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You really think that he was serious?? He was asking to buy a front apron for the car he hasn't even bought yet,,, because he thought it would look ,,,, so dope.  The extent of his research on putting flares on a 4door was post this thread,

The realm..??. The guy doesn't even own a Datsun!!!  ,, He most likely saw that car he uses as an avatar on Xbox or some shit. Or someone posted it on the Honda website his high school isn't blocking.


He's a  fucking Fatlace/stancenation wannabe fanboi  troll and i thought i called him on it in my earlier posts,,,  but my responses must have been to sarcastic.




I'm out!!








Even though you were never in.

:rofl: :rofl:


Well, the last time I thought someone was a troll and I hinted that, apparently I was wrong.  I give up on trolls.  I figure it doesn't hurt to answer their questions, because you know some noob will eventually click on this post and probably won't read it all to find out some of the replies are total BS. So for their sake, I don't give erroneous info.  


And no, I don't always get your humor! :huh:   But then I'm sure most of my humor sounds better in my head then how you guys interpret it. :frantics:  At least that's what my wife tells me all the time.  I can't tell you how many times I type a reply on here and never post it.  I'm sure Ratsun is a better place because of that!  :D

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You really think that he was serious?? He was asking to buy a front apron for the car he hasn't even bought yet,,, because he thought it would look ,,,, so dope.  The extent of his research on putting flares on a 4door was post this thread,

The realm..??. The guy doesn't even own a Datsun!!!  ,, He most likely saw that car he uses as an avatar on Xbox or some shit. Or someone posted it on the Honda website his high school isn't blocking.


He's a  fucking Fatlace/stancenation wannabe fanboi  troll and i thought i called him on it in my earlier posts,,,  but my responses must have been to sarcastic.




I'm out!!








Even though you were never in.

:rofl: :rofl:


Another case of the tough guy picking on the noob.


Figured I could come here to learn a few things before I picked up a 510, but boy was I wrong.


I have no intention of building a "stanced" car, I simply like the look of those specific flares to accommodate a wider wheel/tire setup that stock doesn't allow for, but again my bad for coming here to find out more info.


Yes I am a complete noob when it comes to Datsuns, but usually a forum is a good place to start learning, right???


Sorry If I've offended anyone, but why is it that anytime someone asks a question that is basic knowledge for some, it becomes open season to shit all over them?

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Another case of the tough guy picking on the noob.


Figured I could come here to learn a few things before I picked up a 510, but boy was I wrong.


I have no intention of building a "stanced" car, I simply like the look of those specific flares to accommodate a wider wheel/tire setup that stock doesn't allow for, but again my bad for coming here to find out more info.


Yes I am a complete noob when it comes to Datsuns, but usually a forum is a good place to start learning, right???


Sorry If I've offended anyone, but why is it that anytime someone asks a question that is basic knowledge for some, it becomes open season to shit all over them?


You just have to brush that shit off.  Banana is always sarcastic.  Every forum is full of people that don't understand that what they type, may not come across as they intended.  And some don't care.  It's all part of being on a Forum.  Personally, I've been to all the other Datsun and 510 Forums, and FB pages, but for me, this one has the least amount of what I don't like, so it suits me best (whether they like it or not!).  Maybe it doesn't suit everyone, that's just life.  Even if it's not this site, find a place you're happy at.  The Datsun community has a wealth of knowledge to share, and most are happy to share it.

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Another case of the tough guy picking on the noob.


Figured I could come here to learn a few things before I picked up a 510, but boy was I wrong.


I have no intention of building a "stanced" car, I simply like the look of those specific flares to accommodate a wider wheel/tire setup that stock doesn't allow for, but again my bad for coming here to find out more info.


Yes I am a complete noob when it comes to Datsuns, but usually a forum is a good place to start learning, right???


Sorry If I've offended anyone, but why is it that anytime someone asks a question that is basic knowledge for some, it becomes open season to shit all over them?

There will be some poking and prodding.  Count on it.  It's an internet thing.  These screens that divide us, also grant our bullshit licence.  If you can't laugh with them, you may be making the right choice bailing.  Though I am not recommending calling it just yet.  Bananna and others have plenty to offer, and I expect will have plenty to offer you if you roll with the punches.  And even dish them some in return.  Ratsun as a whole sees a ton of terrible mistakes involving Datsuns that end up on Craigslist half hacked.  They usually start exactly like this.  Ratsun also sees ridiculous builds that drop our jaws starting like this. 


This is your thread.  You own it's direction.  Others will backseat drive and grab at the wheel.  You can put there ass back in their child seat with picks of progress.  Or you can go to the next forum and hope for a more timid response.  


Buuuuut.  Welcome to Ratsun.  There are a bunch of builds with rear flares on here.  They tend to kill cars and are frowned on when they are done to a cherry Dime.  If you buy a previously modified car, or something with some problems, there is much more acceptance.  But in the end, this is for you so take shit serious and make them eat their words.  

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There are a bunch of builds with rear flares on here. They tend to kill cars and are frowned on when they are done to a cherry Dime.



I seen a guy Sawzall a pristine 510 cause of some steel wheels he got FREE was to big and hit fenders. So He Jeep Cherokeed the wheelwells.

How about buy wheels that fit.??


Fix a project we will LOve you for Saving a datsun

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its been a while since we had some fresh meat here... this is kinda nice to get a laugh.  Don't give up on the Datsun dream cause a bunch of us trolled you, give up on the Datsun dream cause you will ruin a 4 door. 


"he who has 4 doors, can fit many a whores"


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Another case of the tough guy picking on the noob.


Figured I could come here to learn a few things before I picked up a 510, but boy was I wrong.


I have no intention of building a "stanced" car, I simply like the look of those specific flares to accommodate a wider wheel/tire setup that stock doesn't allow for, but again my bad for coming here to find out more info.


Yes I am a complete noob when it comes to Datsuns, but usually a forum is a good place to start learning, right???


Sorry If I've offended anyone, but why is it that anytime someone asks a question that is basic knowledge for some, it becomes open season to shit all over them?


Hey man, sorry about my fender mirror comment.  It was more of a knock at fender mirrors, cause I think they're lame.  I also think most flares make little sense when people often don't remove enough of the stock metal for them to be of much use, unless you're rolling donk status or have zero suspension travel.

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All good guys...Just lame when that's the first thing that comes out when I jump on here. I don't take it serious, just think it's funny when people feel the need to get tough online.


The screens between us definitely make people grow big balls that's for sure.


I've put the Datsun on hold and am going a different direction, but I'll eventually build the 510 that I want...And trust me, I'll do it the right way and won't fuck it up....Thanks guys, see ya around.

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