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INSMNCS: John Cain

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While terrorists might practice guerrilla tactics. A guerrilla is not in any way a terrorist. A guerrilla is part of a small mobile force opposing another larger, usually superior, force using hit and run tactics choosing the time and place to their advantage.  The aim is to wear down and exhaust the enemy and force him to expend more men and equipment to cover every eventuality of attack rather than one decisive battle they would win. In this the guerrilla has the upper hand. Being mobile and small they attack weak spots and retreat when the enemy advances and harass when he retreats. Attacking the general populace is almost always counter productive to the guerrilla.


A terrorist is one who indiscriminately terrorizes the populace outside of the military. U.S. Code Title 22 Chapter 38, Section 2656f(d) defines terrorism as: “Premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents, usually intended to influence an audience.”


Fuck off, you never lived in South America nor Africa, guerrillas terrorize and kill anyone who opposes them, the are terrorists.sir.

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Fuck off, you never lived in South America nor Africa, guerrillas terrorize and kill anyone who opposes them, the are terrorists.sir.


Fuck off???



You mean Gorillas. :lol:


When guerrillas start slaughtering civilians to induce terror they become terrorists. No matter how noble just or correct the cause a guerrilla fights for, once he commits a terrorist act he takes on all the negative connotations of the word terrorist.  Worse he looses any support for his cause by the populace.


U.S. Code Title 22 Chapter 38, Section 2656f(d) defines terrorism as: “Premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets by sub-national groups or clandestine agents, usually intended to influence an audience.”....... I didn't make this up.

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great, more political BS in insomniacs




I guess you have to live in a country where guerrillas terrorize people in order for you guys to understand.


How are you not understanding this?

Oh wait...no #fml allowed.


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great, more political BS in insomniacs



Did you hear they are trying to take the red hats out of christmas??
















No??  Well then,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, DANCE!!





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Oh, I understand, I just don't accept the definition defined by the definite definition of the definition.




A guerrilla can become a terrorist but not the other way round. Once a terrorist always a terrorist. You can't un-ring that bell.


I understand Fuck off...... as in




Fuck off, you never lived in South America nor Africa, guerrillas terrorize and kill anyone who opposes them, the are terrorists.sir.

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