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Dat Lurka

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Everything posted by Dat Lurka

  1. Yes as a big guy I highly recommend a king cab. I had a longbed in fantastic condition and had to get rid of it because I simply couldn't fit.
  2. Getting some R1 mikunis this week. Time to read this thread again.
  3. Picking up a set of R1 Mikunis for 25$ and the seller is going to help me weld up a manifold. Winning

  4. Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee is pretty damned good. I'm not even a coffee drinker but at the last restaurant I worked at I drank a few black cups of jamaican blue mountain expresso every day.
  5. Coworker went on vacation and I opened my big mouth and got the whole damn week. $$$$$$$$$$$

  6. I remember when you first posted that truck and it's 70's vinyl.
  7. Cut a bunch of my hair off. Feels good man.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Str8_69


      Then u shoulda done it before scissors were cool rofl

    3. RedBanner



      i cut 31" inches off my head a couple mounths ago. couldnt commit to all of it so i cut off half

    4. Str8_69


      which half? trololol

  8. I'm still waiting also Simp. I don't think they've made it out here yet.
  9. Forever worthless :rofl: :poke: a yellow on black plate would be sweet.
  10. I'd take Alaska over any of those. Screw it, I'm gonna go check out Alaska.
  11. 5$ for a crown bag? I get mine from a liquor store I deliver too. I might invest in crown royal bags.
  12. Marshmallow rice? Syncro, your car is now named "Rice Krispie".
  13. There is one of those at the pawn shop for 129$ and I'm thinking about buying it. Pump is cool cause you can shoot short, long, and long rifle. Can't find any damned .22 ammo though. Everyone sold out since the feds murdered those children.
  14. Doh! I forgot to mention fuel delivery! As that sailor guy said, the tank could be pretty nasty if it has been sitting with gas, and rusty if sitting without gas. Rubber fuel lines from the hardline to pump and pump to carb should be inspected and if they seem dry or worn in any way you should go ahead and replace them. I failed to do so and have ended up replacing all three lines under the hood. They went bad one at a time causing my pump to pull air a few times too many. I never had the time to drop the tank but I did run some old gas through the filler neck and out the drain hole. 3 fuel filters later and it seems to be good and clean. Experience is a great teacher.
  15. Those women are gross and unappetizing. My local walmart just got their gun license back a few weeks ago. New remington .22s for 107$ And they have NO .22 rounds or 12ga besides #8 steel shot.
  16. I could be mistaken but I'm pretty sure that 1200 was on clist for 800$ a while back.
  17. Cool rims and cool price! GLWS And I wanna go to Alaska! They still have free land right?
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