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If you can speak GREAT english, fine, if not, GET THE F$#K OUT!



LOL...most people can't speak great English...some of us can't even spell "English" correctly.

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Who gives a shit on who's president. I'm glad that F'n Bush left. Hitler organized a nation who was falling apart and used the Jews as a scapegoats. The US is just like how Germany was back then. But the only thing Obama has been constantly doing is constantly apologizing! Sorry I messed up doh!!!! He's human just like you and me... And it seems like he is using "PEACE" not gas chambers and bombs and guns to solve problems.


Bush was more like Hitler if you ask me..


Terrorists are the U.S problem Bush said! Lets go kill them! There deaths will make everything better for the US already failing economy back in 2001.

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I would like to bet that illegal immigration to the U.S has been down recently. And its not from the huge fence, guns, dog's, and the Patrol. This great country from what I'm told from family in Mexico. Has gotten just as bad as Mexico. Mexican people say that!!! Fuckkkk!!!! We are fucked!!!!

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I said my piece on immigration, no ill will to anyone and their opinions.....



You can only really blame bush for so much because the puppet master was Cheney from the get go. His signatures on more garbage then Bush.

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Short Story for you.


I grew up as an Army Brat over in Germany. A 20 Year old G.I. Slammed my older brother against a Dumpster in an attempt to force Sex from him.


As I told the G.I I might only be 6, but at 7 Yards I wont miss, this Target Arrow does not give a DAMN who's holding the string.

i.e. My Dad taught me well.


It is possible to teach a child to use a weapon responsibly and appropriately.

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and obama? hitler was a good speaker too :lol::lol::lol::lol:


at least he can form complete sentences and isn't using made up words :lol:


thats already a step up from bush haha




and hitler; altho the modern worlds most evil man and totally demented in the later years, was in fact a great leader.

now dont get me wrong im not supporting nazis in any way, my grandparents (who are also legal immigrants) lived threw the war in holland, and fucking HATE nazis. but the guy did rally an entire country to rise from being totally defeated to nearly taking over the world.

Edited by Skib
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at least he can form complete sentences and isn't using made up words :lol:


thats already a step up from bush haha




and hitler; altho the modern worlds most evil man and totally demented in the later years, was in fact a great leader.

now dont get me wrong im not supporting nazis in any way, my grandparents (who are also legal immigrants) lived threw the war in holland, and fucking HATE nazis. but the guy did rally an entire country to rise from being totally defeated to nearly taking over the world.




Precisely the point. The original post contained a story that was created to spark an emotional response, to demonize a set of people that have no way of defending themselves, making them an easy target. When demagogues use emotions to sway the populace against a perceived "invader/enemy" they prey on the base fears of ignorant, uneducated people.


Hitler would have taken and kept Europe had he instead of eliminating the Jews, used their immense talents. Einstein, Oppenheimer....Imagine what Germany would have been able to do. Instead he used base fears and emotions to control the people by creating an easy enemy. He and his people instead became the demons, the hated. When originally, they had a point for their anger against the rest of Western Europe ( but that is another long argument).


I hope that 60 years later, we have progressed beyond these manipulations and use our brains instead of our emotions to try to better our country and as a consequence, the world.

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I find it hilarious how some of you guys on here jump all over completely false forwarded emails/stories as the truth. I applaud pklotz70 for showing you that this information has been debunked but if it wasn't for him then you would have gone on and kept on thinking it was a true story. Sadly you would have probably convinced another person that it was true and eventually dehumanized illegals so much so that the idea of killing is some sort of solution to what many are seeing as scapegoats for our very hard economic times. This completely baseless story reminds me of a previous thread posted on here: http://forum.ratsun.net/showthread.php?t=7925


As for illegals taking jobs away from you, wow that's just amazing. I can't for one second see how someone who can't speak English, most likely can't read or write English can take a job of a skilled worker, maybe it's time to update/upgrade our skills? Just an idea. I know that there's no way in hell they'd take my job away but that's just me.


Saying that illegals are screwing up the economy because they send money back to Mexico or wherever (not all illegals are Mexican but I guess all brown people speaking Spanish must be Mexicans). So I take it they don't pay taxes for all thier purchases? I mean what's the difference between them and I buying gas, that's taxed. What's the difference between them and I buying groceries, that's taxed. What's the difference between them getting a paycheck and me getting a paycheck...oh that's right they use a fake social security number, but they're still getting taxed deducted from thier checks that guess what...they won't be getting a refund because since they're illegal they won't be filing a tax return. What's the difference between them sending $5K back to thier family in one year and me saving $5K in my savings account...it's the same amount that's out of our economic circulation.


Camparisons to European (Swiss or most others) is simply comparing apples to oranges. Sure there would be a lot better healthcare/less unemployment/crime/whatever but only if we paid up to 40% of our income to taxes. I don't know about you guys but this past year not only did I NOT get any 'stimulus' check like many of you probably did, but I paid $35K in federal taxes alone, over $4K in property tax and I don't want to have to pay a whole heck of a lot more to be in this Europian 'eutopia'. My job provides me choices of medical/dental/vison insurance options instead of a one stop shop like those governments would give you.


Bottom line is that sure illegals don't deserve services or rights that are meant for our citizens and/or legal immigrants but you can't continue to say 'no mercy' for the majority of hard working folks here just trying to provide a life for themselves or family. If you must lay blame on anyone then you can blame your councilperson, mayor, governor, congresperson, senator, etc. They're the ones that are allowing this to continue, not the individual illegal person you may run into on a day to day scenario.


This is how it see it. Illegals take jobs that no "American" wants to do. Go pick grapes from the fields for less than minimum at 100+ deg temperatures. Most immigrants do the hard dirty jobs like refineries/tire shops/ dumps/ construction/ janitorial/ etc. Most Illegals don't have the proper language to work at a fast food restaurant or the proper education to be a teacher or a doctor etc. They come just for this simple reason of either working or stealing. Let me explain.


Over there in Mexico there is nothing but hunger! You have to be a crook to make a living over there in Mexico. You just cant open up an innocent little shop over there and sell stuff. NO! The government will tax and narcs will ask for money and kill innocent people! Drugs are king over there! Honest people just give up of always working and not making a living to support their family. These honest people come to America the land of opportunity were they can work safely and support there family. They rather work in the fields in 100+ deg temps all f'n day than to be doing the same job over there in Mexico but with no money to own a home or to buy a car or food. Fuck that! I rather work my ass of here In America and at least support myself and my family with a good education and a roof on there heads.


Of course those fucken crooked mother fuckers, who fuck over the Honest hard working Mexican over there will come over here too. They don't give a shit who you are. Money is all they care for. That and the easy money of selling/making drugs... But those types of people are everywhere. No mater what race you are. Crooked fuckers are crooked. No mater were you are from.


My mom/dad who were illegals can honestly say they never abused uncle sam... They worked hard and now own many homes around LA... My parents were thinking of going back to Mexico but why? Why send money there? Everything you need is right here! Schools/hospitals/healthcare/jobs/etc.

So there money now stays here.


Most people who send money to Mexico is so they can bring the whole family over. Or to support a love one like a father/mother. Once the family member dies or jumps over... They stop and the money stays here and circulates...


U.S currency is being used everywhere! The American dollar is all powerful compared to other currencies. American money/currency is being sent to Asia by the billions and especially the middle east. So think about that before you say that A Mexican is send away 500 a month to support a family... Not some fucked up shit over there in the middle east...


I'm tired. I would love to hear some opinions.... Peace!


Two good posts!


And yes... all this was started by a totally bullshit story. And if they had been white... some rumblings about crackheads. Instead it (for some members) boiled over to all non white/illegal immigrant/job stealing/welfare robbing people.


If this was a disease it's too late for a cure. We'll just have to live with it and treat the symptoms.

Edited by datzenmike
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Precisely the point. The original post contained a story that was created to spark an emotional response, to demonize a set of people that have no way of defending themselves, making them an easy target. When demagogues use emotions to sway the populace against a perceived "invader/enemy" they prey on the base fears of ignorant, uneducated people.


Hitler would have taken and kept Europe had he instead of eliminating the Jews, used their immense talents. Einstein, Oppenheimer....Imagine what Germany would have been able to do. Instead he used base fears and emotions to control the people by creating an easy enemy. He and his people instead became the demons, the hated. When originally, they had a point for their anger against the rest of Western Europe ( but that is another long argument).


I hope that 60 years later, we have progressed beyond these manipulations and use our brains instead of our emotions to try to better our country and as a consequence, the world.





exactly whats been going on since 9-11, fear mongering. rushing things threw congress that are getting passed and not closely reviewed because of fear (the patriot act) and having things like that stupid threat level scale to keep the public scared. fear is powerful tool, it makes your public ignorant.


[sarcasm]welcome to the united states of fear, the Muslims are terrorists, the Mexicans are stealing your jobs and destroying the economy, so on a so forth, and its everyones fault but our own right?[/sarcasm] wrong.


and to jump back to the original subject a little bit, i work with a mexican man that has a green card. his English isn't great so its hard sometimes with the language barrier but hes always trying to learn the language better. he is one of the hardest working guys iv ever met, before work slowed down and we got moved from swing shift to days he worked a full time job as a school janitor in the days and worked full time with me at night, 16 hours a day :eek:

Edited by Skib
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Precisely the point. The original post contained a story that was created to spark an emotional response, to demonize a set of people that have no way of defending themselves, making them an easy target. When demagogues use emotions to sway the populace against a perceived "invader/enemy" they prey on the base fears of ignorant, uneducated people.


Hitler would have taken and kept Europe had he instead of eliminating the Jews, used their immense talents. Einstein, Oppenheimer....Imagine what Germany would have been able to do. Instead he used base fears and emotions to control the people by creating an easy enemy. He and his people instead became the demons, the hated. When originally, they had a point for their anger against the rest of Western Europe ( but that is another long argument).


I hope that 60 years later, we have progressed beyond these manipulations and use our brains instead of our emotions to try to better our country and as a consequence, the world.


Good point, but he did do a pretty good job without them too. Besides in order for Hitler's rise to power he needed at least two things.


One: the German people subjugated and demoralized by their loss of WWI and the crushing debt of reparations heaped on them by the victors. (for once, a mistake not repeated on Japan and Germany after WWII) This left a country ripe for a leader who would raise them up and make them proud people once more. Just like a cult leader who starves and demoralizes his followers until they are ready to do anything he suggests.


Two: a believable scape goat for the people's misdirected anger. The Jews were an obvious and easy target. All problems, all faults and failures, everything has to have someone that it can be blamed on. Throw the first stone and others will follow you, appeal to the bass hatred in all of us and the later things became easier. Focus the population's attention on one thing, just like a magician, and no one looks or cares what the other hand is doing.

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Good point, but he did do a pretty good job without them too. Besides in order for Hitler's rise to power he needed at least two things.


One: the German people subjugated and demoralized by their loss of WWI and the crushing debt of reparations heaped on them by the victors. (for once, a mistake not repeated on Japan and Germany after WWII) This left a country ripe for a leader who would raise them up and make them proud people once more. Just like a cult leader who starves and demoralizes his followers until they are ready to do anything he suggests.


Two: a believable scape goat for the people's misdirected anger. The Jews were an obvious and easy target. All problems, all faults and failures, everything has to have someone that it can be blamed on. Throw the first stone and others will follow you, appeal to the bass hatred in all of us and the later things became easier. Focus the population's attention on one thing, just like a magician, and no one looks or cares what the other hand is doing.


Absolutely correct.

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And I guess that the economy is fucked, unemployment is @ 15%(not what the mainstream propaganda will tell you)and I can't find a job, I should THANK the 30,000,000 illegals for taking 30,000,000 jobs from legal citizens?


Uhh. NO. Are you mentally retarded, or, for some reason I don't understand, think that I am?


Did you catch THAT number?

Conveniently seems to have been ignored here.

I didn't make it up...THIRTY MILLION, for any of you empathizers out there.

REMEMBER that number.


And, for the record, I am skilled, and very educated.

Those skilled jobs aren't safe either, buddy. Try living in Hayward, or San Lorenzo.

Go try to get a machine shop job locally. Hell, for THAT matter, within a 50 mile radius.

Or try auto mechanic. Or Auto body work. Or house painting. Or carpentry. Or drywall. Or landscaping.

Then tell me how GREAT everything is, and it's all in my prejudiced little head.


And that only "crap" jobs that no one wants are taken by illegals. :lol:


Um, NO.


Next you'll be telling me to thank welfare mothers driving new cars, with 4 kids all by different sperm donors.

And thank her for her contribution to a healthy, legal, productive contribution for the betterment to our society.


Um, NO.


If you are Illegal, REGARDLESS of race,

I don't give a fuck WHAT you THINK you(or your parents) have done.

I am NOT prejudiced towards any race, creed, or religion.

But if you beat me over the head with blatant disrespect that is culturally the norm

to a specific negative attitude or behavior, yer damn right I start to "profile".


And I have it beaten over my head almost every time I step out of the house, TY.


This has far reaching consequences, way beyond that one family up the street,

for those of you living in Montana, Kentucky, ect...Many of you have no idea what it's like to be a real minority.

Hell, the town my Grandmother lives near in very rural Arkansas she can't go into anymore.

Completely lawless and over run in the last 5 years, so maybe many of you DO understand.

And I don't feel my 90 year old Gma should have to learn Spanish to understand if she's in danger or not.

Maybe I AM retarded?



Don't give me bleeding heart stories.

Or "hero" stories of how some courageous illegals overcame all odds.

Don't try to romanticize it, or try to turn it into some kind of legend you'll tell your kids.

You are breaking the laws of this land, WILLFULLY. A federal criminal, nothing more.


I have four words of advice.



Edited by agentalpha
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Short Story for you.


I grew up as an Army Brat over in Germany. A 20 Year old G.I. Slammed my older brother against a Dumpster in an attempt to force Sex from him.


As I told the G.I I might only be 6, but at 7 Yards I wont miss, this Target Arrow does not give a DAMN who's holding the string.

i.e. My Dad taught me well.


It is possible to teach a child to use a weapon responsibly and appropriately.


And THAT MoFO SHOULD have been Killed.

A DISGRACE to a US military uniform, and to the USA, as a guest in your country.

Disgusting deviant swine.


I am glad you were there to help him.

Good for you, your brother, and your Father.

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I have another great example I thought you should hear.


A neighbor up the road recently pulled her daughter out of the local public school system. WHY? Because her 6 year old daughter spoke BETTER English than her MOFO teacher!!!:eek:


"Crap" jobs only, huh?:lol:


If you really believe this BS, or are spreading this blatant lie,

or are ignoring these hard facts,

you are seriously naive, and/or a big part of the problem.


So, FUCK YOU, as well.

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I never understand the debate on this. I was sucked in willingly but its all moot isn't it? Forget ALL the stats. Do we not have laws? I mean whats the defense here? It's okay they all break the law because they may do "shit jobs" cheaper or that they have families to feed? By that logic if someone robs your house to feed thier kids your going to be okay with it? I find all too often people with the soft stance on illegal immigration have never been touched directly by its effects and you shouldn't need to be shot to know it hurts. It's really easy to sympathize while your sitting on a cushy job, on the computer in your house talking about all the hot Datsuns you own. Also real easy when you live in a deserted corner of this country or better yet not in it at all. Try being one of the millions homeless due to this economy or living in a illegal immigration hot spot where you have to compete to feed your family with people who by legal rights shouldn't be here.


Saying its all or even mostly illegal immigrants fault for the economy is just silly. So is saying that is has no effect though. A modern economy has many factors effecting it and illegal immigration happens to be one. They have definitely become a tool to take peoples minds of certain things though. We could sit here all day listing off shit hurting this economy just as much. That doesn't mean the problem should be dismissed though. ALL should be addressed to relieve the legal citizens in this country suffering.


I also think people confuse a hard stance on illegal immigration with a hard stance on immigration. I personally have no problem with immigration so long as its through legal channels, and those channels should be revamped because they are wrong. Again though there are many many wrong laws, patriot act was one listed, I could list a good 20 off the top of my head but does that give people the right to break them? We could get philosophical on that one, voice of descent and what not lol. The girl I'm seeing graduated college in this country but cant get a work permit, that doesn't seem right to me. My friends mom has been here 20 years and keeps getting denied. My ex was actually married and her husband died, denied. I mean illegal immigration wouldn't be such a problem if they weren't being such pricks about it.

Edited by 72240z
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for once, a mistake not repeated on Japan and Germany after WWII
Ya true but I think only because it couldn't be made again. WWII ended and the cold war began the next day, both countries were occupied each for different reasons. Germany to appease and compete with the USSR and Japan because after USA fire bombed the entire country and its population (cof war crimes cof)into nothing it had to be completely rebuilt. I wouldn't call alternative to the WWI mistake a good one. It didn't lead to WWIII and I don't believe it will granted but some things will as a direct result of choices made after WWII. The invention of certain countries would be one.



Focus the population's attention on one thing, just like a magician, and no one looks or cares what the other hand is doing.
Too true, that flat out defines post 9/11 America too IMO.
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and obama? hitler was a good speaker too :lol::lol::lol::lol:


Give me a fuckin' break....


Interesting how everyone wants to blame the illegal immigrants. How about the greedy fucks in banking, Wall Street, etc? Those ass-wipes created this mess. They should be shot for treason. At the very least their ill-gotten assets should be seized....and let them go fucking work in the fields or fast food, whatever.

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You know what I do when I cant find a job? I forjet my inglesh and draess up like a Mexican and worx under te table. I dont give a care! Shiiiiii. I need money hioney...


I have done it many a time!!!


If some people weren't so greedy demanding more wages, health care, and going on strikes. There wont be a demand for lower payed illegals...

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Many this tread was about to die, but NOOOOOO!!! They had to revive it. If people have so much of a problem with illegals then deport them all. See how much of your tax moneys is that going to cost us.


In the movie "born in the east LA" Supposedly people would let them selves get caught for a free ride back to the border. Illegals are smart...


Man I'm going to jump the boarder just like my father did. But this time I'm heading for Canada and marring a Canadian!!! :lol:

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Interesting how everyone wants to blame the illegal immigrants. How about the greedy fucks in banking, Wall Street, etc? Those ass-wipes created this mess. They should be shot for treason. At the very least their ill-gotten assets should be seized....and let them go fucking work in the fields or fast food, whatever.


It wasn't a banker who broke into the 11yo's home in the story lol, it was a illegal and there is blame to be had. Fake story w/e I'm just saying its the topic. Shall we list the like 500 reasons the economy is in the shitter?


These pricks on wall street would def be in the top 5, they should definitely be tried. It's insulting that nothing happens to them.


But this time I'm heading for Canada and marring a Canadian!!! :lol:

If not for the weather I would be right behind you lol.

Edited by 72240z
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