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Everything posted by Z-train

  1. What's stopping you from welding injector bungs on a manifold and then using a Megasquirt with a TB.Keep in mind a TBI system is just glorified computer controlled carb. The comparison to American V-8s doesn't fly as there is a plenum involved which changes the whole equation.
  2. That Holley can't hold a candle to a Webber 32/36.
  3. Two injectors for FOUR cylinders?Ain't gonna work.TBI is a joke.You will have no real gains over a properly working Webber DG or Hitachi.TPI is another story.
  4. It wasn't intended as a challenge.And i'm not out to disuade anyone who wants to do it from doing it. I'm just pointing out facts that are obscured(intentionally and otherwise).The equation is not as simple as it seems on "paper".Just letting folks know ahead of time that the "return on investment" isn't there.If it was,you'd see them everywhere-but you don't-do you?:mellow:
  5. 1) i don't run my oil 3.3 times longer than i should. 2)So the oil is cleaner-BFD,if you're taking proper care of your vehicle,you should be changing it at regular intervals anyways,so the point is moot. 3) I just passed a gas station with 87 octane at 2.99 a gallon,so there goes the "it's cheaper thing". 4)This propane thing is not a new idea by any means.Having said that-if it's such a bitchin' idea where are they all? Propane conversions do have their place: Indoor Forklift and other vehicles Ranch vehicles Tugs(Airport type)
  6. A few things here true & false. CNG does NOT make more power.That is total bull$hit. You have to completely alter the motor for CNG. CNG run on a non-"altered" motor will be slow to the point of being dangerous and fuel mileage will be horrendous Safety:CNG vehicles are out-numbered by gasoline by 1000 to 1.So of course CNG is statistically safer.But we all know statistics are bullshit-right?The reality is when a gasoline tank blows up it just ruptures.When a Propane or CNG tank pops it can send shrapnel up to a 1/4 mile away.Safer?My ass.:eek: The largest Natrual Gas supplier on the planet,The So California Gas Co. has had two fleets(at different times) of CNG powered vehicles.The last go-round was early-mid 90's and this time they went as far as to open CNG filling stations.They've shit-canned them all and closed the stations.Take the hint. If these systems really "worked" and were a good return on dollar invested,you'd see them everywhere.You don't.There's another hint for you.:mellow:
  7. I'm at Silverbell & El camino del cerro(Ruthrauff).I was at the gym(River&LaCholla)yesterday and a 75 620 pulls in.THe guy is the 2nd owner and bought it with 40K on the clock.Believe me-they're still here.
  8. I'm in the Tucson Mountains and i know of six 620s that are still on the road with-in 2 miles of me.And then there are numerous others. And i saw a 1st Gen 200SX today.
  9. Not mine http://tucson.craigslist.org/cto/867961627.html If i can help-let me kno'.
  10. Z-train

    81 turbo

    Unknown.On one hand,i'd say that the rust on the hood indicates underlying problems.But not always.Issues on that car are going to be frame rails & floor boards.Replacement panels are available for it.
  11. If this is a "brotherhood"then our family tree is a wreath.
  12. Z-train


    Thrush mufflers are still available. Any N/A 2.0 liter street motor will SUFFER from a head pipe larger than 2 inches.1.75 inch tailpipe will work fine.2 inch will only increase noise level. If you are after every last HP you can get,then Flowmaster is the last muffler you want on your vehicle.If you like the obnoxious sound they make-that's another story.
  13. Wholesome?Nice smile?THose thighs look like she could pop your head like a zit!
  14. http://news.yahoo.com/nphotos/Most-Emailed-Photos/ss/1756/im:/080925/480/56cfc81c98f14abea6d52f3c6c138912
  15. Jon-couldn't you have waited 'till i was back from Aruba?
  16. Be warned:Any 620 with a slushbox will be a complete dog and gas mileage will suffer to the point of being equal to some fullsize trucks.:mellow:
  17. Z-train

    Reg questions

    Yes,it 'tis!Thanks!!
  18. Grabbing the Kleenex and headed for the bathroom.'Hope the wife doesn't look at the ceiling.:blink:
  19. I can't get reman around here at all.And after all the bad ones,i know why-there is a corrosion issue when people don't flush systems regularly.If you get the rebuilt,i would pop it apart and check the bore to make sure it isn't pitted.If it is-the M/C could by-pass internally.
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