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help identifying engine!!

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Engine ID should be on side of block. Have another look, it may be embossed or raised lettering near there. North of Mexico we only got the J13 though they had J15s in their 510.


That said, the E1 engine is very similar and the predecessor of the J series and it may not have the ID cast into the cylinder block.


I see the mechanical fuel pump and fan have been replaced with electric.

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5 hours ago, 610wagon said:

I looked everywhere with a snake camera the only other things it says Datsun and made in Mexico or Mexico also the plate on the firewall says its an l16 but I really doubt that but I will take more pictures tomorrow and post them 

I did a little reading out of boredom and curiosity....

Wikipedia says the 610 only came with L series motors... so that would make sense the firewall says that...

Definitely a motor swap because that's not an L series....

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They did only come with L series. The L18 was used directly after the 510 ended and the 610 began production and continued up to July '73 when the L20B was used for the '74 model year. This is the first use of the 'new' L20B. All 710s and 620s began using the L20B in '75.


That said officially, I suppose there may have been a few hundred L16s left over from the end of the 510 production. L16/18s are basically identical. It's not documented.

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