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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. Because he wasnt accepting people offers to pick it up because the price wasnt high enough. He posted it for $500 and when you called he would just start a bidding war with everyone. Now for whatever reason he couldnt sell it so its back on the market. Either the car is a complete POS and whomever had the ishest bid turned it down when they saw it in person, or he kept trying to upsell it so much that no one ended up getting it. Those kind of people piss me off. Post a price and stick to it. Dont be a fucking tool about it.
  2. Lol whatever hes talking about its unimportant.
  3. Yeah, fuck that dude. I saw it a little earlier.
  4. If you knew anything, Cedrics and Glorias are interchangeable. Thats why you can see that in the various pictures it both types of grilles. I know the owner of this car... I know what it is.
  5. Hes just crying because its not the same year car :yawn:
  6. Raphael is his brother.
  7. We all wish :( *SIGH* One day...
  8. Yep. Wanted $13k for it and its in Seattle.
  9. Its the same answer to every other import question.
  10. Why? When theres a report you have to pay tribute with more ass... why wouldnt you call reposts? It will never be finished so Ill post in whatever thread I want.
  11. IVe riden in his car. Its not loose at all... its just not the safest mounting. The shoulder belts are suppose to be below your shoulders for safety.
  12. That header looks sweet... man everyone is changing their profile pictures. I guess I better jump on the bandwagon.
  13. Looks like youre going to miss out then.
  14. Its on the Dime quarterly website.
  15. You saw it before I edited it. I posted from my phone and it autocorrected to Angela.
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