scratches . He is the careful type,& has built many engines. This is a re-ground crankshaft,neither the machine shop, or I noticed them beforehand.
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