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Cleopatra Jones

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Everything posted by Cleopatra Jones

  1. You're welcome :) I would've gotten more but I didn't want to be there all day and I don't like getting stuck there. And there's no way I'm parking on the street and leaving Stanley unattended. There were some other folks there snapping photos that probably have better stamina for these events :) I'm sure they'll post pics as well. I'm looking forward to seeing those. I should've taken video of the caravan of Datsuns coming off the freeway. Was fun to watch. Us LA folks really need to have some fun runs.
  2. I got there early to get the stuff the510keeper had for me. Thank you! You've made me and a fellow ratsuner very happy! Nice to meet you James. Good seeing Ranman, hosestop and meeting ruckycharms. I left when the caravan of Datsuns came off the freeway. Didn't want to get trapped in there. I love how you all can get it together to caravan someplace but you still can't organize a fun run. A couple of us have tried but no takers :sneaky: Anyway, here's some photos I snapped before I left.
  3. Whatchoo lookin' for? I have some interior bits on ebay right now.
  4. Stanley's keeping time now. Finally got the clock fixed and installed. Awwwww yyyyeeeeeaaaaahhhhhh!!!! :w00t:
  5. At my mechanic's shop Hollywood & Highland parking structure
  6. All years, front doors only, should work with your 210. You sure your hinges are bad? I had a door that went wonky and I thought I needed hinges but it turned out to be the bushings. Wasn't even the hinge pins that were bad. These cars have stupid plastic bushings in them. I got Sentra pins and bushings (which are brass) to fix my doors. Works nicely now. EDIT: What I mean by front doors only is that you can also get hinges from the front doors of a 4-door if you need them.
  7. Went to the LKQ this morning in Sun Valley to check out the 210 they had listed before the rain hit. After I grabbed the stuff I wanted some dude kept trying to hit on me even after I told him I have a man. Was getting on my last nerve so I went through the rest of the yard real quick to see if there were any other Datsuns. I was about to shank that guy and throw his ass in the trunk of one of the cars. Perfect setting for dumping a body fool! [End rant] Anyway, the 210 was the only Datsun out there except for the other 210 that was there a couple weeks ago.Take a kayak with you cause there was some big ole puddles out there. Now on with the photos! I took the heater control unit and faceplate, the e-brake cover, steering column cover, 1/4 window latches and a couple other misc plastic bits. Instrument panel was gone. Glass was all good except the windshield. Looked like this one had a/c. 1981 210
  8. Sante Fe Springs Ecology '79 Z Didn't get the plate but judging by the grill it's either a '81 or '82 210 wagon. I took the speedometer and tach. Clock was broken. Wasn't much as far as dash pieces. Rear side markers were all cracked. I believe this was an '85 '78 Z
  9. Aside from the classifieds where you can look for parts or post what you're after there's also a thread for links to parts. http://community.ratsun.net/topic/16990-datsun-parts-links/ Welcome! And congrats on your new (to you) Datsun :)
  10. I love that one of my advertisements I placed two days ago just vanished. Pretty sweet :-/

  11. State tax refund dropped today. Another trip to the boneyard planned for the weekend! One of my ratsun brethren said he saw a couple of 210s. Gotta check it out!

    1. mrbigtanker


      state refund thats funny,tell me what do they look like.

    2. Cleopatra Jones

      Cleopatra Jones

      Haha! First time I've had one in years. I always have to pay. But a company I was working with last year folded up and died so I was able to write off what they owed me. Next year, I'm sure I will owe the state like always.

    3. BigBlack620


      we always get money back, cause we're poor ... LOL

  12. That's good to know. I never leave Stanley out of my site. I'll bust the fingers (and maybe the cranium) of anyone that tried to steal something off him. I'm very over protective :)
  13. I want to. Plan to see the mother figure in San Bernardino and then I can head to Moreno Valley for the meet. Make a day of it. I'd like to see who else shows. So far I've only made the Eagle Rock swap meets.
  14. First of all I ain't no dude. Second of all I WILL GET THERE DAMNIT! :)
  15. Man one of these days I will make this meet!
  16. ^^Fo reals tho! I was ready to offer up my Pathfinder as a trade....like anyone would go for that :rofl: I half way thought about putting it in my Pathfinder and taking it with me :devil: It was small enough.
  17. Saw this Saturday at the LKQ in Sun Valley. I believe it was a Volvo. Forgot already. Saw this today in Hollywood. Fiat.
  18. Agreed. I like the Datsun logos on the seats.
  19. Sun Valley LKQ, 1980 210. Steering cluster gone. Glove box was there but not in so great of shape. Seats were there. Not much plastic bit inside. I grabbed the speedometer. This one had a clock. I left it there. Tachometer was gone. Got there late so was in a bit of a time crunch. Just snapped some quick pics cause I wanted to check out the rest of the yard.
  20. Tax refund just dropped. Just in time for my trip to the boneyard tomorrow.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. KlassicMotion


      Did you get something for Stanley?

    3. Cleopatra Jones

      Cleopatra Jones

      My comment disappeared. Yes, I did! I wanted to get a spare speedometer cause I had to use the spare I had. Also grabbed some things to sell and something else a fellow ratsuner wanted.

    4. KlassicMotion
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