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medical issues?

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im up at this time due to medical issues nerve damage aint no laughing matter and a kanker sore= bonvo up all night do you guys have anny medical issues that sometimes limit your abillities to work on your datto? my nerve damage make the constant up and down jobs as well as the long ones painfull and difficult

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i have arthritis in both my knees, iv been skating for 10 years, usta jump dirt bikes for hours a day and have broke both my legs. alot of the time its not bad but sometimes its acts up so much i can hardly walk. kinda lame since im only 20.

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i have arthritis in both my knees, iv been skating for 10 years, usta jump dirt bikes for hours a day and have broke both my legs. alot of the time its not bad but sometimes its acts up so much i can hardly walk. kinda lame since im only 20.


Man, only 20 and you have arthritis? Still skateboard a lot? You may need knee repalcements but that would definately end your skating days though.

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Man, only 20 and you have arthritis? Still skateboard a lot? You may need knee repalcements but that would definately end your skating days though.


Ill still carve around the pool on a nice day but not nearly as much as i used to, my hard skating days are over for sure.

dirt bikes stay on the ground now to lol

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Whats the nerve damage from? Injury or nueropathy from diabetes? I have some from a motorcycle wreck, my feet hurt and my toes burn if I am up a lot which I am since I work as a RN. I dont take any pain meds, I have a high tolerance for pain and ignore it.


injury i ate it at work and my knee bent in a direction it was never ment to bend in and because the insurrence company lagged the nerve damage is perminant as well as having almost no cartalage lefy in my right knee

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You know my M.O.: Two herniated discs, permanent nerve damage down the right leg. Affect me working on cars? Hell Yes! I used to do a lot of things, now I have to pace myself. No working over the hood of a car, more like leaned over and elbow on the valve cover as I sprawl out over the engine bay for a tune up. Looks like I make it easy, but I hate to pay someone to work on my car(s).

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I'm pretty sure I'm mentally retarded, defective from the factory, but I haven't been medically diagnosed. ...Are you trying to say I'm not? :D


Psycho: The name's Francis Soyer, but everybody calls me Psycho. Any of you guys call me Francis, and I'll kill you.

Leon: Ooooooh.

Psycho: You just made the list, buddy. And I don't like nobody touching my stuff. So just keep your meat-hooks off. If I catch any of you guys in my stuff, I'll kill you. Also, I don't like nobody touching me. Now, any of you homos touch me, and I'll kill you.

Sergeant Hulka: Lighten up, Francis.

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You know my M.O.: Two herniated discs, permanent nerve damage down the right leg. Affect me working on cars? Hell Yes! I used to do a lot of things, now I have to pace myself. No working over the hood of a car, more like leaned over and elbow on the valve cover as I sprawl out over the engine bay for a tune up. Looks like I make it easy, but I hate to pay someone to work on my car(s).



yeah i know bro i feel your pain on the pacing yourself thing why do you think it took me a month and a half to do the trans swap well aside from my lack of funds

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Psycho: The name's Francis Soyer, but everybody calls me Psycho. Any of you guys call me Francis, and I'll kill you.

Leon: Ooooooh.

Psycho: You just made the list, buddy. And I don't like nobody touching my stuff. So just keep your meat-hooks off. If I catch any of you guys in my stuff, I'll kill you. Also, I don't like nobody touching me. Now, any of you homos touch me, and I'll kill you.

Sergeant Hulka: Lighten up, Francis.



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I'm medically retired from the Navy with a yet (it has been over 7 years since I retired) to be diagnosed digestive disease. Let's just say I run to the bathroom a lot. Most days I have debilitating pain in my stomach. I refuse to take pain meds and I'm fortunate to have a high tolerance for pain.

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2 Degenerative discs:(! Had a Motorcycle accident way back in 1990 and then worked 11 yrs pyhsical labor as a Warehouse maintanance Mechanic and now almost 8 yrs. Truck Driver:rolleyes:! That and Many yrs of Weight lifting has taken its toll on this old Frame:lol:! Now I see a chiropractor at least 2x a month!

Slodat, I hear you on the Digestive Issues! I was diagnosed with IBS about 3 yrs. ago! Sucks,but for me kinda has been a blessing in disguise 'cause it made me more aware of what i put into my body! I dont take anything for it Either...I just learned to deal with it regulary!

Stay strong my Ratsun Brothers!!!!

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I had a hernia for a year or so that was repair but the area still seems to hurt from time to time, esp when I have to put power into something. Torn cartilage in my right knee as well yet to be repaired, seems to hurt a lot when pressures change and rain is coming or when I'm kneeling on a rad support to reach something lol.


I can definitely relate to the digestive issues, been trying to track down the root of some problems I myself have been having for a while now. Wheat gluten, processed sugar, nitrates, dairy, red meat, liquor, beer, stress, anxiety, sleep schedule, flora imbalance etc can all cause issues.


IBS seems more a term docs (even "specialists")like to hand out when they cant lock down a reason. I wouldn't settle for it.

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My first official diagnosis by the Navy was Extremely Severe IBS. After 5 years of additional tests I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease (gluten intolerant enteropathy). Good guess Matt. It took a total of 15 years to diagnose. The only problem is no I am asymptomatic, so back to the drawing board. My favorite quote from my Gastroenterologist - "you have been cured of an incurable disease. now what the fuck do you want me to do?"

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My wife just developed a gluten and dairy problem. Took over a year of food experimenting and keeping a diary. Not as severe as most but she avoids gluten which isn't easy. That shit is in everything, not kiddin'. For dairy she takes an enzyme like lactaid.


Stuff happens and food you used to eat suddenly turns on you. Damn, I've said it before... the most valuable thing you will ever have, is your health.

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Damn, I've said it before... the most valuable thing you will ever have, is your health.


got that right, i almost regret taking all the body drops to concrete (from 0-9ft up) iv had over the last 10 years,

its beat the shit out of my body.

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I broke a vertebrae right in the middle of my back in June of '07 riding a dirtbike and it hurts me all the time. If I stand up too long, or sit too long, it hurts. I just have to look past it sometimes when I'm working even though it starts killing me about half way through the day. And it hurts like hell every morning when I wake up. I had already had back problems before that happend but now it's even worse. I used to ride some when I was younger and I broke my ankle and I swore I'd never get one again, and like an idiot I did and now this happend. I'm too young to have back problems like this!!!

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