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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. Just just coming out and were waiting for them to hit all the stores still. Some have received them and some havent.
  2. Yes, a local guy here in Seattle has one out of an early Corolla in his. You just need to find one that fits and weld up new brackets for it.
  3. Youre welcome. Hopefully you stick around. Feel free to check this place out and look at all we have to offer. Lots of info, some cool cars, and great people.
  4. That would be me... welcome to the site, glad you signed up. As you can see above, I saw you the other day. Where do you carpool since you dont work at Target like I originally thought.
  5. Just Google kill switches. There was a thread about them, but no one will post about their specifics... then that just defeats the purpose of having hidden switches to start a car. A quick search on Google should provide the basics on the mod and then just integrate it into your own car. Then make sure you tell no one how you did it.
  6. Yep, they were developed at the same time the 510 was... Prince designed the Laurel whereas Nissan developed the 510. Its a good looking car. A friend of mine owns one in Europe.
  7. Still none either around here. Only place locally that Ive even seen Blvd. Series is Toys R Us and they still have nothing form 2013. Chomping at the bit over here for something new.
  8. Im not hating man, if you like it then thats all that maters. I dont like the industrial look of the top of the radiator, all the fins are exposed (it looks to me incomplete), your overflow line spans way too far for me... For the extra price of an aluminum one (even if you painted it black) I think you get more out of it. Hell, just re-core the stock one into a a 3 pass if you want subtlety. To me, the VW radiator doesnt look like it belongs at all. But thats the beauty of this forum, everyone has different parts and different builds.
  9. Yes it would be at an angle. L block and Z trans. Just make sure the whole isnt giant... you will be fine. Even with that cover you apparently think is the bees knees, there is still a hole in the tunnel.
  10. Bonvo, that VW radiator looks nothing like the stock piece... Im sorry, but its just not for me. It looks horrible in my opinion. Im sure it works fine for $50, but I cant do it.
  11. For me, they look like garbage. Im not a preacher of form over function, but I want parts the look nice as well as function properly.
  12. Wheres the dislike button when you need it... maybe I can get some Zebra tape :rolleyes: Honestly, more than likely Ill just paint it black and cover it later. Its cleaner that way.
  13. It was nice outside, I couldnt help myself :hyper:
  14. Yeah, Im leaning towards just filling it in with headliner material in the future, but it would be cool to have something up there. Id like to keep it period correct looking though, so I cant get too crazy.
  15. No they are not interchangeable, but Im sure if you really wanted to cut apart the plastic grille to fit it you could.
  16. Yes. Jun is a fantastic guy. He was a pretty active member and then work blew up for him so hes been extraordinarily busy.
  17. For sure, youre more than welcome to come see it if youre in the area. Its been pretty nice here the last couple days so Im hoping it sticks for a bit.
  18. Close up since it was parked there again today (I left a note as well):
  19. Popped the tops since the weather was so nice: So here is the inside of the sunroof: When I reinstall the new sunroof it will only cover up to the outer frame leaving that center bar empty and bare. Im not sure what I want to do with it, but I have a few options... Leave it bare, but paint it black. Leave it bare, paint it black, and just wait until I buy a new headliner and then cover that space with new headliner material. Build some sort of custom something in there... maybe relocate the dome light or put something else cool and functional there. Thoughts?
  20. Thanks! I like it too. I was going to wait to pop the tops, but I was too excited and it was too nice out here. You have to take advantage of the nice weather when it hits this area since its few and far between.
  21. Jun runs one in his wagon. He was spearheading the developement to get them made for the 510... should be plug and play.
  22. Im not sure that you can actually buy from Koyorad... but I know its listed on their site. Yoiu would have to look for an authorized dealer to get one. Edit: Last one on the list http://koyoradracing.com/products/radiators.asp?make=Datsun
  23. I totally forgot about this... Ill be entering.
  24. For a bit more money you can pick up a Koyorad as they now make a radiator specifically for the 510 now.
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