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my ol ladys rising sun panties

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I think the reactions of some people are too funny.:lol:


Take a chill pill people.:rolleyes:


This is a mild thread. I see much more skin on TV. So do your kids.:eek:


Here is a thread on another forum that has over 500 pages of pics similar to the one in this thread.


For the guys on here that enjoy pics of beatiful women in very little clothing, check it out. No porn just pretty girls.:cool:




If you don't like to look at beautiful women, don't look at it.:fu:


Maybe this is more to your liking.



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At the risk of starting a holy war, harden up guys. It's a pair of undies, big deal. Your kids can see 100 times worse by typing a few words into google.


I reckon it's great work that a dude will post a pic of his missus in her undies, all part of the fun.


Political correctness is why the world is going to shit in a big hurry.


Post more pics :) :thumbsup:

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I second the motion about the postits one........

And Hey, where did ya get those...my wife needs a pair, she won't wear em but she needs a pair:blink:

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The name of the thread is a dead give away for what is going to be inside...



That's why I clicked.



Why click, if you don't want to see "my ol ladys rising sun panties" ????



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