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Everything posted by Z-train

  1. Racist my ass.THe game is about shooting FOREIGN INVADERS.ANd if anyone thinks a game is gonna make people turn racist or go out and really start shooting people,you're an ignorant liberal piece of shit.
  2. ANTI-SEIZE....use it.
  3. No L28 anything came in ANY Datsun other than a Z-Car.
  4. After running some numbers and consulting my weegee board,i'm gonna look for something in the 3.90 range for the 620.
  5. After the adjustment.Re-bleed.If you still have the same issue,replace the MC-it's probably by-passing internally.
  6. If i remember correctly,the truck 5-speed has a .8 something OD.So some calculations are in order to see where that put RPMs at 80 MPH.I'm trying to split hairs here and get a happy medium.Being able to run at freeway speeds(80 MPH) and still having some grunt to pull things with.
  7. Cool.Now i need to decide if i want to go as low as 3.54s in the 620.WIth a LZ-23 and a truck 5-speed,it should still have some grunt left.
  8. Header?Not unless you plan on turning a bunch of RPMs on a regular basis.Stock manifold is superior for your average to above average truck motor.
  9. http://olddatsuns.com/
  10. Hmmm,sounds like i'm looking for a 720 in a haystack.:mellow: Just did some research.The 620 & 810 both use a H-190 rear.So.....I should be able to put the 3.54s from the wagon into the 620 housing.Correct?
  11. Depends on what you're gonna do with the 2.0.Truck motor?No problem.Dime motor?You have a point.
  12. I'm looking for a 3.36 gear(has 3.54s now) for the goon.AND i'm looking for a 3.89ish gear set for the 620. The 3.73 810 coupe gear is mentioned as a possiible trade with a yet to be determined 2nd party.
  13. They are out there.I know someone who owns a Cobra(replica)and posted on a board asking "How to change a carb".HEY FRiggin' ZEUS!!!!:blink:
  14. Thanks for the write up.I'm looking to drop to a high 3 series gear in the 620 and go to a 3.36 in my 810 Wagon.I have a 79 810 coupe center section with 3.73s if someone has a trade in mind.
  15. I was gonna post"HUA",but i thought it would be a little too cryptic for most here.
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