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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. Making sure we dont have to bring any food or anything. Ill be bringing my puppy, and two chairs... probably a bunch of Coke as its normally the only thing I drink.
  2. Well I would say that you should rock whatever style you like, and not the "popular" style. I will say though that many people like the MKI golf lip as well. PM'd
  3. Thanks! I love cameras and backpacking :D
  4. Well you have to make sure that the wheels/tires arent too large for your desired stance (which includes proper offset), when you drop a vehicle you naturally get negative camber so you may or may not want to correct that depending on how it sits, and you will probably want to roll and pull your fender lips.
  5. When I was over there, it didn't look like you had much to do still. Bust your ass tomorrow and get that shit done.
  6. I plan on going! I might camp somewhere local to make the trip down there worth it. Im going to have to do some Googling to come up with something.
  7. For some reason I look "tougher" than I really am, but Im on the left, a co-worker is in the middle, and the far right is a co-worker and usually the guy I go backpacking with the most. He and I have started a blog detailing our trips and how to be a backpacking photographer. Hey Fig, maybe some time we can come down and see what your area has to offer for trails. Anything you recommend?- the season is about to start where its not constanly crappy up here so Im itching to get out.
  8. Haha the wheels are currently getting powdercoated right now. They should be done early next week... Im hoping to get tires for them shortly after that and hopefully mounted maybe at the end of next week. They will be one before Canby for sure. I went with the tried and true gold. I didnt want anything too crazy with the green body I have going right now, the gold is classic. As soon as I get them back I will throw up some oics.
  9. This is about what I planned to do... though I will be running four mids and a single smaller bass. I cant listen to my devils music or brostep without bass.
  10. There has to be someway to make this stay in the family. Maybe someone can loan her a tranny until another is found and bought? I would hate to see it get sold because of that one issue... Shit like that sucks.
  11. You will need to put a price per forum rules, but out something like $2000OBO and stress the offer, but you still need a price.
  12. Almost time! The weather looks nice for this weekend, so fingers crossed that it holds true. I know its BYOB, but should there be anything else I should bring?
  13. Morning free bump to save a dear friend. GLWS.
  14. True that. Im originally from Cali and am a HUGE overnight backpacker. The only thing that topped watching the sun set on the Sierra Nevadas was watching the sunrise onboard the USS Ohio (a submarine) off the coast of [deleted] with no land in site... Gorgeous. That or on the same boat, we were on the surface driving into Australia at about 3am. No boats, no airplanes, no land in site... Just the stars above and the sound of the waves crashing around the boat going through the water. At about 430am dolphins decided to ride our bow wake... Epic. I have some other crazy backpacking stories for later. Heres a few pictures of one of my latest trips through the the Hoh Rainforest:
  15. Ive painted the hard plastic dash pieces using this technique http://community.ratsun.net/topic/40505-how-to-repaint-automotive-plastics/page__fromsearch__1 Ive also done softer vinyl armrest tops and it hardens it up a bit... doesnt crack or anything, but it does make the squishy vinyl a little tougher.
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