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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. I bought a 69 in January with zero rust (only very minor surface rust) for a little over $3K. Ran well, no major parts broken, crappy seats, and I'm perfectly happy. Everything people have told you, you should take to heart. The Keeper has fair prices so he's unlikely to budge much. It worth worth you pay through him. You say you hate wide bodies on 510s and you don't know how to do bodywork. You're going to hate yourself then if that's what you decide to pick up. Wait it out, save up a bit more cash and buy a non-wide body that suits you. If you really do say this a dream car, then make sure you pick one you're going to enjoy and not one that will sour the experience for you. Welcome to the site.
  2. I believe so as well. It won't be the same without his full day of complaining...
  3. Call it a draw and you each get two... That would be the only fair thing to do.
  4. I'm down for breakfast. Had a good time last time we did that for the Golden Gardens meet. Hopefully Doug doesn't get hashwhites again.
  5. 13x7 will fit the 280ZX strut/brakes with a slight modification to the caliper mounting bracket. In unmodified condition, the bracket just touches the wheel. If you grind the ears off bracket you will have clearance. Area to grind off: Libre wheel being bench tested on a 280ZX Strut.
  6. What's the price on coils again? I'm on mobile otherwise I'd look at your sig.
  7. I've seen it done before. You will most definitely make a mess and lose oil though, but any oil below the oil filer line will remain in the engine.
  8. I'm pretty sure mine is leaking as well... I should probably look into that.
  9. I was a submariner for 7 years... Won't be the first dong I've touched. It's only skin, no need to make it weird ;) Edit: how's the tank install going? You think both vehicles are going to make it down?
  10. I want everyone to know that I'm a little turned on by the fact that DatWifey wants to film this massive train that's going to happen. I hope more girls are involved... Otherwise Jen is going to be a busy girl.
  11. J = Jesus The L20 isn't in only because I don't have all the measurements for the spacers. At least I'm still going though. I know the wag won't make it, but you could still roll in the truck. As a last resort I could pick you up and you could roll with me. I'm riding down stag as Connie has to work all day.
  12. If you need some help with the 521 you have two options: 1. Stop pussy-footin' around with Jesus and do work. 2. Text me and I'll come down to help work on it... Then once we're done you and J can make out behind your shop. But seriously... You should come to BL. It's a one day show, I'm sure you could muster up some gusto and get down there.
  13. I figured that's the one you bought. What are your plans for it?
  14. New offer for Aero rims... If purchased, I will throw in a free fresh coat of powder in your choice. Depending on when money is received, I cannot guarantee the rims will be done for Blue Lake, but delivery options can be discussed through PM. 100 colors to choose from.
  15. Its funny that will all the people who said were going to BL, that no one but us two have used the thread to post things for sale. Wheres everyone elses knick-knacks for sale?
  16. It's just about neg camber and tire size. Because the rear is do low it naturally gives me neg so it slides right into the well. And with a touch of stretch, the lips clear the tire no problem. I only have a tiny roll (I could roll more, actually cut the inner lip off, or do a small pull) and I could clear an even wider rim. As it sits now, I have about a flat fingers space between tire an well lip; no rubbing driving or during bumps due to slightly stiffer shocks.
  17. Is that suppose to be a dig at me? I like XR4s I do. I was just expecting more from the way you built it up with that super long post... You have fine wheels and I'm sure they will look great.
  18. Just a few things: 1. Spelling mistakes happen. I wasnt talking about that... I was talking abou people who can't type worth shit and make a digital asshat of themselves because they sound and look like a 3rd grader because of their text speaking EvEry LETTER DOESNT ne3d toos b a capital. 2. I don't know how this turned into a spelling thread; that was not the point of this. The point was etiquette of new members: how they should act and behave when they show up freshly registered. 3. I take no offense to the chiding, but I think the last full page of ellipses and nine people correcting the same post is the "cool story bro" attitude that scares some people off. We have all figured out that spelling correction isn't a viable option. I'm glad you've talked about it for two pages no when I plainly said it wasn't possible my first post. This thread is for etiquette. And a question: is there a section for site suggestions?- I didn't see one.
  19. Yes I understand that. Thats why I said we really cant include it and called out two knowledgable and legit members who have horrible forum posts grammatically. Its not really that big of a deal. No worries on that picture. I just logged on to the site and there was an update on their FS requirements so I grabbed a screenshot... then had to read the new rules to log out haha. It works!
  20. I think the site I'm thinking of is called Mitsu-Media... Let me talk to a friend who still posts there and ask if that the forced thread site. Or I could just log on, I'm sure there was at least one news bulletin since I left a couple years ago. Edit: I was right; heres a screen capture. MM runs on vBulletin, but there may be a plugin to allow ipBoard to do it as well:
  21. Oh dang... Im pretty sure that wet stuff is suppose to be inside... not on the ground. I think that may be your problem.
  22. I agree with most of that. I have been a forum hound for many many many years now and have seen really good practices and absolute horrible practices. One I always liked was forced thread reading. I cannot remember what type of forum backend (vBulletin, phpBB, IP Board, etc.), but when I newly register user logged on after activating their account, they were forced to read a series of threads before being allowed to navigate to any section of the forum. Then if there was some sort of service announcement, or forum wide news, the mods would kick on the feature for everyone and they would have to read whatever was being broadcast. Im not sure if it can be implemented here, but it would be nice if new users would be instantly taught how to post pictures, the difference between a coupe and a 2dr. sedan, that they should post a build/welcome/intro thread no matter how slow they think its going to be, WTB/FS practices, and the last one could be a Datsun FAQs or something. I think it would clear a lot up. Im tired or going into thread where no one knows how to post images, or its one super tiny oic and barely a hello in the thread. Or the people that log on for 1-5 posts and post that they need parts with a single line of text and a phone number. I have no idea who these people are, why would I want to go out of my way to contact them to sell something. Id rather give it to a more active member I know a little bit about who has a build thread I can watch my old part go onto. Id also like to say that a small sense of spelling and grammar should be mandatory, but then I know Indy510 with his eighteen period elipses and double spaced lines and JRock and his 3rd grade typing skills would get kicked off the forum. I guess we have to pick and choose what we want to enfore.
  23. Does someone have a hitch on the back of their ride going through Tacoma? Id like like to attach my car so I can take a nap on the way down...
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