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havin yet another problem

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being cold and broke suxs, I wish I had a good reason to come to vancouver which I might, just not sure when. I got a sister in couver and a nephew in longveiw that wants me to come over and party with him. I might just give him a call tonite and see whats up, if I do come over and you havn't got it going, i'll pm you with a heads up, if thats oakey dokey with you.

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  • 3 weeks later...

his last activity was 10-22 @ 12:48 am. I haven't seen him on here since,

maybe sumone should give him a call or stop by and see if everything is OK.

I couldnt make it over to help out.................... bummer

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its cold, wet, and clutch jobs are a pain in the ass, the trucks sitting there with the engine not even bolted into the motor mounts, the tranny is in the bed of the truck an everything else is in the cab... im broke and have no clue what im doing... so i give up, atleast for now.. if anyone wants my number pm me an i'll give it to ya

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  • 1 month later...

ok guys so i got some news, i went out in the cold!! yes the COLD!! burr, anyways i did some tests and shit... i checked to see what the clutch disc looks like on the tranny spline and its perfect, i also replaced the pilot bushing using the MESSY ASS grease trick, i say its a good idea to buy a tube of grease then a can of grease it got sooooo messy oh my god.. i took yellow620s advice and put some tape on a bolt i got since the bolt was too small an i jus wrapped it a few times an tested it on the new pilot bushing to get it perfect and it worked like a charm.. its very hard to lay under a truck and swing a greasy hammer while holding a greasy bolt haha! anyways then i used a rubber mallet handle to put the new pilot bushing in i think i did it without fucking it up this time.. OH btw with the old pilot bushing out it would only want to go on the tranny spline one way, an even then it would only to till it got to the back of the bushing meaning yes i had fucked it up, im going to try to get the tranny back in tuesday since i ran out of day light but i thought u guys would like an update so there it is

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well with 2 pairs of sox some sweat pants, jeans, a sweater and some coveralls i wasnt too worried about the cold, altho my hands were fucking freezing!!! but i think everything should go smoothly, the flywheel had a little rust on it but i hit it with wd 40 and some brake cleaner and sanded it a little an hit it with more brake cleaner an sanded some more an hit it with more brake cleaner and yea then at the end of the night hit it with more wd40 so the bastard dont rust by tuesday haha. this all would be so much easier but i got that fuckin header on there and squeezing the tranny between the header and torsion bars is a PITA i gotta jack / pry it into place when im putting it in... and taking it out usualy results in smashed fingers :( but hey atleast im not a pussy and decide to sell my truck :P i just cant wait to slap that mother fucker into 5th gear an cruise. :D

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me?!? lol


i think sometimes people buy or sell vehicles for the wrong reasons.. i've seen it happen so many times, someone buys a datsun says they're going to do all this stuff to it and then it sits around collects dust an rust then they end up gettin rid of it... or they actually do spend a bunch of money an time on it get it lookin real nice an then sell it only to regret it later.. or maybe they buy a datsun cause its cheap, an when it turns out to need a little work they chicken out an ditch it... those are the most common examples, i didnt mean it twords anyone special, but since i've been on the computer the last few days i've been tryin to catch up on shit i missed an i've found like 3 or so threads of people sayin they're going to get rid of they're truck / car so i figured i'd be a smart ass :P

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