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new guy, legacy 240 Z

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Hi all.  I found this site while looking up some info on my "new" car.  I tried to upload a couple photos of it, but as I just joined today I may not be able to yet?  We'll see if they show. 


This is a long tale, and I'll try to keep it to one beer length vs. a sixer....  My dad passed away this past November in FL.  I grew up in PA, currently live in OR.  My dad had several cool cars, but the first cool car he owned was a 1971 240 Z he purchased brand new in December of 1970.  I was born in '75, so this car has always been a part of my life.  I can clearly recall riding in the luggage area at like 3 years old (you'd go to jail for this now....) with my parents in the front seats.  There are many, many stories about this car, but suffice to say it had a lot to do with influencing what I thought was a cool car as I grew up, and I always loved it.  


The car lived in PA it's whole life, not seeing much road time over the last 10 years or so although dad always kept it inspected and insured and drove it to church etc. once in awhile.  When he died, each of my brothers and I took one of his cars.  Value played no role in this, we talked about it and decided who wanted what.  My oldest brother took his '57 Ranchero, middle brother took his '69 Cougar (which my grandad bought brand new), and I wanted the Z car.  


In early June I flew home to PA to help my mom settle the house sale/auction and move.  I drove the Z around a bit in PA.  It fired right up, but had a clicking noise in the back end that I recognized immediately to be a U joint or similar on its way out.  I then towed the Z back to Oregon behind a Uhaul truck to come live with me.  I dropped it off at my mechanic's place (a guy I trust but certainly not a vintage Datsun mechanic) where he had the car 2 weeks and replaced inner and outer driver's side wheel bearings and both u joints on that side.  


Finally getting the car home, I washed it immediately (the car was dirtier than it had been since the late 70's probably) and took it for a spin.  It started making a horrendous noise.  I got it off the road and figured out that the water pump had just grenaded.  Crap.  I got it home OK (less than a mile, and not the first time I had been in the Z being coasted into the driveway) and parked it.  Busy life coupled with some procrastination led to the car sitting a couple weeks.  I ordered a new water pump and rad. hoses from the Z car store (which rocks, btw) along with a Chilton's book.  


Yesterday was my 40th birthday.  When my wife asked what I wanted to do, I said "I wanna drive the Z".  So yesterday I spent about 4 hours replacing the water pump.  In my too-small garage in 90 degree heat.  My lighting sucks so I was under two halogen work lights...like being in a friggen tanning bed wrapped in a garbage bag.  Wifely quote "you sure know how to suffer on a milestone birthday...)  However, I turned the key and the car started right up.  Idled, burped the radiator, and advised my wife to get dressed as we were taking the Z to dinner.  Pulled out of my driveway, got into second gear, and BANG.  The driver's side u joint exploded.  Yep the one I just paid almost $400 to have replaced.  Walked home, opened a beer, called AAA.  


My mechanic is doing me right, AAA covered the tow and he's replacing the joint free.  Promises to have the car back tonight.  I'm writing this long intro because first of all, from reading some posts here a lot of you will get it.  It's funny, and I guarantee my dad would have thought it was funny.  Mostly I'm just pissed because in my whole life I was only allowed to drive the darn car twice.  I inherit the thing, then it breaks every time I try to drive it haha.  


About the car: dad loved it, and it shows.  66k original miles.  Obviously it's a four speed.  Started red, painted maroon in 1978, painted red again in 1992.  I know all this because I have two huge folders of dad's records including the window sticker and warranty card.  Original EMPI rims.  The car is on its third air dam, I was there when the first two were ripped off.  (heard the F word for the first time during one of these events).  It's all original except for regular maintenance items.  It needs some attention as it had not been driven much in the past several years, but I'm up to the task and willing to do it.  I'm a decent wrench, but no pro.  I inherited most of my dad's hand tools as well.  It's far from being a concourse car, and has lots of dings etc.  Which is cool because I can drive the thing without feeling guilty.  I really want to get it sorted and be able to drive it regularly.  


My wife is not a car person.  Since we've met I have always had a motorcycle (I'm partial to Triumph Hinckley triples and currently have a Spint 1050...which I LOVE...but different tale for a different forum) but no classic cars etc. since we're far from rich.  Bikes are cheap, ungodly fast for the cost, and take up little space.  But there was NO WAY I was going to let the Z car get auctioned off and she was ok with me putting us slightly in debt to go get it.  


So that's my story.  Sorry for how long this post is, but I've had good luck on other forums with meeting like minded folks who are willing to help someone out with wisdom and encouragement.  I'm fully aware how lucky I am to have this car at all, let alone given it's history.  It will go to my oldest nephew when I die or whatever, until then I intend to be a good steward and drive it.  DSC00296_zpsm86szngc.jpg




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Hi Triumph, and welcome to Ratsun. Here's your post and picture, nice to both BTW.



http://community.ratsun.net/topic/67231-z-car-shop-in-portland-or-area/  At $400 for wheel bearing and U joints you really should get a much better factory service manual (FSM) perhaps download it, and do some of your own work. Well, unless your rich, but most of the fun of Datsun ownership is fiddlen' with them.

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I don't have that many photos of it yet, both these were taken in PA.  King Rat-I agree totally, it's actually kind of funny to be on the receiving end of talk about doing your own mechanical work.  I'm always preaching to my motorcycle buddies that no one will ever care about your ride as much as you do.  Invest your money in the manuals and tools.  


Rhap-I have done a search here and on google for a FSM, admittedly I didn't know until earlier today that it was so superior to a Chilton's.  Although I did notice that the Chilton's sucked yesterday when I replaced the water pump  :blush: .   The hard copies of the FSM for the Z are ridiculously expensive (although not compared to paying 40/hr labor I guess).  I've found several links to digital FSMs, but they are all either corrupted or so old the link doesn't work.  Advice?  

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Thanks for the link dgi! I agree about the knock offs. They will be coming off in the near future. I actually found the original EMPI covers in my dad's garage. They may be repairable. I'll check out Futofab too.

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welcome to ratsun, sorry to hear of your fathers passing. 

that is a nice z and looks like it was well taken car of in your fathers hands it also looks like it will be well taken care of in yours as well 

keep up the posts 

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70 and early '71 240z had the diff forward than later 240z. Look underneath to see if the diffy is forward. The halfshafts will point toward the front. Later 240z's moved the diff back to keep the halfshafts more in line. It seems a lot of people moved the diff back on the early 240z. With it back then all the driveshafts from 240z to 280z will be the same, except the '75, it used different size driveshaft bolts. If your diff is one that is placed forward, keep the driveshaft, you can sell it to someone who goes with a "c" tranny which requires a shorter driveshaft.


Of course all of this is moot, if the diffy is already moved back.

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Bring it to the Oak St Pub on Tuesday night. HR sportscar group meets up every week for bs and a beer starting @6. We need more Datsuns in the group. Bunch of Porsche geeks for the most part but a good group of guys.

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Thanks for the kind words guys.  I'm hoping to have the Z back on Monday, and will get some more photos.  I updated another thread in the Z section, but my mechanic is doing me right and is going to replace every damn u joint in the drivetrain and change the diff/trans fluid to boot.  He says it should be done Monday, so a beer on Tues is very possible.  I typically get along with Porsche geeks (my first two cars were type 1 VWs), but keep me away from Harley types!  Just kidding.  If you want to spend three times as much for WWII technology go right ahead.  Seriously, dressing like a pirate as an adult is cool. 

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This one is my brother and I taking the Z to my dad's memorial service.  




Poor Z car rode almost 3000 miles this way.  




That jacket is full on 70's.  My brothers remembered my dad getting it with the car.  How cool is that?  Money clip and mug were my dad's too.  I have a ton of family photos involving the Z, but my favorite is a picture of my mom standing in front of it on their first date in 1974.

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Bring it to the Oak St Pub on Tuesday night. HR sportscar group meets up every week for bs and a beer starting @6. We need more Datsuns in the group. Bunch of Porsche geeks for the most part but a good group of guys.



The Z is running and driving well now, minus a few niggles.  I replaced her belts today with fancy new ones, and I took her to the weekly meeting of the local sports car group. Met Exit64 (who I'd actually met before through a mutual friend...).  His car is sweet, check out his plate.  Way cool.  Good time.  On the drive home (as it was getting dark) the Z's headlights intermittently cut out.  Exciting stuff!  I just turned on the old school fog lights and all was well.  99% sure it's the switch.  

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