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Cleopatra Jones

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Everything posted by Cleopatra Jones

  1. Congratulations! It is a beautiful thing. I'm a miser when it comes to money but many years ago the lack of work sent me into debt for a while. So happy to owe no one anything. It's a great feeling.
  2. I did it last month too. Helps if I grab a damn calendar first before trying to post a date :sleep:
  3. Yes but they are 2 very nice photos. Don't get mad :console:
  4. You know what, my bad, this should be the last Sunday of every month not the 3rd Sunday. Next one should be May 25. Give you all more time to figure out where you want to drive to. Edit: I suck at putting in dates today :)
  5. No they certainly aren't which is why I'm always surprised when I see someone putting a 210 up for sale at $14k. I just saw one listed for $10k and it was junk. If it's been made beautiful again then the price would make more sense (ok not really) but not the junk I'm seeing. As I said before, if it looks like it already went through the crusher you gotta be a little more reasonable (realistic) with the price tag you attach to it.
  6. No ideas yet. I put a few of the guys' suggestions on page 8. Figured people would vote on which run they want to make and we'd take the most popular choice. If people don't put in their 2¢ I'll just make the executive decision and see who shows up but I would prefer other people's input. Got a decent turn out last month and hoping for a better one next month. Hopefully people who missed the last one can make this one.
  7. There's my Stanley. I was just looking at these on Facebook. Beautiful photos as always Xtina!
  8. I've seen them priced at $14k! As long as people keep paying those prices people will keep selling at those prices. An ass for every seat. I'd like another Datsun but I refuse to pay what these clowns are asking especially when it looks like it went through the crusher.
  9. I'd prefer to keep this constant with the last Sunday of the month so as not to confuse anyone. Someone already started a 5/10 thread. I believe you were already up in there. For you others that want to do something 5/10 here's the thread: http://community.ratsun.net/topic/61851-anything-going-down-here-in-south-ca-on-510-should-we-do-something/ Don't know if anything was ever decided. Sunday, May 25 would be this next run if anyone is interested. I was thinking of going to the cars and coffee in Irvine tomorrow and doing the run through the canyon but I tweaked my back the other day. Freaking hurts to breath. This getting old is some bullshit! I'll be sitting that one out :(
  10. Got the wooden shift knob my bf made me installed and working. Stanley is stylin'.
  11. I'd definitely like to get it together for a run in May. I'm hoping when it gets close to time there's not a lot of chirping crickets on this thread.
  12. Yeah I can get up early. The problem is getting enough sleep. Something I've not been good at since birth. Now that I'm all old and shit I'll get a migraine if I don't get enough sleep. If it comes between the two I'll take the sleep. I'd actually like to go. That's cool. I won't give up on planning these. Just looks like everyone is more interested in going to the one on Saturday which is fine. We'll see what input everyone has for May. I don't want to be the only one planning the route. Would like to use other people's ideas to mix it up each month.
  13. I'm still debating. Cars and Coffee is sooo early but they don't plan to take off til 7:45. I may get there in time for the cruise.
  14. It kinda looks like everyone wants to do the run on Saturday so I'll just update my first post with that info. We'll postpone until next month. Hopefully people are still interested in doing this once a month.
  15. Poor thing. Alone and delusional.
  16. Bitter, party of one, your table is ready
  17. I know exactly what you mean. He's been working on a movie out of town the last 3 months. Probably another 2 or 3 left but we've been making the trip to see each other once a month. He was just here over the weekend. I'm ok with his out of town gigs but I do miss my runnin' partner :)
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