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    Long beach CA.
  • Cars
    2008 honda fit + 1971 Datsun 521
  • Interests
    Cars ,mechanical engineering

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  1. Good to be back missed this place am I back in time to see Mike's 1000000th post  ?

  2. Damm Mr tanker still doing Mr tanker things sick !
  3. Bro just look for exit pin out of your engine and ecu Tap In to the wire there for your iacv It should be brown there number 113 on a 1991/94 Ka24de Hope this helps
  4. How much extra "poke" would you think it has
  5. Maybe u need some lube ; ) I would check the how much play is on the belt
  6. I was crazy to think about selling it so much I can still do to it, kind of the reason I always keep looking at your truck all the things that I can do to my truck like you! Amazing bro
  7. Make sure your MAF is in good condition or it will become a pain in the ass easy to fix by opening it up and soldering the pins ( they often crack there ) specially with Datsun vibrations It has tons of power ! Love my swap
  8. Don't know yet still breaking in the Evo Maybe I'll run them before I sell it see what happens
  9. Yeah I know I love the Datsun but the Evo x is my dream car and I don't know depends how it goes I might just end up keeping up
  10. Thanks for all the congrats guys I know how all you express your love 8)
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