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let me say this no matter if dad was home or not or never called it just made me a better person and stronger ,so now with my son we have a absolute blast ,with me i ust tune all the bad out and think hey i want my boy to actually have someone there to be a friend and a dad so cheer up we can fix your ride bro


In my case I always needed a dad more than I needed a friend.


As for the car and your dad man, you're mad now, but let it go. Get the work done and call it a day. Then the next time he yells at your for something you can remind him about the time he hit your car. Might not want to bring it up for a few years, but it's always nice to have ammo.

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its not that im blaming him or saying he did it on porpoise




Sorry, had to :lol:




Sucks to hear though :/ Even though my car's not in nearly as good of shape as yours I'm always glaring at people that drive too close to it. I can't imagine how much it would suck if someone hit it. Looks like it doesn't need TOOOOOO much repairing though.



On the Dad issue, mine sucked until I was about 19 and stopped being rebellious. He's always asking me about the 510 and if I've done any more work and gets mad if I don't do something the 'right' way. I keep telling him if he wants to put up some money to get stuff done right, I'll do it right :lol:

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Oh Man........................................The people that know me farly well

just have to know how hard I am biting my tongue right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Right Jason, Mark, Mike, Guy, Chris, Lawrence)???????????????????????

Ray if you are on here tonight..................................Thanks bud

Luv ya..........................

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im not blaming my dad, just his way of driving:D

i almost got the whole thing hammered out.

now my dad is going to bondo the car.

and because my car wont be ready by the shows next week, i get to take his 510:cool:


So why ya cryin, You get his car for the weekend.:cool:

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Oh Man........................................The people that know me farly well

just have to know how hard I am biting my tongue right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Right Jason, Mark, Mike, Guy, Chris, Lawrence)???????????????????????

Ray if you are on here tonight..................................Thanks bud

Luv ya..........................


Yea Ron Your a lucky man. Your son likes to hang out with ya, I don't think I've ever seen you without Ray hangin right there with ya. That's something that ya just don't see very often. I think Mo just needs a good ol ass whipin :lol: Like I said in the last post I think Mo started about his dad, Ya only get one, enjoy it while you can. My pop's is alive but bed ridden.

You have no idea how much I would like to go fishin with him.

(And I hate fishing but he loved it) Or have him back into my car for that matter. Then I could get him to help me fix it.


Mo I think it might be time for you to get your own place, :D

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the damage doesn't look to bad, hope you find the parts your looking for but just remember that things could always be worse. hope pic makes my point understandable..... :D shit does happen........ lifes short now move on.



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There are two tail lights R&L, the current bid is $24 and there are two days left in the auction. Auction ends Nov 1, 2008 that's 2 days 23 hours from this post.


Maybe DAD will pay for them :), that would be cool. There's a nice shiny bezel included. The tail lights are in San Diego; you might be able to pick up and avoid shipping charge.




Edited by Nicholas7620
include bezel, correct typo
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