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Cleopatra Jones

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Everything posted by Cleopatra Jones

  1. Cool, I'll keep track of your suggestions. Plan another run for the last Sunday of April. Maybe just plan a run the last Sunday of each month and change up the route each time so we aren't always going to the same place.
  2. I hear you on that. Hopefully you're not working. If you are maybe you can make it next time.
  3. Sorry guys, 3/30. I'm in New Orleans this weekend. Probably still drunk when I edited the title :) I fixed it. We've already got a route planned but I think we should def plan for one once a month and we'll change it up each time.
  4. Hope you can make it brotha. Can't wait to see how many show up.
  5. In Nawlins (New Orleans in layman's terms) visiting the bf whose working on a movie here. Anyone know any good places to check out? I haven't been here in 14 years.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cleopatra Jones

      Cleopatra Jones

      Hahaha!! Dude, I live in West Hollywood. It's always HEEEYY over there :) I did a voodoo tour the last time I was here. Well it started as a voodoo tour than went into a ghost siting tour :-/ The bf is cool so no doll needed. Besides I prefer the hands on approach (hands around the neck that is). I'll see about getting to Dumond's or Lagasse. Thanks for the tip!

    3. BigBlack620


      i just saw this ... you could have hooked up with my sisters, they know all the spots

    4. Cleopatra Jones

      Cleopatra Jones

      I'm going back a week from Saturday

  6. Just saw an orange Z on Santa Monica Blvd in West Hollywood. Didn't have a single damn device on me to take a picture with :sneaky:
  7. Is everyone good with the plan? 8:30 in Lot 4 at SM Pier, leave at 9 and head to Neptune's? If you all are I'll update my first post so that new folks checking the thread will see it first and hopefully join in.
  8. I google stalked it for you so you know what you're looking for if you're not familiar with the area.
  9. Non Datsuns! Sacrilege! I don't care quite honestly. Anyone else care? Lot 4 North located at 1060 Pacific Coast Highway. Supposed to be $5 in March on weekends. I believe you just pay at the machine to park but I think if we're all just sitting there with our cars we can probably not bother especially since we won't be there that long. What Ranman said and btw Randy that's a great shot! I'd like to see that happen on our run :)
  10. Ok so let's do Sunday March 30. We'll meet up at Santa Monica pier at 8:30, hang til 9 for people to show and then head up the coast. I think that should get us to Neptune's by the time they open if not shortly before. Then we'll be able to commandeer the parking lot, hopefully :ninja: Perhaps while we're at Neptune's we can discuss the next run with LA510's idea. Curves upon curves upon curves sounds good to me :thumbup: Ya'll diggin this plan?
  11. Well I was thinking of having the run before month's end so PL5DIME could join in before the weekend work starts in April. I think SM up PCH to Neptune's is the way to go for this first one. We can plan better for another run next month (or sooner even) and do what LA510 suggests. I just want to get one going cause we all love driving our Datsuns and it'd be fun to drive them together. Seeing the caravan coming off the freeway for the Eagle Rock swapmeet was fun to watch and really wanted me to get this started. GRpufnstuf we'll tow you along :) So are we all down for this on Saturday March 29 or do you prefer Sunday March 30? Let's get out there already!
  12. Alright! Food poisoning! :blink: For all that maybe we should pack a sammich and stop at Zuma Beach :rofl: How about Saturday March 29 or Sunday March 30? So far people responding in here are in LA or OC so I still think we should meet at SM pier and cruise up PCH. Where we stop we should agree on, hopefully. Neptune's is a common place thrown out. We could always plan the time accordingly to get there when they open. Does this work?
  13. That's exactly why I brought up the cruise. I'm jealous too! NorCal is always doing runs and a couple other places as well. We can't let them have all the fun! I think we should get this together and try and plan on once a month if possible. So I was thinking that we could all meet up at the Santa Monica pier in the morning if people are coming from the IE and OC. It's a pretty good point for everyone to meet up and get going before traffic gets stupid cause if we wait til the afternoon the only real cruise we'll have is out of the driveway. The rest of the time will be sitting in traffic. Freaking LA. So if we met up there around 8:30 or 9 or something and hung out for a half hour for others to show then we can split and head up to Neptune's Net maybe since they open at 10:30 I believe. I know their lot ain't that big but I think the few of us that are planning to go can fit. If we're lucky we'll get there before all the bikers do. I ain't scared of no biker :) There's also Moonshadows which I think opens at 11 but their lot is even smaller. There's also a shopping center off PCH at Cross Creek Rd that has a few restaurants in it. I've never been in there myself. Only driven past it. That's my idea. If anyone else has anything to input let's hear it and get this thing planned and set.
  14. Yeah I think we're getting a little off the mark. This thread is to discuss where we want to meet up and go not have a BBQ and discuss where we want to go. Let's figure that out now and get everyone meeting in one place so we can do our cruise. I think if we meet in a common place we can run up somewhere and have lunch then decide from there if we want to continue or if some folks need to head on back home. ¿sí, no? Just fill up your tank, keep track of your miles and you'll be just fine :) I've got a new fuel sending unit (last one Nissan had) and the darn thing is still a little off. I've got to get it adjusted again :sneaky:
  15. I think if anyone in the IE wants to join in perhaps we should all schedule some meeting points between there and LA. I'm in West Hollywood myself. I know some of you are in the OC so maybe the kids in the IE group up there and drive to Santa Monica for a meeting point between the IE and OC and then we can head up PCH to wherever is a good stopping point Neptune's Net or Santa Barbara. It's a nice drive up the coast. To avoid traffic issues from the IE they might want to get started a little early. Maybe plan to meet up in Santa Monica around 8ish and then caravan from there. How's that sound? What about March 29 or 30? We want PL5DIME to join in before weekend work starts :)
  16. Oooo Santa Barbara! A drive in movie would be really fun. Bring back some memories of the old days. I got a working radio if we hit one that is that old school :)
  17. If our car is complete none of us need more stuff but we love getting it anyway :) A few more spare body parts and I could practically build Stanley a brother :rofl: Started a fun run thread. Go put in your 2¢: http://community.ratsun.net/topic/61182-socal-fun-run-get-your-datsun-ready/
  18. So that was a photo from our first LA fun run in April. We're trying to do a run in the LA area the last Sunday of each month in case you're seeing this for the first time. Need to decide on the next run. Taking suggestions. Aaaand GO!
  19. I love that sticker. It's very true. Thanks for posting the pics. I didn't stay too long.
  20. Just don't do it next weekend cause I won't be here. Now let's get that cruise thread started!
  21. Then I say let's do it! I'm always taking Stanley out for a drive up PCH.....in the morning.....cause no a/c :)
  22. You might want to post this in the classifieds. This thread was just for this swapmeet and the people going.
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