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Tristin last won the day on June 15 2014

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About Tristin

  • Birthday 12/02/1986

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Everett, Wa.
  • Cars
    1969 Mint green 510 4dr. sedan
  • Occupation
    Graphic Designer

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  1. Wiring is giving me a headache. I just want to drive the car... need to be ready for Sunday.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tristin


      Ha no thats fine. I just disconnected everything in a hurry and forgot to make what was what. All the manuals are for 70+ and 69s are wired differently with different colored wires. Im also making notes for a color diagram as well as dimensions and parts to make a brand new harness. It was just more work than I was anticipating tonight. I got it under control now.

    3. erichwaslike


      youre making a color diagram and you just started unplugging stuff without marking it.... amateur

    4. Tristin


      I started the diagram and wasnt planning on finishing it right now. Too much on my plate... but yes... not marking plugs before disconnect is a very noob move. Ive got the car running again which it wasnt for a bit, but still have no turn signals. Im missing a green female spade somewhere.

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