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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. I see those evil eyes peering out at me! Youre lucky you got to hold her... never again!
  2. I can still troll?! Oh yeah, I forgot that its Memorial Day Weekend. Ok... maybe I will still show up then.
  3. I figured that would already be the case with Brody driving the truck and you taking the 510. Every time we attend the same meets, youre always driving and making Brody sit bitch. I figured you wore the pants, which means you get the bad ass 510 on the road trip.
  4. I would only be that far behind you because my L16 and auto couldnt keep up...
  5. Maybe I dont want to drive with you... JK. Yeah, Tacoma at noon-ish is perfect.
  6. Its about 3.5hrs down there for us up here... Im not sure what the others are going to be doing, but Id like to be there about 4 or so. I figured it would be nice to have a few hours of daylight to set up and get things settled before it gets dark.
  7. Yeah, Id love to see some progress pics of the boobs...
  8. But I text and drive all time... I seem to have no issues. For those that are camping on Friday night, what time is everyone trying to show up?
  9. Why is the cruise on a Monday... that seems really weird. I dont know if Ill be able to make that.
  10. Yeah, you can check my signature for the latest on my build... I have recent pictures on the last page I believe. Yes the pixel cars in my signature were all me. Its something I do when I get a little spare time on my hands... I used to do it quite a bit, but have slowed down a bit. The one I have up there now, was how I wanted it done originally, but Ive steered my plans a little different; I just havent gotten around to changing it.
  11. I figured it was something like that, but it looks good none-the-less. Do you have others or is it just these two?
  12. Yeah I was going to say thats not original. Ive seen some belts like that before... theyre like a hardened plastic and look similar to a chainsaw blade turned inside out so the teeth face in and not out.
  13. Glovebox emblem sold at POTD! PMd you Skib.
  14. Stock steelies 13x6.5 +18 on 155/80/13s Zero Issues Aero Racing 13x7 -14 on 155/80/13s Required fender rear fender roll... scraped with hard turns. SSR MKIIs (front) - SSR MKIIIs (rear) 15x7 +12 - 15x8 +10 on 175/50/15 (front) - 185/55/15 (rear) Requires rear fender roll... no issues rubbing
  15. Yeah I already have one in there so I just want to save it since the seals are horrible. The sunroof in there now was installed in like '71 and the company has since gone out of business so parts are NLA. Looking for something new now...
  16. Man... for some reason I thought someone else texted me about this. I have another friend named Tim who lives up on Whidbey Island and I thought I was talking to him... I should pay attention more.
  17. Im looking for a replacement for my current sunroof and I thought that looked cool.
  18. Oh well back on the hunt for something else... I dont have a lot of cash right now anyway so Im sure this is for the best. It might be better if I piece it together and build it myself... I wish people on CL would stop thinking that just because its 40yrs old it worth a crap ton of money.
  19. Yeah that was the only reason I was thinking of rolling down there... since I was actually looking for an engine. I think thats a little far for me to travel during a lunch break though.
  20. Yeah I saw that tomorrow is the last day... extended until noon. I was thinking about rolling up there to check it out, but felt it might be a waste of time.
  21. A few things... 1. I said I liked the car. 2. I didnt like what I thought was a trendy fake rack. 3. It was explained that all items were actually used, so Im ok with it. 4. Learn to post images correctly. 5. Why are people still talking about this?
  22. Yep... manual lenses will do that. Since you said you were using the kit, I was super confused. Mystery solved!
  23. Hmmm looking at that there should be way more numbers. Half of them read "0" which they shouldnt be. Im pretty sure that if youre using a kit lens then it has AF... which should mean that all data should be sent to the camera to record proper EXIF. Are you using any kind of extension tube or lens mount converter?
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