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Crappy Mike, sounds like what I have now after working for 3 days in the rain on my self induced wiring problems .... Have a shot of nice scotch, it'll work better than mouthwash and you'll feel a bit warmer too!

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Ugh... still feel like shit. Posting on NyQuill at 1:30 am, now that was interesting. I'm afraid if I tried wenching in this state I might snap my stud off! Scotch mouthwash sounds good though.


Wow, started thurs PM, no work fri so I figured a nice long w/end to recover but it just keeps getting worse. Stayed home to-day, holiday to-morrow. Remembrance Day here, Veteran's Day in the States? Hope I'm bedder on wednesday. Sniff, cough, hork, ptuie. (sorry)


Thanks guys.

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