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BaaD Sellers on Craigslisp

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People on craigslist be treatin me all wrong, selling cars out from under me. It seems that the only way to sure fire buy a car on that shit site is to offer moar monies than their asking price. Then, of course, you get the obligatory "why the fuck you doing dat" from both your friends and the seller his or herself. Smells fishy to the seller, and your friends feel like your throwing money away.


Recent XP (yesterday): I call this fellard up in regards to his 280zx 2+2 for $500. 2+2's are ugly. At least it puts a Datsun in the yard, and I was getting it for my brother. I express my interest in the car over the phone. Dude talks about how he's got all these other turbo z cars/that he's broke. I ask him if he's going to hold it for me until I get there as I'm an hour away. Told him about a past experience where someone sold a car out from under me when I was more than halfway there. He said, no mang I wouldn't do dat. If you say your coming to get the car, I'll hold it for you. blah blah blah.


I call him when I'm about to leave. He explains that he was setting it out for sale on his lawn, and his jackass neighbor bought it. Jackass.


This is a recurrent theme too. I'm to the point where I don't even want to try to buy or look for any cars there anymore. They are either sold when I call or sold when I'm traveling to see them (unless they are overpriced). I think physical car hunter is where it's at (roaming through the backwoods).


And then there's lazy sellers too..but


First come, first serve is flawed. I'm telling you.



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I would have "served" any of the 6 people that said they were going to show up (last week alone) to look at my 68 2002 i'm selling..


If any of those asswipes would have even showed!!




 in your story you say it should be "first come first serve" but ,, wasn't the neighbor there before you??

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Awww poor baby. Life, deal with it.  The first person to me with cash gets what im selling, ive had enough people not show that i dont hold for anyone anymore.  


You got to look at it from the sellers point of view, YOU WANT IT GONE, and you knwo most people flake on craigslist, why they are called Craigslist Flakes, so to actually have someone show up is fucking AWESOME!!!!    


Now i know how i sound when ive made threads like this. 

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I seded that first come first served is flawed! I was first in line. 


You saying peeps can break in line?@!

It dont matter shit that you called first, he was next door, he had cash, so technically HE was first in line. Now if the guy had called and was coming like you, yes he cut in line, but he knows the guy, hes next door or in the same town, of course he will get priority. He had the cash, he was there, he got it. Sucks i know, i hate it to when i want to buy something and someone sells to someoen else when i was extremely interested. But you have to remember, LOTS of people are intersted in datsuns, and most likely going to be just as hard core for it as you were. Shit happens, deal with it, and move onto the next ad.  


Recent XP (not a multi player game) Experience, I helped a friend sell a wagon, was going off emails i got in line first, Gave number to this local girl first, she called him, set up a time to look, never called back, he told me he didnt hear back from her, so i gave the number to the next guy in line from seattle, he came down that next day and bought the wagon, i get a message from the girl the next day saying she changed her mind. Well she was first in line, and she would of caused my friend NOT to sell his wagon, so the 2nd in line got it.  People are flakes. 

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The worst one was when I was going to look at a Chevy 4x4 pickup somewhere's. Was texting and calling the dude all the way up until I got to our meeting spot. When I got there, I called him. He sounded like some pathetic bastard, was curt in conversation and then when I hung up.. he texted me stating that he sold it. 


Called the guy back, and he wouldn't answer the phone. I left a message asking if he really sold it and to call me back if he did. He never called, and I wasted $20 in gas.


I made use of PrankDial and web-based phone texts on that one.

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It happens. I've had so many cars sold out from under me that it's not even disappointing anymore.. more like expected.


Just learn to cope with it; that's what getting older and wiser is all about. Use it as a learning experience, not only as a buyer, but a seller. Here's what I mean.. Imagine from this point on, that you're going to sell something. If you have someone call from 2 hours away and offer to come get it next Saturday, then later on some stranger walking along in front of your yard and offers you the same amount, you would be WISE to take the money that is in front of you. Unless you have some other motive for holding onto it(long time friend, relative, hot chick you're gonna bang, etc..), then don't wait around for someone who could potentially(and likely) flake. I've learned a saying in the last couple years, and it's "Strike when the iron is hot". Meaning, golden opportunities don't last. Get em while you can.. if I could go back in time and give myself any piece of advice at a young age, it would be that.


Anyhow, don't let it get you down. I think you actually dodged a bullet :lol: a 2+2 ZX is nobody's cup 'o' tea. Don't be desperate. Keep saving your money for something that you ACTUALLY want... and don't invest in money pits that don't you actually want just to 'get you by' in the meantime.

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First there with cash always wins, If I got people on their way at the same time, I always tell them that. Period.


Getting people to show up is a pain in the ass enough on craigslist, You put the money in my hand first and its yours. That is standard operating procedure.


You sounded serious? That doesnt mean anything. I have all kinds of people calling about stuff that "sound serious" and only %25 or even less show up to pick up what they called about.

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I cant hate on craigslist, for all the BS I deal with, I get alot of my most amazing scores off of Craigslist.


I picked up a 33 gallon Speedaire 2HP compressor for $80, Tons of audio equipment for way less $$ than its worth, a Nissan Maxima for $850, ect ect.....


Its all about timing.

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i will hold an item for drive time only. if you call and say your on you way you get an hour tops, then on to the next. i expect the same from sellers. if i say i am on my way and you sell it before i get there your just a douche. if you say your going to show up and dont..... i hope you choke on a bag of dicks. 

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People have no ethics any more. It used to be taught at home and school and (dare I say church) but now a days??? Everyone is out for the buck any way and are shameless. On the flip side there are the flakes that say they will show and don't.


I swear the rapture back in '72 took up all the honest people. Besides me, who is quoted as saying "Hell.... is other people"

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we have it way to easy now, millions of items at the click of a button  ..... nobody should really complain . so what you got flaked on....oh sorry im not going to make it.... oh you already sold it!!?........  oh sorry i already sold it


just be stoked that, the opportunity was found ...literally within minutes. probably  even seconds at the type of a word.....



a couple of decades ago there was a man who waited 20 years to find that one part... his ass never complained 




disclaimer: only directed towards those offended  

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