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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. This whole situation is so ridiculous. Im sorry Bob, but you really need to calm down. Hes trying to make things right and all you want to do is insult him constantly and tell him to fuck off. Why would he want to bend over backwards as make things right when youre being this worked up? He already knows he fucked up, thats obvious. Legally all he has to do is refund you (which according to eBay on his side, that already happened), but he offered to still send you flares if you only messaged him... which you didnt do. Calm down. Be the bigger man and accept the flares and then drop it. Jesus.
  2. Tell your dad that you dont care that hes family. Money talks... Sell that bish for sick 510 parts.
  3. Personally I would start a new thread... its a completely new car. Then just link the new thread to this one.
  4. Is this Indys new car? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
  5. Tristin


    Yep. Heater core could be leaky as well as the hoses.
  6. Its all about backspacing and the amount you want to be lowered. I have 15x8 +12s in the rear with only a minor roll and they fit under stock fenders.
  7. Hmmm beefier u-joints would be nice with the increased angle Im trying to run. Any chance you could contact your guy and see if he had it written on an invoice somewhere?
  8. I was trying to PM you, but your inbox is full buddy. I have a question for you... free bump in the meantime.
  9. Ive seen a couple how-tos floating around so I think Ive got the u-joint replacement covered knowledge wise... just actually doing it might be a bit of a pain with a few people comments on having trouble. We shall see as I will be attempting the rebuild this weekend. Ive read some posts on the Realm that full rebuilds arent that easy. Taking them apart is ok, but getting them back together isnt the easiest.
  10. There are a couple Zs here that I can try that with. Might do that if Qs parts dont work out. Thanks again!- wealth of knowledge.
  11. Good to know about the S30. That gives me another option if they say they dont have 510 ones. Thanks!
  12. Save that for one of the Quebecian members.
  13. WTF is a croissant wrench?! Is that some sort of crazy French tool? :rofl:
  14. Glad to see another member show up. Personally I only like the '68/'69 cars, but on top of that the '68s are special. Id keep it looking like a '68 and do the updated restore on it... but, Im also a believer in building a car that youre happy with and not other people. If you want the circular '70s cluster, then youre going to need a full and complete '70s dash. Take the complete '68 dash and sell it to someone who can use it. Please do not try and cut up the '68 dash to fit the '70 dash in there. Welcome to the site.
  15. Im not hatin', I just dont watch them. I still hang out in Insomniacs...
  16. Yeah 99.999999999% of all the videos I never watch and just skip as well.
  17. Well Ill be on the look out for it again. Ive never seen it before, but maybe hes local. It was horrid looking. Neon green, same blue door graphic, giant wing, Blitz body kit.
  18. Well Im hoping to pick up new u-joints tomorrow and install them this weekend. Hopefully it goes a little smoother than having to cut them out...
  19. I meant I was late with the "Youre welcome." Sucks about the accident, but at least it wasnt the 510.
  20. This. I would make a pretty decent sized decal for the shop and run it. Hes doing you a ginormous favor. Frame straightening isnt cheap most the time and it would be a bigger pain to switch everything to a new car. Its only a sticker on your part... make it nice.
  21. Working on my car... where are you?
  22. http://www.futofab.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id=1&Itemid=6
  23. Well, I hit the mother of all ricers yesterday... driving home from school I spotted a Fast and the Furious Eclipse replica in West Bremerton. It was going the opposite direction otherwise i would have snapped a picture.
  24. Id like to trade powder servies for the cost of the springs and washer bottle. What can I get coated for for $2.87?
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