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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. Im hoping to be at the stage where I can enter next year with hopes of at least placing (maybe?). I dont know what the classes are, but Im hoping theres something that I can compete in. I dont have much to do to get it where I want, so hopefully Ill be at the point where Im 90% satisfied with it this time next year. We shall see though. Im sure there will always be something I want to do. Or I can always just buy another one and start all over again.
  2. My dad had an extended cab S10 when I was a kid... that bitch had jumpseats as well and thats where I got stuck if we were riding with mom. I probably rode in those seats until I was about 13 (at which point I was just shy of 5.5 ft tall) and then I moved to sit on top of the cup holder console thing that was in the back. My legs were too long and my hips were too wide for the jump seat... sitting on the console meant I didnt wear a seat belt, but it seems like it really didnt matter then.
  3. Can't sleep bump. Came into a sizeable chunk if change... Let's make a deal for the red/D/blue one. I'll give it a good home, promise.
  4. Let me know if you need any help with the vectors. Seems like its comin along nicely.
  5. Ok good, then I will do that then. Thanks for the info!
  6. I dont have to pre-signup?- even if Im camping?
  7. Thats a relly interesting light bar... I dig it.
  8. The order form is weird for me. I fill everything out and click "Buy Now" It sends me to a log in for PayPal, but it says that theres nothing in the cart and I have to enter an amount greater than zero. Should I just enter in how much my invoice was?
  9. Was thinking of attending... We shall see how the car wants to act. It would be my first time driving into Canada and I would hate to be stranded their if the Datto broke down on me. Ill try and make it if I can.
  10. Great job! I love DIY projects around the house.
  11. Well if my Canby To-Do list wasnt big enough, it looks like my cluster is acting up. Sometimes both the fuel gauge and temp gauge dont work... then randomly start working correctly. My speedo is already super crazy above 40mph. Now I have to add this to the list. At least theres barely any "need to do" items on my list and mostly "want to do" items.
  12. Fixed. You wrote Missouri. Pictures would mos def help, but it would be nice to see it still floating around. It sounds like you really liked that car when you had it. Are you looking to buy it back?- or do you just want to know wheres its at these days?
  13. Stop flaunting it. You had your fun when you texted me.
  14. Another sighting for the day. Stumbled upon this on the way home from work: *excuse the giant fist on the steering wheel
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