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Cleopatra Jones

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Everything posted by Cleopatra Jones

  1. Yes and they even let us handle large machinery during WWII :) It is very true. You have to have your own sense of self before you can have a solid relationship with anyone but of course that person has to have their shit together too. That's the hard part. I've always had my shit together (old soul) but finding someone of the like, not so easy. Took me 37 years to find that. The bf has it together and we're just a great compliment to each other (gawd that was sappy, haha). But that's why we've been together 5 years and going strong. Otherwise you gotta kick that shit to the curb. A partner should make your life easier not more complicated. Been there, done that, punted it like a football to get rid of it.
  2. The bf and I in Chicago. If you've never been, go. The food is amazing! If I lived there I'd end up on that show 'My 600 Pound Life.'
  3. .....and now, back to posting your mugs
  4. Ok stand back. Female opinion coming in. I was going to respond to this yesterday but I was at work and it was crazy busy. You don't need a cougar! Bump that shit! You'll probably just end up with a sloppy old drunk and you're definitely waaaay too young for that shit. Gawd I hate that term. It's so offensive on so many levels. Sounds more like you have a mom/secretary than a girlfriend. Time to let the nads drop and tell her the old zing just ain't there anymore. If she's mature she'll appreciate the honesty. I get she has a sad story (who doesn't) but wasting her time...and yours...ain't doing either one of you any good. What you didn't mention is if she's working. If she isn't she needs to be. The both of you can get a roommate to help with the bills. Done. As someone said loyalty and companionship is hard to find BUT you can get that from the family pet. If you're not in love and want to spend time with her then it is over. Eventually you'll start pulling away and females sense that shit. She may not say anything but she'll know it. Or on the flip side it'll be drama central when she brings it up. Let it go before she gets knocked up and then you're really miserable, unhappy and feeling resentful. She sounds like she has her shit together if she's taking care of everything. She'll be fine. Will it hurt at first? Of course it will and will suck. It's part of life. With time you'll both get over it. A breakup is seriously like a death in the family. Now with that being said, to err on the side of caution, if she's got access to all your money you might want to start backing her out of her access before you lay that on her. Some people's true self starts to show in situations like this. A sign of immaturity. At that point you'll know what you were dealing with. Time to let it go and be by yourself and grow. You've got a lifetime ahead of you. Better you're able to figure out what you want your life to be instead of being stuck in a situation you don't really want. It's like being in a job you hate. Shit will make your life miserable in all aspects. A little discomfort on the onset is sometimes worth the feeling of freedom and happiness that follows. That's my 2 fiddy worth. You're your own person and have to make your own decisions but part of growing up is dealing with situations just like this. Good luck! :console:
  5. Saw this yesterday at the Moreno Valley Datsun meet. It is a beautiful car.
  6. Yesterday we went to the Moreno Valley Datsun meet. Pretty decent turn out.
  7. Bwahahahahaha!!!! I do speak jive, ebonics, ivoryonics and a little spanglish :)
  8. colourbox, on 19 Apr 2014 - 09:38 AM, said: :rofl:
  9. Ok so the bf was visiting this weekend (he's been working out of town and we celebrated 5 years together, good gawd!) and he shaved down the piece inside the button that was making it stick in a little. Gave it a test run from LA to my mom's place in San Bernardino to Moreno Valley for the Datsun meet out there. The verdict: seems to be working nicely. And now, to convince the bf to make a dash panel, steering wheel, arm rests..... hahaha! Naturally I'd help :) That's it kids! New wooden shift knob in effect!
  10. [/url] [url=http://s36.photobucket.com/user/colourbox/media/Moreno%20Valley%20Datsun%20Meet/DSCN1701_sm_zpsc6e01a84.jpg.html][/url
  11. I meant to get there earlier but I was running on black people time (late, for those that don't know what that means). Great meeting you xtina and tanker and seeing you again datrod. Great little turn out. Glad I could finally make it. I'll post pics tomorrow.
  12. I'm looking forward to xtina immortalizing Stanley today. Her pics are always so nice :)
  13. 5'8" which is tall for a girl. I wanted to be taller. Probably a good thing I'm not. I already crack my head getting in and out of Stanley when I forget to duck.
  14. ^^ True story. I've met datrod. He's all of the above. But then quite a few of us are :)
  15. Google translate: Datsuns are amazing! Whether they are running or not they are the best. Datsuns forever! Yeah dad's aren't around forever. Make the time. One morning my dad was getting ready for work. Next minute he was having a heart attack. Next minute he's in an ambulance. Within 45 minutes gone forever. I was 18. Go see your dad, man.
  16. Of course you're more than welcome to join in :) And welcome to Ratsun!
  17. I was 17 when my dad brought the 210 home. From that day on the 210's been known as Stanley. Poor thing was junked for having a dented trunk. Why would anyone trash a car for a dent :confused: He was saved, dent fixed and he's never looked better. In over 20 years he's only died on me once. Alternator went out :mellow:
  18. Blood moon tonight. Griffith Observatory streaming the eclipse live. http://new.livestream.com/GriffithObservatoryTV/LunarEclipse

  19. I don't think so. LA510 already asked that on the thread for it and they said they didn't mind. Here's the link if you want all the info for where and when they are going. They'll be making a few stops on that Saturday. http://community.ratsun.net/topic/59692-going-back-to-caliyeah-i-do-think-so/
  20. You talking about for the run on 4/27 or the one on 4/26? Nothing's been decided yet for 4/27. I think opinion may be to do the run with the Z guys on 4/26 and we'll cancel our 4/27 and do our run in May. No one's piped in yet. Does that sound like a plan guys? Head to Irvine and do the run with the Z bash and we can do our next run on May 30? I was kinda leaning toward that myself.
  21. My mom lives in Berdoo. I'll be visiting her so the drive isn't a big deal.
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