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Information is how we form our opinions. If we are provided only examples of the abuses of guns we'll have a negative view of guns, if we have nothing but gun owner saves the day stories we'll have a positive view, this is just one example but there are countless examples of how we form our opinions. If MSM is 80% funded by the government is it not safe to say our opinions are being given to us by the government? By very definition is that not a psyop?


 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychological_operations_(United_States)#:~:text=Psychological operations (PSYOP) are operations,groups%2C and large foreign powers.


 The next time we turn on our tv or radio or connect to our favorite online "information" source we MUST remember the government is paying them to convince us of something, not help us have any clarity of truth.  Government and truth have never in the history of humanity ever been synonymous. 





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Here are a few truths we need no influencers input to know. If we have RE ELECT you to get you to do the things you should have already been doing you never should have been there to begin with and If you have already shown me you'll do what you say we dont need someone else telling us won't hold the course. Last but not least, when trust is lost you have to prove through action because words no longer hold any credit.

A leader who won't offer ABSOLUTE TRANSPARENCY in government their ONLY goal isn't a leader worthy of a favorable vote. All other issues will correct themselves when transparency is mandatory. What good is it to argue over side issues when the universal issue is not being addressed? 

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12 hours ago, frankendat said:

I attempt different avenues, because I maintain a foolish hope, that you will understand. It is not a binary competition for you, but it is for me, and others who value freedom and distrust the government.


I am more than happy, I would go so far as to say delighted, that you have taken the steps you believe are necessary to protect you and your family. I support and will fight, so that you maintain that freedom. 


If my argument and my "side" prevail, then your life, in regards to firearms, remain unchanged. If your argument and your "side" prevail, then regulations, which you are unconcerned, are enacted and your life, in regards to firearms, remains unchanged. For you it is not binary. 


If the Democratic party fulfills any of their gun agenda promises, then the cost, complexity, and anxiety of my life will increase exponentially and I personally will feel and be less safe. The kicker is, I guarantee that you personally will not feel any "safer". You won't go strolling down avenues at night that you wouldn't have strolled down.  


The truth is that I live in a (thankfully) a red state and you live in a blue state, our electoral votes are forgone conclusions. I type to those with different views, in the vain hope of changing minds, and to determine if in the last decades any new arguments have surfaced. These discussions are difficult in person, because without fail someone will play to the sympathy vote and start whining. 





And I maintain that a fool would think I don't understand because my views are different. Bottom line, both "sides" amplify potential danger, play on anxiety, and distort information to fit their propaganda narratives. I subscribe to neither, because I'm not looking for someone to tell me how to think, feel, and act. Breaking the spell of media mind control is my fight.


I manage my anxiety from life's uncertainty by researching issues through published peer reviewed empirical data, statistics, and sited studies to satisfy my curiosity. As a retired research psychologist, it's something I enjoy doing. The first thing I do with this information is find the source, parameters/metrics/methods used, and the particular bias of who funded it. If a study is legit, all of this information is found in the 1st paragraph lined out in the "Abstract" along with the result, margin of error, and conclusions. Takes 5 minutes to see you're being lied to on both sides of an issue. It's all there, but no one wants to find out their side is full of shit. Pull back the curtain on this and both sides will call you a traitor. Such is the power of the media spell. Mine may be a loosing fight, but I refuse to go into that dark night, so I rage, RAGE against the dying of the light!!!  



Screen Shot 2024-08-17 at 10.57.38 AM.png

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3 hours ago, Ooph! said:


In the coming dystopian future without guns we would have.

"The process by which a person is deemed to be mentally unfit to continue there existence is too soft"

Already you can see the difference in a society with and without guns.

In Great Britain the Govt says "if you post anything we deem contrarian you will be punished" the citizens say "we comply"

In the USA the Govt says "if you post anything we deem contrarian you will be punished" the citizens say "Fuck You"

That crap going on in Britain is ridiculous. How in the hell did the citizens let that happen ? Too bad more of them aren't armed. It's proof that an unarmed society WILL be controlled and trained to do what the government wants. Telling people they can't have a certain opinion or talk poorly of others is ridiculous. You can't force or create a well civilized society that way. And while I'm here, fuck you Great Britain.

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1 hour ago, gh0stwerx76 said:

Information is how we form our opinions. If we are provided only examples of the abuses of guns we'll have a negative view of guns, if we have nothing but gun owner saves the day stories we'll have a positive view, this is just one example but there are countless examples of how we form our opinions. If MSM is 80% funded by the government is it not safe to say our opinions are being given to us by the government? By very definition is that not a psyop?



If it bleeds it leads. No one cares about cars and their drivers that arrive home accident free. They only look at accidents. I think we would quickly get tired of positive 'gun owner saves the day'.


Psyop.... convince the general public that are not gun owners to quickly go out and get armed to save themselves from the idiots that do. Doesn't seem that this would make anyone turn in their guns or not buy. Seems counterproductive.

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32 minutes ago, john510 said:

That crap going on in Britain is ridiculous. How in the hell did the citizens let that happen ? Too bad more of them aren't armed. It's proof that an unarmed society WILL be controlled and trained to do what the government wants. Telling people they can't have a certain opinion or talk poorly of others is ridiculous. You can't force or create a well civilized society that way. And while I'm here, fuck you Great Britain.


A lot is forced immigration by the EU. Some areas of cities are completely Muslim.

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15 minutes ago, john510 said:

That crap going on in Britain is ridiculous. How in the hell did the citizens let that happen ? Too bad more of them aren't armed. It's proof that an unarmed society WILL be controlled and trained to do what the government wants. Telling people they can't have a certain opinion or talk poorly of others is ridiculous. You can't force or create a well civilized society that way. And while I'm here, fuck you Great Britain.


Conflating free speech with guns is ridiculous. Britten never had the freedom of speech we enjoy under the 1st Amendment. One giant step in claiming our independence from the crown by creating a vibrantly ambitious, and well uncivil society. That's not to say they don't deserve a mighty Fuck You for being a bunch of pale whiny ass twats who think they're better than everyone else though.  

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Hello, an unarmed society is a controlled postured & manipulated society controlled by the elite who tell the masses what to believe, an armed society is " of for & by the people " who choose in what manor they live & hold the belief that God gives rights NOT people !!!  Historical fact, at the surrender ceremony of WW2 a reporter asked the top Admiral of Japan this question, Sir Japan had America blindsided with the attack on Pearl Harbor why did you not invade the continental US ? His reply with a smile said because your citizens are armed !  The US Government has become a 3 ring circus of word shell games run & set up by the elites to be self policed by the elite who never police only seek to gain more power and keep it over the masses by manipulation & posturing, in short America has become a nation steeped in greed with money$$$$$$ replacing the One True Living God in Christ Jesus & only by returning to God will save the USA, just take a gander in the Word & you will find many what they used to call Kingdoms/countries who began loyal to God & turned away & the fate of every single one was the same, eventually those Kingdoms/countries were consumed by the worlds way & were gone forever. You see God has something we humans don't & that's time, 1 day unto the Lord is as a thousand years to a human so a 100yr life of a human is equal to 2.4 hours of 1 of Gods days so you see God can afford to wait for the next one who will be loyal to Him no matter how many generations it takes & then try again ! God Bless America, of for & by the people ! LOCK & LOAD !!!!

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She's opened her mouth and is in trouble again.

The October surprise could be Joe stepping down and swearing in Kamala as President to give her momentum.

Edited by Ooph!
I wanted to
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20 minutes ago, Ooph! said:

She's opened her mouth and is in trouble again.

The October surprise could be Joe stepping down and swearing in Kamala as President to give her momentum.

For some reason I doubt that gives her momentum. It might give her something special if something bad just happened to occur in this country. Those people scare me and have me wondering what's going to happen next. 

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4 hours ago, gh0stwerx76 said:

Information is how we form our opinions. If we are provided only examples of the abuses of guns we'll have a negative view of guns, if we have nothing but gun owner saves the day stories we'll have a positive view, this is just one example but there are countless examples of how we form our opinions. If MSM is 80% funded by the government is it not safe to say our opinions are being given to us by the government? By very definition is that not a psyop?


 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychological_operations_(United_States)#:~:text=Psychological operations (PSYOP) are operations,groups%2C and large foreign powers.


 The next time we turn on our tv or radio or connect to our favorite online "information" source we MUST remember the government is paying them to convince us of something, not help us have any clarity of truth.  Government and truth have never in the history of humanity ever been synonymous. 





All information presented by the news fails to meet the minimum standards for reliability and veracity, which are necessary in a court of law. One might think, "so what?" So, that is the information used to assess legislation and promote or object to legislation that becomes law. 


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3 hours ago, datzenmike said:


A lot is forced immigration by the EU. Some areas of cities are completely Muslim.


A lot is forced immigration by the Federal Govt. along with Sanctuary cities and states.

The same statement applies to the USA. Does Canada have an immigration issue I heard the PNW was almost a Chinese territory and no the French in Quebec don't count in this


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2 hours ago, paradime said:


Conflating free speech with guns is ridiculous. Britten never had the freedom of speech we enjoy under the 1st Amendment. One giant step in claiming our independence from the crown by creating a vibrantly ambitious, and well uncivil society. That's not to say they don't deserve a mighty Fuck You for being a bunch of pale whiny ass twats who think they're better than everyone else though.  

"Ridiculous"? British citizens, have not and will not enjoy the freedom of Americans, because the allowed themselves to be subjugated and disarmed.  How do you fail to see, all rights flow through the Second Amendment. Fun fact, guns are not against the law in Britain and citizens (the rich) own guns and have armed security, the "common" majority afford no such privilege. The "British" plan is the full throttle second option  that remains a threat even under Republican leadership. 

How many times will the government (either party) need to fail you before it becomes clear? Not only could the government fail to save you, there is Supreme Court precedent that they aren't responsible! What will it take before you realize, that self reliance is not only necessary, it is your current situation. You are on your own, quit worrying about what others might do or might have and protect yours--yes, even from the government. If your against the Constitutional  freedom for another, then you are against yourself.

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3 hours ago, paradime said:

And I maintain that a fool would think I don't understand because my views are different. Bottom line, both "sides" amplify potential danger, play on anxiety, and distort information to fit their propaganda narratives. I subscribe to neither, because I'm not looking for someone to tell me how to think, feel, and act. Breaking the spell of media mind control is my fight.


I manage my anxiety from life's uncertainty by researching issues through published peer reviewed empirical data, statistics, and sited studies to satisfy my curiosity. As a retired research psychologist, it's something I enjoy doing. The first thing I do with this information is find the source, parameters/metrics/methods used, and the particular bias of who funded it. If a study is legit, all of this information is found in the 1st paragraph lined out in the "Abstract" along with the result, margin of error, and conclusions. Takes 5 minutes to see you're being lied to on both sides of an issue. It's all there, but no one wants to find out their side is full of shit. Pull back the curtain on this and both sides will call you a traitor. Such is the power of the media spell. Mine may be a loosing fight, but I refuse to go into that dark night, so I rage, RAGE against the dying of the light!!!  



Screen Shot 2024-08-17 at 10.57.38 AM.png

Rocinante was a fine mount. If you embrace a Buddhist or other absolute abstinence violence philosophy, then I have been off base. I understood a desire and a need for the safety and security of, at minimum, family. I remember you claim to be armed, which runs contrary to non violence. Rather than the Don, embracing futility of purpose, I read the posts coveting elitism and throwing barbs from on high. 

If you understand the need for firearms, you understand the government is often wrong and in opposition of your best interests, (you seem to believe at least one party of the current political system in America is populated with evil fools) and yet, not only do you trust them to protect your life and the ones you love, you wish to inhibit the ability of others to protect themselves and the ones they love. 


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1 hour ago, Ooph! said:


A lot is forced immigration by the Federal Govt. along with Sanctuary cities and states.

The same statement applies to the USA. Does Canada have an immigration issue I heard the PNW was almost a Chinese territory and no the French in Quebec don't count in this


Yes forced by the feds. You should see El Cajon California now. It's just a couple miles from me. Half of the downtown businesses have Arabic writing on the storefronts. What was once predominantly white, then black, then brown is now Arabic. Everybody else (most anyway) have been chased out. Fortunately these people are mostly Chaldean.

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I was stationed at 32nd street off and on and knew the area well, I was there once after the new downtown stadium was built and felt like nothing is the same even my favorite bar Foggy's notion was gone I haven't been back since

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4 hours ago, Still Breathin said:

Hello, an unarmed society is a controlled postured & manipulated society controlled by the elite who tell the masses what to believe, an armed society is " of for & by the people " who choose in what manor they live & hold the belief that God gives rights NOT people !!!  Historical fact, at the surrender ceremony of WW2 a reporter asked the top Admiral of Japan this question, Sir Japan had America blindsided with the attack on Pearl Harbor why did you not invade the continental US ? His reply with a smile said because your citizens are armed !  The US Government has become a 3 ring circus of word shell games run & set up by the elites to be self policed by the elite who never police only seek to gain more power and keep it over the masses by manipulation & posturing, in short America has become a nation steeped in greed with money$$$$$$ replacing the One True Living God in Christ Jesus & only by returning to God will save the USA, just take a gander in the Word & you will find many what they used to call Kingdoms/countries who began loyal to God & turned away & the fate of every single one was the same, eventually those Kingdoms/countries were consumed by the worlds way & were gone forever. You see God has something we humans don't & that's time, 1 day unto the Lord is as a thousand years to a human so a 100yr life of a human is equal to 2.4 hours of 1 of Gods days so you see God can afford to wait for the next one who will be loyal to Him no matter how many generations it takes & then try again ! God Bless America, of for & by the people ! LOCK & LOAD !!!!


God came down to earth in 1776 and gave you the right to bear arms???? I didn't know that. I think the closest god came to  handing out rights was his 10 commandments and none of them say a word about guns. If I recall my Sunday school there's one commandment about not killing so that's kind of a contradiction.

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2 hours ago, Ooph! said:


A lot is forced immigration by the Federal Govt. along with Sanctuary cities and states.

The same statement applies to the USA. Does Canada have an immigration issue I heard the PNW was almost a Chinese territory and no the French in Quebec don't count in this



Are you referring to the porous southern border?


Vancouver (city) has enclaves of Chinese and Indians but I would never live there. Every large town has a Chinese restaurant but I wouldn't say that I see Asians every time I go out but I don't live on the mainland. More likely natives, they're common enough. Immigration issue? No idea nor do I care. I carved out a nice retirement place predominantly white, a few natives, mix of Asians and plan to live out the remainder of my life enjoying myself. I wish no one ill will and when I'm gone I won't give a fuck anyway so why spoil it worrying or thinking about it now? 


The French Canadians can have and stay in Lower Canada. I refused to learn French in school (started in '62 or 3?) so fuck them and their fries. Naturally some went in but I don't remember ever passing a French exam. I don't think you could fail a year for failing French so piss on it. 

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2 hours ago, Ooph! said:

I was stationed at 32nd street off and on and knew the area well, I was there once after the new downtown stadium was built and felt like nothing is the same even my favorite bar Foggy's notion was gone I haven't been back since

My God Foggy's Notion ? My stepfather had a T-shirt from that place. That was in the seventies. I don't know where it was. Downtown is so ridiculously trendy I only drive through it to get to Seaport Village or the Maritime museums.

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Its been a tire shop for many years now the building is still there, the only part of the area that still looks rundown 60's or 70's across from the sports arena


Foggy's Notion.jpg

Foggy's street view.png

Foggy's Notion inside.jpg

Edited by Ooph!
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6 hours ago, Ooph! said:

I was stationed at 32nd street off and on and knew the area well, I was there once after the new downtown stadium was built and felt like nothing is the same even my favorite bar Foggy's notion was gone I haven't been back since

Deployed from 32nd st.

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6 hours ago, datzenmike said:


God came down to earth in 1776 and gave you the right to bear arms???? I didn't know that. I think the closest god came to  handing out rights was his 10 commandments and none of them say a word about guns. If I recall my Sunday school there's one commandment about not killing so that's kind of a contradiction.

Wrong again, happened just a tad prior to 1776. 



Edited by IZRL
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8 hours ago, Ooph! said:

Its been a tire shop for many years now the building is still there, the only part of the area that still looks rundown 60's or 70's across from the sports arena


Foggy's Notion.jpg

Foggy's street view.png

Foggy's Notion inside.jpg

I know exactly where that is. We don't consider that downtown any longer. They have big plans to level that whole area including the Sports Arena. More affordable housing bullshit in the most expensive city in the country. It's more like developers making bank and passing some of it along to city officials. Another improvement that won't be an improvement.

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16 hours ago, john510 said:

My God Foggy's Notion ? My stepfather had a T-shirt from that place. That was in the seventies. I don't know where it was. Downtown is so ridiculously trendy I only drive through it to get to Seaport Village or the Maritime museums.


Downtown SD used to be filled with businesses serving the military during WWII. By the 60s business died off, storefronts were boarded up, and it had gotten run down and seedy. Mostly dive bars, strip joints, and streetwalkers. Turned into a TJ North for the next 20 yrs with only a few remains of it's glory days. Growing up next door in Mission Hills I peddled downtown with my older brother for slot car racing at the Y. Getting there took us through 5th and B, so we called it our hooker safari. Horten Plaza kicked off the Gaslamp District turning it into the F'n cultural nightmare hipster show it is today. 

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1 hour ago, paradime said:


Downtown SD used to be filled with businesses serving the military during WWII. By the 60s business died off, storefronts were boarded up, and it had gotten run down and seedy. Mostly dive bars, strip joints, and streetwalkers. Turned into a TJ North for the next 20 yrs with only a few remains of it's glory days. Growing up next door in Mission Hills I peddled downtown with my older brother for slot car racing at the Y. Getting there took us through 5th and B, so we called it our hooker safari. Horten Plaza kicked off the Gaslamp District turning it into the F'n cultural nightmare hipster show it is today. 

I do remember Horton Plaza being known for prostitution before they cleaned it up. I remember because it was in the news, not because I went there for some ass. 

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