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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. No, thats a pile of 510 on that rat shit.
  2. Tristin

    Hidden thread

    Soooooo you got a header, huh?
  3. Yeah, then I should have traded his truck back to him for twice the price :devil:
  4. Mine is a little of both...
  5. I had someone offer to trade me their truck for the car while at a stop light the other day...
  6. Go back to 710s... you dont know what youre talking about.
  7. Thats very true as well. I thought I had that listed, but that was in the old ad when I was selling two sets.
  8. Its the car. The taillight panel is pushed in a couple inches from a previous owner backing into a pole. Lights are perfectly straight.
  9. Exactly. And look at how many new people showed up within days trying to buy 510s here.
  10. Which I think would then make it a repost in there. :rofl:
  11. Have you done a wet compression test?
  12. If you can work out a deal with JRock Ill be in his area this weekend. I can pick it up and drop it off at your place as I cruise back home late Sunday.
  13. Well glad I pointed the ECU out and volunteered Tyler to help you... you now owe me a soda at Nissanfest :D More importantly, Im happy the car is running.
  14. The link provided looks like it can only do ABS.
  15. Troubeshooting electrical issues again, though Im pretty sure its the charging system thats the issue.
  16. Too bad this list didnt come up a a couple months ago when I was selling off a bunch of my stuff. I would have had a few items for you... now all the JDM parts Im selling are the GL tails. Good luck with your parts hunt.
  17. I wish the platform was larger on that thing... Will be cool to see what you create. I have a few models on standby for when I can get ahold of a printer. I'm hoping to be able to use my schools. They have a few for their Industrial Design program.
  18. I'd rock one of those in a heartbeat. Would make an excellent daily.
  19. You can get them through Super Bright LEDs. They were pretty cheap; I just bought 10 of them.
  20. I'm pretty sure the stock pressure is 13lbs or .89bar.
  21. Lol I always say that... I was trying to switch it up a bit ;)
  22. Yes, but only your wagon :rofl: Will trade for a JDM center garnish that works with stock tails.
  23. Oh yeah! 4drs is where its at... pimps drive 4drs.
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