I'm replacing the bearings on my ka24de and I ran into an issue.
I got my crank and bearings back from the machine shop and checked my clearances with plastigage, my mains are perfect but my rods have .038-.051mm when spec is .010-.035mm. My brand new fowler digital micrometer isn't working so I bought a cheap harbor freight one to measure my inner rod diameter (torqued to spec, no bearings). The spec is 53.000-53.013mm and I'm getting 53.03-53.06mm. So my question is, Is it more likely that with how old the engine is the rods have expanded from heat or something along those lines or could my micrometer be wrong and/or the machinist have made a mistake? And what can I do to fix it? Can I get away with that amount of clearance And just always run a thicker oil like 20w50, or should I get my rods double checked more accurately and get new ones if they are out of spec?
Sorry for the long question but I'm kind of stuck at the moment and I'm paranoid because I know these engines don't like rod bearings, unfortunately from a lot of experience.