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Everything posted by Z-train

  1. Good Lord,when she is 60,she's gonna look like a rohrschach test.
  2. E or F model. Notice the censored serial number on the tail
  3. Hmmmmm,I've heard this before-I think.
  4. A pessimist is just a realist who can't be bothered to pretend other-wise. And if you really want shit yer drawers,take a look at what the PPM is of the air blowing onshore.
  5. You need to sell your Datsun(s) and buy a Pius.
  6. Maybe-maybe not. But if you're paying attention and with regular maintenance-they don't break.
  7. Her body"starts backwards" at almost the same instant as the muzzle flash.
  8. Which iswhy their laws are about the money,and legislating what people can drive and not the air quality.
  9. I don't know about yours, but mine has never broken.
  10. Bosch recommends the in tank pump as it delivers high volume at lower pressure(7 PSI-ish)it is supposed to eliminate any injector pump starvation issues which are a pump killer.And those cork-soakers are $2500 a piece.
  11. Now it's time for you to stop posting,make up your mind and do the required research.Your topic title say 120 rear wheel HP.A KA will do this all day long with no drivability issues. I would have went this route but AC compressors won't fit a 620 frame.
  12. Have you done the in tank pump yet?
  13. 2000,been out for a visit with Gale Banks. I'm putting the tank pump kit in it today. Similiar MPGs-I just can't keep tires on it.
  14. Yep.The point being is when you get to "strokin'",it isn't gonna get done on a budget.And short cuts actually cost you more than doing it right. What year is your RAM?
  15. Pay attention to the above-My stroker is a Z-22 block & crank,Z-20E rods custom pistons and a U-67 head. Smooth as glass and a shit pot of low end.
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