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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. You dont have to use PDFs for documents... just because what you put into the scanner is a document, doesnt mean you have to scan it as such. You can scan documents as tiffs or jpegs all day long and use them just fine. What you would use pdfs for would be if you wanted to scan multiple pages of a document or even just pictures, and compile them into a single file with multiple pages. Have 10 individual page pdfs do you no better than 10 individual tiffs. The file formats are for what you plan on doing with with the things youre scanning and not what youre actually scanning.
  2. If youre going to assemble them into one document, then I would go with PDF. If you want individual scans then I would go with tiff.
  3. Side track question... anyone tried to put real 510 bumpers on an A10?
  4. Another Rota bites the dust...
  5. Yeah the flex plates were different. We tried to use it for my L20 swap a few months ago. Its noticeably different...
  6. For price vs. condition/parts, this is the best deal youve posted so far in this thread.
  7. You need to slap some sick shop graphics on that bitch...
  8. Just realized this isnt the A&W thread... which is tomorrow.
  9. I may be going to this after all... Im staying in the Tacoma area all week so I might as well attend (sans Datsun). Anyone in the Tacoma Dome-ish area want to give me a ride?
  10. For $7K you can have mine...
  11. Its at least worth the look. San Fran is a far drive from Redondo. Id try to contact a Bay Area member first and see if they would go check it out in person. Would hate to see you make the journey all the way up there to find a ton of hidden rust or something similar. Id be interested in it for $5K if its as nice as the ad alludes.
  12. Yeah I think the "trident" front end is a bit much for me, but i love the 3/4 rear view.
  13. That very well could be a 69 with a swapped dash. 69 taillights are the same as 70+ taillights... youd have to look at the corner markers, but they look shaved. If I saw a picture of the front apron I could tell you what year. Some people just prefer the 70+ dashes. Looks like it has fresh everything. Motor would have to run well, and there be no hidden rust under the fresh paint. Id need to get some additional details on it, but $5000 wouldny be a bad price IMHO.
  14. Just watch out for cars along the coast (like Redondo Beach). PS. I used to live there. Was on PCH and Ave. A
  15. Craigslist, our classifieds, the 510 Realm. Price depends on condition and parts, but a generic 510 on the West Coast should be about $3500. Prices are going up for sure, but a basic car with a 40yr old body with an L16 should be about that price.
  16. Only thing worthwhile on that car are the GL taillights and they are painted white :hmm: Id offer him half that if it runs strong.
  17. I think I should change all my online user names to Princess Zorldo. Bitches cant stop this...
  18. Did you try doing it better?
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