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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. Someone PMd before you and Im awaiting an email from them. I must have missed your email... there are currently two people on line in front of you for the set. I will let you know if they fall through. Thank you for the interest.
  2. It would be nice to see a publication take off again, but I doubt there's much money in it. DQ is all digital and barely puts out content anymore... Even JNC that does all J-tin models couldn't survive on paper.
  3. No it's no longer run, but there are digital copies on the DQ site. What do you want for the rights to the designs?
  4. I plan on owning 4 cars: my 4dr., a wagon, a G-nose, and a Laurel... Life will then be complete.
  5. Oh haha yeah... No more plans.
  6. What are your plans for the wagon?
  7. Why wouldnt you have just skipped this thread instead of wasting your time posting that? I liked it for you... took 2sec. of my time. What are you suppose to win?
  8. Ive seen this wagon around the net before. Looks like youre going to have an interesting build. A local buddy drives ones of these up here... decent car.
  9. For a daily, Id rock it two-tone, but I wouldnt want to drive it with the racing design on the door.
  10. I love you John... One day for sure I will own a Laurel. Its not some astronomical price that I cant have one so I know it will happen. That one above is gorgeous and sporting the one set of rims that arent SSR that I would rock. I do love me some Riverges.
  11. I saw the link... but you didnt reference that in your post. You just said it was easy to find... its in Issaquah. Like everyone knew that and could get there. Yeah, my MPG decreased running E85, but I may substantially more power with it... only reason I ran it. It wasnt good for everyday use.
  12. I wouldnt call that easy GG... you named one place for the entire country. Maybe its easy for you, but not others that dont live close to fill up regularly. I had this problem with E85 when I was running it. I had to fill up gas cans of it to use once I moved away from the East Coast. The stations were anywhere near once I came here to Silverdale. Its what made me switch to track use only.
  13. Not a terrible price... Im on a gold center kick right now. I have my final set of rims already picked out for the 4dr., but they are on hush right now. I just have to save up for them and the refinish.
  14. Those Welds are pretty sweet... Id rock those.
  15. I wanted to do a follow up to this. Ive working in it every weekday since Ive received it... Ive gotten machine oil, car grease, sweat, and dirt all over it. Once washed there was no noticeable shrinkage in sweatshirt size, everything came out clean, and the appliqué still looks great; no color fading and no turned up edges. Thanks again CJ. Fantastic work!
  16. Bump. A few PMs... awaiting to hear back about the ellipsoids. 2nd set of GLs are on eBay right now, but we can work a deal if you want them.
  17. That box must be from JRock... he likes to doodle on the packages he send out.
  18. Obviously the stock coil isnt working for you and no one here knows how to fix it... just buy or borrow a friends 240 coil and install it per the wiring diagram you mentioned you had.
  19. Lol sweet! I think theres a model thread somewhere... I guess I should be posting all these photos in that thread since this is really for Hotwheels.
  20. Yep, second weekend in June. Now send me your visors ;)
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