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pulled over


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so i was headed to fred meyers tonight.



in another section i posted something about the truck and how when i put it in 5th gear the reverse lights pop on. I totally forgot about it and got nailed tonight lolz. he let me off with a warning, but man i was like what the shit?


He said and i quote "The reason i pulled you over is there is a bright white light coming from under your vehicle"


I stepped out and showed him that it was the reverse light and explained to him what a dogleg 5 speed was :fu:


Now comes the question, anyone know what the correct sensor would be to buy for it (what car/year) so that it registers when im actually in reverse?

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aren't there a few switches on the gearbox, 1 for reverse lights and 1 or 2 more for emissions which are meant to do something when your in fifth gear?


I think you might just have your reverse lights hooked up to the wrong switch


i do see another sensor type deal on the transmission, heres what happened


truck was originally a 4sp, reverse was to the right and down, now its a dogleg, reverse is left and up and fifth is right and down.

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This dogleg has only the neutral switch, top left, and reverse switch. Some have a top (5th) gear switch. You can see where it should be just to the lower right of the reverse switch.




This dogleg has the reverse switch and the top (5th) gear switch. Yours is likely the bottom one. The wiring is usually such that the wiring can't be mixed, but the switches may be in the wrong holes? If you can't fix this I would disconnect the reverse lights so you at lease won't get stopped again.


Do the reverse lights work in reverse????

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Nope, they dont come on when its in reverse, i will get out there later and try switching them around. I didnt install this trans, prev owner did :D Who knows what they did when they connected it.



Thanks for the pics mike, i will take some pictures of up underneath and all the connectors today and show the results :D thanks for the help guys

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So I took off my bumpers and lowered my car some more yesterday and instead of those plastic ball sacks I hung a double headed Mace out of my bumper hole:D The car was also Extremely Dirty! I drove it over to my dads house to drop off a bearing and dent puller he had leant me. 2 blocks from his house a cop that was going the other way dinamited his brakes and pulled over with his lights on, after we passed each other. I was turning left when this happened. Hot stepped it to dads house, pulled into the alley and parked behind the garage. Got out the ride and into the fence before he was even close(I Practice):D went into the garage and talked to dad for a minute and then went out to get his tools out of the car. There was 5 cops and 3 cop cars all around the block! They took the mace cause it is illegal to have at all. I refused to give him my insurance paperwork(that I dont have) so he wrote me a ticket for no prof of ins. and a warning for no bumpers. He said that they have to be replaced with a WSP approved bumper or roll pan! I called my Lawyer and left a message. If any of you know of a Lawyer that deal with this kind of stuff please let me know! I am going to fight this! So they can chew on it!:fu:

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What an attitude!!!:lol::lol::lol: You asked for this by driving around with that mace hanging on the rear.... damn, just like me when I was younger.


If you don't have insurance you don't draw attention to yourself. Ever watch COPS? Ever notice they stop some dick for a broken tail light and speeding and he has a gun under the front seat, joint in the ashtray and is on parole? I admire your 'grit', but those cops will remember you and your car and who need that shit? Put your bumpers on for a few weeks till it cools and get insurance, keep a low profile. Don't give them a reason.


BTW If you aren't stopped driving I don't see how they can ask for proof of insurance. The thing is they can wright out all the tickets they want even if they are bogus. You still have to get a lawyer and or go to court to beat them. Either way costs you money or lost work. A cops way of saying 'fuck you'. As I said before don't give them a reason.

Edited by datzenmike
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dood that sucks, i lived in graham Washington for a few years, the first year i was there i didn't have a license, i did have insurance. never got pulled over, even running an 87 Honda with no muffler :lol:



To those who told me about the plugs on the tranny, thank you.


I pulled the lower one out that was connected, and the upper that wasnt, swapped them around and it works great now.


On a side note, screw napa auto parts. since i broke the wires off the solder on the reverse light switch, i went down to get a new one. they wanted the cost of the switch and shipping. Seriously? I thought they brought that stuff in free of charge on their next incoming shipment from their warehouse, i didn't care how long it took to get it as i wont be able to work on it until next weekend, total cost 24 dollars for that part. Hah, i told them no thanks, autozone wont charge me to bring it in for a 8 dollar part. Same with the temperature sensor.



I just wrapped the wires around the ends and put the rubber boot back on for now.


I got my back brakes adjusted today to, and cruised around for a few miles breaking them in. so much better, there is still a slight shake when putting on the breaks, not sure what thats about but seems to be doing better right now.

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What an attitude!!!:lol::lol::lol: You asked for this by driving around with that mace hanging on the rear.... damn, just like me when I was younger.


If you don't have insurance you don't draw attention to yourself. Ever watch COPS? Ever notice they stop some dick for a broken tail light and speeding and he has a gun under the front seat, joint in the ashtray and is on parole? I admire your 'grit', but those cops will remember you and your car and who need that shit? Put your bumpers on for a few weeks till it cools and get insurance, keep a low profile. Don't give them a reason.


BTW If you aren't stopped driving I don't see how they can ask for proof of insurance. The thing is they can wright out all the tickets they want even if they are bogus. You still have to get a lawyer and or go to court to beat them. Either way costs you money or lost work. A cops way of saying 'fuck you'. As I said before don't give them a reason.


Ok I understant the mace thing. BUT, a reasonable human/cop (I think) should have ran my name to check for warrants ect and took the mace. The thing I find unreasonable is he asked me for insurance when he pulled up to the car in the alley I was already INSIDE of my parents house!:mad: And it is the same cops that used to harrass me when the car was 3tone!:mad: I dont speed and I use my turn signals ect... and my car is nice. They asked for insurance cause the car is dirty and I was too from workin on it. They mess with the cars that look like they are low budjet. One of them was even making cracks about it being crappy. This is the reason that I am all bent out of shape about it!

As long as you let them get away with this kinda shit, they will believe it to be ok. And it is not. I will have insurance in about a month and will get a lawyer and will fix my car, have before and after photos and do my part in making the police serve the public the way they should instead of centering thier usefullness to revenue!

My Rant is over for now but I am still Pissed:mad:

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thats bull shit dave.. cops piss me off sometimes.. sure they enforce the law, but they think they're better then us.. but truth is its just a job an it can be taken away jus like anyone elses.. what sux is when they do something wrong, its your word vs theirs.. an other cops or law enforcement types wont believe what us suvillians say... so basicly they get away with whatever they want an we get fucked..

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Pumkin, they didn't ask for insurance because of looks. They ALWAYS ask for insurance; it's a requirement in WA as much as having a license. I've always gotten asked. Don't drive without insurance. If you can't afford insurance you can't afford to drive. Period. Take the bus, walk, have your dad drive you, whatever. Just because they asked when it was parked doesn't mean anything- you were driving it when they saw you. If you think insurance is a hassle here, try Massachusetts or any other State that require proof of insurance at time of registration, and if you drop insurance it's reported to the State and your registration is revoked.


Having no bumpers is illegal. It's a violation of FEDERAL law. All you are doing by running no bumpers is giving them another excuse to pull you over. Hanging mace off the car is just another reason.


And running from the cops didn't help. You may think that didn't count as "running" but the second those lights went on you should have stopped. Now you just gave them more reason to follow you, because you acted guilty. Because you were guilty, and knew it. They just needed to fing out "of what".


You're actually lucky you didn't get the car impounded with that many violations.


If you have a problem with cops pulling you over all the time, you need to take a hard look at why. Get your ducks in a row. Have NOTHING they can get you for. I've been pulled over around 5 times in the last 18 year, plus involved in 2 accidents that got cops out, plus been broke down on the side of the road a couple times were cops came up. Guess how many tickets I've gotten. NONE. Zero. I've gotten one written and 2 verbal warnings (written was for speeding, verbals were both for improper display of plate). For 2 of them I knew exactly whey I was getting pulled over at the time. One I didn't, though it was obviously due to the grungy look to the truck/camper. EVERY time they asked for license and insurance paperwork, even when I was just waiting for a tow. They've never asked for registration the last couple times (get that off the plate).


The last 2 times I've been pulled over the cops walked away empty handed. They had nothing. Once they were very apologetic but explained precisely why they pulled me over, the other time I got no good reason. I got yelled at for doing something I didn't do, only for that to backfire right back at them- accused of throwing a lit cigarette out the window, but I don't smoke so the reason was purely bogus. Now that's a reason to get mad, but I still kept my calm and vented HERE once I got home.



The cops making cracks about how crappy the car is was out of line, but that's about it.

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i need to get those parts from bagged_datsun, the night before last my buddy was drivin my truck an got pulled over.. they didnt ask for anything.. just stated that he had a light out, he explained that its the light fixture it self.. hit a bump.. it stops workin.. hit another it starts workin.. an also mentioned he has some on order... he said ok have a good night


then yesterday he got pulled over again.. first time was leavin my house.. the next was comming to my house.. damn near the same spot!! cop came up to the window.. he said lemme guess a light out.. cop was like yep.. he said ya i jus got pulled over for that last night and basicly explained what the deal was like to the first cop.. he basicly jus said get that takin care of an have a good one...


neither time did either cop ask for registration or insurance.. but the first cop did run his license since it didnt match the name on the plate i dont think the second cop had time to ask lol

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On a side note, screw napa auto parts. since i broke the wires off the solder on the reverse light switch, i went down to get a new one. they wanted the cost of the switch and shipping. Seriously? I thought they brought that stuff in free of charge on their next incoming shipment from their warehouse, i didn't care how long it took to get it as i wont be able to work on it until next weekend, total cost 24 dollars for that part. Hah, i told them no thanks, autozone wont charge me to bring it in for a 8 dollar part. Same with the temperature sensor.


Most items that are not in stock have to be shipped in, and yes, (surprise) it does cost, especially when said items are for 30 year old cars. What Scmhucks (now O'Reillys) will do is probably order the part, but shipping will already be figured into the price, so you don't know. The reason they're so cheap is a lot of their "better" electrical parts are chinese shit that the kid down the street could make on the stove with a pot of melted lead.


Autozone would have just used the switch their meth-smoking counter guys made after they melted down the batteries to make new ones. Fucking morons at Autozone! I went in there once and asked if they had mineral spirits. And the kid was like, "Huh? What's that?"


So screw Schmucks and Autozone! That's the moral of this story, according to the NAPA guy. On the other hand, if you would have come into my NAPA with the same issue and mentioned you were a Datsun fiend, you would have immediately been ushered over to myself and I would have taken your switch and run it back home and soldered on the connector for you, because I'm just that good. :D


Did I mention most of our parts are better quality?

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Gotta represent! :D





cute man, the only reason i say that is,


1 The prices at this Napa Auto parts is a bit high, a can of primer is 8 dollars, where as i go next door to fred meyers and the same exact can of paint is 3.49.


2. Really, they have to bring parts in from their warehouse right? Or from somewhere else anyways. I could understand if it was a big part, say a head, or a driveline etc, but a 3oz part?


I ordered two new disc brakes from Napa auto parts, and they didnt charge me anything. So not sure what the deal is over that little part, Maybe i can just get it cheaper if i order thru Napa online :D


Speaking of!!!!!! When i was at the counter, he said the one they could get was in SPOKANE.... hahaha It all makes sense now :lol:

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Yeah, if Seattle to Spokane and vice versa, it only costs a buck for shipping, which we sometimes let slide. If outside of that area, we have to charge regular UPS unless you order it with other goods, which takes about 2 weeks. Most people don't want to wait that long.


Don't know about the paint...chances are you can get it cheaper, though there are certainly different grades of paint. Like metal-etching primer vs. regular crap primer.


And truth be told, I sometimes am forced to buy from other parts places due to poor availability on certain old odd Datsun parts.

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well i have noticed that most napa auto places are good, this is the only bad experience i have had with napa and i wont let it stray me away from there.


Les schwab here is worst, i went to get some parts worked on and the lady didnt know her ass from a hole in the ground lol....



The paint i am referring to is just a standard can of paint, i forget what brand but it was the same exact paint.


Truth be told, there are only 2 part stores here on the coast, both are Napa auto parts, one in astoria and one here in seaside. I will definately buy my parts at napa still, even tho i drive by shucks and auto zone on the way to work. I was just irritated that they wanted such a high price for a cheap part. You should transfer here so i can be sure to get datsun stuff all the time :D

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Yeah, I have a hard enough time over here. Wish we had better availability for Datsun stuff, and unfortunately it's easy to bitch about, but hard to change seeing as the NAPA business model isn't built for 30+ year old imported Datsuns. :) Not exactly the heartbeat of America, though it should be!


I keep threatening to start a parts store devoted entirely to old Datsuns. Unfortunately I think that would be a poor business decision given most Datsun owners, such as myself, are cheap. Hehe. Probably have better luck building kits to retrofit newer common parts the aftermarket will still make plenty of.


Hell, I can't even get a heater core for the 620 through us. I don't need one yet, but they seem to be hard to find. Got one for the 720 no problem.


And Carquest used to be able to get front halfshafts for 81 4wd 720s, but they only had one available a few days ago, and it was in Portland. If I can remember to call Cardone tomorrow, I'm going to see if those are planned for future runs, or if I have to have my units rebuilt when they go bad or figure out how to use a hardbody cvshaft in the front. Probably need the diff with the extension housing for that too...

Edited by HRH
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They did NOT pull me over and I did not run! I was turning left after the cop had passed me going the other way. When I looked down the street he was on the right side of the road stopped, 3 houses down the street, with his lights on and people were passing him both directions! I drove the speed limit one and a half blocks to my dads house (wich is my address on my licence, and the cops know that it is my address) When I turned into the alley he had not made it around the corner a block behind me! when I was walking into the back door of the house 50ft from the car he was looking down the street infront of the house, then took off looking for me down further.


I said before that I was happy to remove and surender the mace, but I know my rights and I do not take lightly to them or others rights being abused by the police. When I was in high school the cops were cool and let me off a bunch of times for doing burnouts and such. I have sence calmed down, I drive the speed limit in town and obey the traffic laws! But in the last 5-7 years there has emerged this trio of cops that are out harrasing people with nice looking custom daily driver cars. Friends of mine from the VW Nut Cases to the Jeepers and the Adjustible Syspension Folks. And it is not right. Maby in my old age:D I will get beaten into submission. But Not Yet!




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That's not what you said in your first post.




"2 blocks from his house a cop that was going the other way dinamited his brakes and pulled over with his lights on, after we passed each other. I was turning left when this happened. Hot stepped it to dads house, pulled into the alley and parked behind the garage. Got out the ride and into the fence before he was even close"


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