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Covid-19 Prepared?

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You can't get the flu from a flu shot and you can't give someone the flu if you got a flu shot. The exception would be if you got the flu before the flu shot had time to take full effect, several weeks 


There is no 'flu season' you can get it anytime but mostly in the winter months when people congregate indoors. 



Don't know what you might have had but it didn't kill you, get over it, move on and work on your Datsuns.

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7 hours ago, datzenmike said:


You can't get the flu from a flu shot and you can't give someone the flu if you got a flu shot. The exception would be if you got the flu before the flu shot had time to take full effect, several weeks 


There is no 'flu season' you can get it anytime but mostly in the winter months when people congregate indoors. 



Don't know what you might have had but it didn't kill you, get over it, move on and work on your Datsuns.


You can if they were using that experimental flu shot they call the Covid 19 vaccine now since they changed what the meaning of a vaccine is so they could call that flu shot a vaccine, that flu shot/covid 19 vaccine has been around since before 2015 when they made the law that one cannot sue for side effects from it.


I cannot point to the exact person every freaking time I have got sick as I have been sick so many times, but the first 3 times I can point to either my family thanksgiving dinner(flu shots) or that person that had just been vaccinated(early May of 2021), the last two times I can also point to who made me sick also(customer), both had had a shot(vaccination or flu shot, same crap), both walked right up into my face while talking(so close I could have touched their face) and both times I was sick 3 days later(he infected me October 22, 2022, she infected me mid December 2023).


I asked you to not quote me, I am not the slightest bit interested in anything a clueless Sheepman has to say anymore.



Edited by wayno
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I didn't quote you but I am now...


5 hours ago, wayno said:


You can if they were using that experimental flu shot they call the Covid 19 vaccine now since they changed what the meaning of a vaccine is so they could call that flu shot a vaccine, that flu shot/covid 19 vaccine has been around since before 2015 when they made the law that one cannot sue for side effects from it.


I cannot point to the exact person every freaking time I have got sick as I have been sick so many times, but the first 3 times I can point to either my family thanksgiving dinner(flu shots) or that person that had just been vaccinated(early May of 2021), the last two times I can also point to who made me sick also(customer), both had had a shot(vaccination or flu shot, same crap), both walked right up into my face while talking(so close I could have touched their face) and both times I was sick 3 days later(he infected me October 22, 2022, she infected me mid December 2023).


I asked you to not quote me, I am not the slightest bit interested in anything a clueless Sheepman has to say anymore.




 You can't get co-vid by me quoting you. Do what John did and put me on ignore so you can live peacefully in your own little world where you believe what ever you like wayno. The whole world is out to get you. Better dig a bunker.

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16 hours ago, wayno said:


You can if they were using that experimental flu shot they call the Covid 19 vaccine now since they changed what the meaning of a vaccine is so they could call that flu shot a vaccine, that flu shot/covid 19 vaccine has been around since before 2015 when they made the law that one cannot sue for side effects from it.


I cannot point to the exact person every freaking time I have got sick as I have been sick so many times, but the first 3 times I can point to either my family thanksgiving dinner(flu shots) or that person that had just been vaccinated(early May of 2021), the last two times I can also point to who made me sick also(customer), both had had a shot(vaccination or flu shot, same crap), both walked right up into my face while talking(so close I could have touched their face) and both times I was sick 3 days later(he infected me October 22, 2022, she infected me mid December 2023).


I asked you to not quote me, I am not the slightest bit interested in anything a clueless Sheepman has to say anymore.




Hey Wayno!  If you have not already, check out Dr Ardis online.  It is an online company, offering services like detox processes & of course, their own line of products to sell you!  I am subscribed to their email/sales.  Looks like you can go to www.thedrardisshow.com.  A good read!  Here is their initial email..............info@thedrardisshow.com


PM me your email & I can forward the latest email from them!



a fellow NON-jabber 😎

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5 hours ago, yenpit said:


Hey Wayno!  If you have not already, check out Dr Ardis online.  It is an online company, offering services like detox processes & of course, their own line of products to sell you!  I am subscribed to their email/sales.  Looks like you can go to www.thedrardisshow.com.  A good read!  Here is their initial email..............info@thedrardisshow.com


PM me your email & I can forward the latest email from them!



a fellow NON-jabber 😎


I am already taking a detox vitamin(NAC) people are using to try to remove/cleanse themselves of vaccination ingredients(I was told this by someone using it), it is supposed to boost one's immune system as well(the main reason I started using it), it had a good/great side effect for me also I had no idea about, it has made my life is much better since I started using that vitamin.


I saved that link, I surfed the site a little but do not have the battery left to watch anything right now.


I went to the link about C19, unfortunately my speaker on my laptop does not work, and that video does not have Closed Captioning, I tried other sources, but nothing had it with Closed Captioning.

Edited by wayno
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16 hours ago, datzenmike said:

I didn't quote you but I am now...



 You can't get co-vid by me quoting you. Do what John did and put me on ignore so you can live peacefully in your own little world where you believe what ever you like wayno. The whole world is out to get you. Better dig a bunker.


I can't believe you are still a Mod.


You are right, you did not quote me.


You have more posts in this thread than the next 3 top posters combined, same with the Destruction thread(almost 23 percent of all the posts), think about it.

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This is because there are lots of ignorant statements made in both. Some posters are a little over the top also and I try to apply some balance lest others take it for fact.. Both are almost exclusively opinion so no one knows with absolute certainty that they are talking about. 


Opinion are beliefs /conclusions reached not necessarily using facts. Opinions by definition can't be wrong. I've never said you were wrong that I can remember.     

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