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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. It would be nice to have a spare crossmember and LCAs to powdercoat, but dont know if I can justify the price. Hmmmm GLWS.
  2. Its a 1978 Datsun 180b (or an 810).
  3. OP already stated that its for decorative purposes only... what a buyer does with it is their own problem. Think of all the car parts on the road that are labeled as "off-road use only." Many of those parts are on daily drivers. Regardless of the legality or the correct lettering sequence mumbo jumbo, the plate came out looking great :thumbup:
  4. I believe the issue was not that he "customized" the truck it was that he VIN swapped and then never stated that he did so in his ad. He was trying to sell the truck as a vehicle year it was not without passing on that info. He was called out multiple times in the beginning that there was no way for it to be a '73, and he just said no one had to worry about it... Maybe Im a rare breed, but Ill admit there would be times that I would VIN swap a truck. But what I wouldnt do, is try to hide that fact if I ever decided to sell. Regardless of your day job, everyone knows its illegal. If youre willing to take the chance doing it and the buyer is willing to take the chance purchasing then thats one thing. But for a buyer who doesnt know any better, to walk into a thousands-of-dollars deal and potentially lose the truck because the previous owner hid information.... thats fucked up.
  5. Yeah those were 3pc. You mos def should have JR hook you up though... you have like a billion parts that need to be coated.
  6. Yep, and way cheaper than rear coils.
  7. 2pc son... the centers unbolt from the welded lip and barrel. JR, thanks for looking out in the parking lot. Its really killing me that I cant find it. I found the brakets that you powdercoated for it and it was kind of a slap in the face :crying: I really want to find it.
  8. You should be fine... JR here is a giant at something like 6ft. 14in or something ridiculous. I know hes over 6ft 3in though:
  9. If you're looking for a stiffer rear-end look into the '69 Camaro shocks. Direct bolt-in and there's a few options for adjustable dampening so you can stiffen it up or run soften with a turn of a dial.
  10. No doubt! Im sure whatever you do it will be great. I mean with 7yrs of work it better be good, right?
  11. Fuck, you have the right idea. I knew I kept you around for something. High school chicks and support truck... perfect :thumbup:
  12. Probably true. Ill just load up Q-tips car full of spares so I can keep the hoochie room to a maximum.
  13. Yeah, not my thing, but Ill just be happy your Dime is on the road finally so Ill let it slide. Will it be done for POTD? Whenever it drives we need to hit up a place for breakfast like last year... have any sweet eateries around your new place?
  14. My source for these visors isnt on Facebook ;)
  15. Well Im pretty sure that all the Datsuns that were there had a good time so I think you missed out, but thats me. It was nowhere near as hellaflush as expected. Here was a cool moment that they got pictures of... both cars are 2J swapped and were hitting the 5/8th hard every pass. Getting sideways almost as soon as it banked and keeping it sideways the whole time at like 60mph. During this run, the RX7 lost the drift and stopped. The SC300 kept it going and at ~60mph just missed the crash by inches. It was a pretty close call:
  16. Damn I thought this was a FS ad at first when my RSS feed sent me here. I was excited. Good luck with the hunt...
  17. Im in the middle of moving, but maybe if the girlfriend and I get our butt in gear this week we can make this a "treat" and cruise over there.
  18. Man, I read that as '69 and almost cried... especially since youre local-ish. Oh well, GLWS.
  19. Im trying to convince Red76Datsun to bring some young honies... He has space for two in his truck and I have space for five in Minty. Could be a fun trip :hyper:
  20. Not LSD, but that is the ratio everyone seems to want. Good score even being an open diff.
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