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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. Yep any L16/18/20 and even the Z20/22/24 with minor modifications.
  2. Use the gasket paper (paper bag) and small hammer trick. Put the paper over the mating surface of your carbs. Then lightly tap down on all the edges of the carbs so that it creases the paper over the edge. Then gently tear the gasket out.
  3. Just save me a purple Manga and if another box comes my way for whatever future deal we do, you can throw it in. No need for the Celica (not a Toyota fan ;) ). I just checked another place and its $1500... also going to see if I can apply some of my frequent flyer miles.
  4. Not necessarily a request, but if you have an extra :D I was just mentioning that so far I havent seen the purples... I believe thats because it was the first released color and was before the time I was collecting. Now they no longer have them around here. I looked into flying over there to hang out and it was $1800. Still cheaper than what I would had to have paid to purchase what I wanted in Japan so its an option... plus I get a mini vacation in Australia.
  5. I have no idea what youre even talking about... Let me try to decipher this: Your car used to be a column shift manual transmission? What piece are you saying you are missing? Are you saying you are worried about the hole in the transmission tunnel having sharp edges? It doesnt matter... as long as the shifter does not come into contact with the tunnel during shifting, then you dont have to worry about it. Stop saying "smelt". It doesnt mean what you think it means. Youve used it a couple times when you were talking about fixing your radiator. When talking about your radiator you fix that by "brazing." When you are talking about fixing your transmission tunnel its "welding." "Smelting" is the process of extracting metal from ore. I do not believe anything is wrong with your transmission. The engine sits at something like 8* or 11*... something like that. So when the trans is bolted to it, its tilted as well. If you had a matching block and trans, they would counteract each other and your shifter would be straight. What does the car not being auto have to do with anything? I thought you already said it was originally manual?
  6. I need to find a purple Manga... I have the red and blue, but no purple.
  7. Haha stopped reading that reply at rotor crazy... good catch.
  8. Im surprised no one has mentioned the 620 grille... Im a page late, but welcome to the site.
  9. Thanks. Yeah me too, Ive had them long enough that I should finally put them on. Just lazy I guess. Since its nice out, snapped a picture when I got home from getting the sunroof done. I wish I had a spare set of wheels and tires to get these polised up. Maybe just a good cleaning will make me happy; they were pretty dirty for the A&W meet.
  10. Those Transformer ones are nice. Id love to add them to the BRE Transformer I already own. Would be could to own them all.
  11. I believe they used they used Rite Stuff. They cut the hole to fit the larger frame, caulked all around the edge, then clamped in the inner frame, and cleaned up the excess sealant that came out as the screws were tightened. Said it should take a week or so to cure. Also, apparently it should seal while still being pretty maleable while the roof and such flexes around.
  12. Spotted this ZX in Silverdale. Parked that far away from any of the businesses makes me think they work at Target, but Ive never seen it there before (and I like right behind there so I pass by daily). Ill keep an eye out and drop off a Ratsun note if I see it again.
  13. Im extremely happy. And whats even cooler is it hasnt cost me a thing. Im trading website work for it. If I didnt have to leave early, he would have mounted my fender mirrors and were talking about getting exhaust done there too once I do my engine swap. Hes a great guy and does quality work. Im going to wait a few days until the sealant is mostly cured before I even open the sunroof, but I cant wait. Should be awesome.
  14. Very delicious. Its looking great in that brochure. Stopped by a local place to get my new sunroof installed. Finally no more leaking seal. Im so happy with the install... it doesnt leak, its now a double-pop, the area around the frame is 100 times cleaner, and the hardware isnt as rusty. I want to thank Tdaaj again for the sweet deal on the sunroof: Before: After: Ive got about a week or so before the sealant used fully cures, then I can unscrew the inside frame and put the headliner back up. Until then, Ill probably just use some clear tap to keep it out of the way and looking decent.
  15. Went to a local 4x4 shop and they had this Bronco parked outside:
  16. Were you still looking into a shipping quite up here or did you want to skip shipping it?
  17. Is this the molded unit that spans the whole underside of the dash or is it the passenger-side box style?
  18. Karnutz I believe had a 4dr. that he was making molding in bubble flares in the rear while maintaining a functional rear door. Im pretty sure that was him... he was parting it out with photos on the Realm.
  19. Here is the brochure I just picked up:
  20. The thing with the rear flares is there are two layers of metal at the fender, you have to go through the door, and then the wheel well. Its not an easy task. I wish Juns thread was still up as you can see how much work he did just to "massage" the area a little to be as low as he is with his wagon. It was quite a task. Im no where saying it cant be done, and Im not "hating" at all... I just want you to fully be aware of the project youre about to take on. This will not be easy and wont be a single day job. Lots of cutting, hammering, welding, massaging, cutting, hammering, welding, and so forth. Theres a lot going on right there and its very structural. You will notice that 4drs and wagons dont have huge rolled and pulled fenders because as soon as you do, that area buckles and creases since its all tied together. The 2dr. is just simple sheet metal so you can go crazy and roll and pull to your hearts content. It just seems crazy to me that youre going through all this work for that set of wheels. Maybe if they were something other than Centerlines I could see the effort worth it. Just take your time and dont fuck up.
  21. There was a great turnout; real fun time. If youre looking for a complete rebuild, the real closest person would be a guy in Puyallup. He does great work, but theres nowhere that I know of here in Kitsap that does Datsun work specific. What makes you think it needs a complete rebuild? Have you done a compression/leak-down test? What are your problems?
  22. AFAIK they are just known as mesh. Thats Dylans car so ask him...
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