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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. Mike is referring to another member, not you in this instance of attacking members.
  2. Its time for a second Datsun... must find a 521.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Burabuda


      after you buy #2 and get it not running then buy #3 ...

    3. DatMo


      I saw the sickest 520 on my street today which I rarely ever see datsuns


    4. Kirden


      I think Burabuda has it right. My 620 has been down for a while, B210 has never ran since I had it, and I'm looking for a 1200... Gotta stay focused and finish the B210 first though.

  3. My only problem with the name is that there is already a well known group with basically the same name... Datsuns Northwest. I know online its mostly defunct, but its still a thing. So I thought it weird that you guys choose Northwest Datsuns.
  4. It has, but now its a price someone may be willing to pay. Originally it was posted for $4000.
  5. MWDATSUNS.com Its not Midwest Datsuns though as thats exclustionary... it needs to be something like Mostly-never Without Datsuns. Id join that.
  6. Woah ladies... lets not add to the drama. Everyone has said their piece, no need to keep going at it. Lets let them have their ad and those that want to jump ship or hang out on both forums can. Crap like this seems to be whats leading to the demise of the site. Lets be civil and itll all work out either way.
  7. Never read them or even noticed they exist. I dont think people ever read the stickies...
  8. Well due to this glorious advertising campaign Im now a member of NWD. Wheres my sticker and high horse?
  9. I think the part thats in poor taste here, is that youre creating a thread advertising another forum while talking trash on this one. Advertise away if you want... people link to Dime Quarterly and The Realm all the time. If youd only like traffic for your site, why do you have to shit on this one in the opening post? You guys talk about being free from oppression over there, but I guarantee that if I pulled all the shit Lou has been, I would be banned far quicker than he was here. Let me go start 40 posts asking for changes that wont happen. Let me harrass all your members. Let me start multiple polls on the same topic. Let me get baned and then continue to create other profiles to keep coming back. And Ill do it for months... Watch how fast you guys would jump back on the TP bandwagon and kick me out. Dont even for a second tell me it wouldnt be that way... Im sure both sites have positive and negatives, but please dont put your forum on a white pedestal when we all know youd take action for people behaving just like your founding members have. I hope you guys do get more members because then maybe you guys will get more threads to pay attention to instead of coming here to stir up trouble. The only real drama lately is started from the so called righteous members that hate all the bickering and shit that Ratsun has become. Stop coming here and starting shit and itll clean this place up greatly.
  10. Welcome to the site... looks like a great start. Make sure you look around and soak up all the info you can. Hit up Redeye or search out KA/620 mounts when youre ready to drop that block in the truck.
  11. Those are carriers parked on the south side of PSNS. Doesnt really matter for me what you call them, they are all targets to me... subs fo lyfe.
  12. They said once youre in, youre in for indoor.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ome2MSk4x0 Should have posted the actual video
  14. My mom drives a Nismo 350z and its a decent drive, but for the price, weight, look... meh. Zero percent impressed.
  15. Meh. Ive never found a 350/70z Ive ever liked.
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