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why do we drive them?

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I believe that the reason I drive what I drive is because it was made when auto manufacturers wanted to have their own look, it always comes back to this for me, when I was a kid, I could get on top of a building and look down at a parking lot, even though I was a long ways away, I could tell who manufactured 90 percent of the cars in that lot, Pontiac was easy, fords and chevs were also fairly easy, and the Dodge/Plymouth wasn't that hard either, then in the 70s things started to change, they started to look all alike, I mean there were some standouts(expensive), but the run of the mill vehicle.....................


If you go to the top of that same building now and look down, my impression of what I see now is, "That looks like a herd of sheep", I cannot tell who made what down there, sure I can pick out a PT Cruiser, and that stupid chevy convertible truck, but I cannot tell who manufactured 90 percent of the vehicles, but I have to admit, I don't even care to learn.

I also was not able to afford a vehicle other than 80s stuff in the early 90s, and I can honestly say this, they sure made a lot of crap in the good ole USA in the 80s, so once I went threw a few of them gutless pieces of shit, I then bought 3 vehicles in the mid 90s, first was a 47 chevy truck that I put a 350/350 in, I bought a early 67 Datsun roadster, and then I bought a 1971 Datsun 521, I have the last two to this day, the 521 is my work truck, and the roadster is still just a roadster. :lol:

I want to drive something that I can say, now that you have met me, see that parking lot out there, which one is mine.

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Because at the end of the day it's mine. It's an extension of who I am (and want to be). 


My dad has had 510s since the 80's, I grew up with one that had a 250hp VG, full cage, safety-cone-orange paint, and an aluminum dash. When he took me for rides in it, he could make every head turn on the way to wherever we were going. Now I want mine to be that, it's how I get noticed.


Not noticed like I want the spotlight, because most people see it flash by on the freeway or downtown and will never see it again. Most people don't even see my face, even fewer know my name. It's there and makes people think. They love it, they hate, they want it, they wish that it would get junked. Doesn't really matter to me, but it's made an impression on them. Even when there's a picture of it on someone's site, or the Ratsun build gets mentioned because someone wants to figure how to do something on their own 510, it's about the car. Limelight's never been my thing, I can put my own face out there, with all the cool shit that I do, or that other people have helped me do. 


I'd take it over a new Corvette or GTR or whatever any day. If I spent $100,000+ on a car, I better not see one anything like it, ever. It better be the only one in the whole freakin' country. Unfortunately that's not true, but I can build a car that is not like anyone else's for a fraction of that. 


Oh yeah, and it tears up mountain roads and makes old farts in Porsche's and BMWs pull over because they're holding me up. Leisurely drive my ass. 

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  • 2 weeks later...


"I want to drive something that I can say, now that you have met me, see that parking lot out there, which one is mine.


And yet, when I fly into Los Angeles Airport, I can spot my RL411 from the landing airplane and "remember" which lot I have parked it ni! perhaps the "Aqua" color helps?

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Exactly, you can see your car from half a mile away, no Camry owner is going to be able to say that. 

"I want to drive something that I can say, now that you have met me, see that parking lot out there, which one is mine.

And yet, when I fly into Los Angeles Airport, I can spot my RL411 from the landing airplane and "remember" which lot I have parked it ni! perhaps the "Aqua" color helps?
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I had to search that one, I am an old guy with a flip phone. :lol:


Then you just might have come up with the real source! At the "original" Los Angeles Air Force Station [i'm dating myself] atop building 120 there was a wooden jogging track. The joggers were referred to as "turtles" and when asked "Are you a turtle?" the standard answer was "You Sweet Your Sweet Ass I Am" YBSWIA. The original Air Force Station is now a row of Condominions, the Air Force moved across the road to the former Navy asssembly plant. It is now officially "Los Angeles Air Force Base". Of course, it is in El Segundo, not Los Angeles!

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This thread has inspired me to work on my truck today......

My life isn't meaningless! My thread has done something!

We are all here because we want some old shit car that may or may not be cool, or worth any moneys. Oh well, build what you want.

Build on!

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